Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

I'm in my feelings because an innocent man is dead. And yet you and the rest are advocating for leniency for these 2 "children". All i'm hearing is stuff about emotional intelligence, stuff about their upbringing, and a bunch of other irreverent babble. Let's not lose sight on the actual victim here. Anwar did not deserve to die. So you'll have to forgive me if I want actual justice for the victim.

Screenshot us your contribution to the GoFundMe
I'm in my feelings because an innocent man is dead. And yet you and the rest are advocating for leniency for these 2 "children". All i'm hearing is stuff about emotional intelligence, stuff about their upbringing, and a bunch of other irreverent babble. Let's not lose sight on the actual victim here. Anwar did not deserve to die. So you'll have to forgive me if I want actual justice for the victim.

They are 13 and 15. So yes they are CHILDREN that is a FACT. The notion that they're not is problematic in itself. Also care to elaborate how these things are not relevant to the circumstances?

Once again no one in this thread has said they shouldn't suffer consequences. Why does Brock Turner and Cameron Terrell two white MALE ADULTS are able to use the defense of being a child and their upbringing in their defense but these girls are not?

Once again NO ONE said there shouldn't be punishment. You can't be this obtuse.
For those who think these kids deserve a life sentence: do you find it unsettling that the United States stands alone as the only nation that sentences people to life in prison without the chance of parole for crimes they committed before the age of 18? Does the fact that the United States has the highest prison population per capita out of any nation despite scoring lower on societal health indexes in comparison to nations that are seemingly more lenient/permissive give you pause in your consideration of how we handle criminals?
who's defending the actions of these children? point them out

He isn't the only one that feels that way sadly.

That is why a few pages ago I said this wasn't an ALL vs. Nothing; Black vs. White; 0 vs. 100 type of conversation.

Saying, "I don't think the girls should get life" doesn't mean "I don't value the life of Mr. Anwar."

Everything doesn't have to be either/or people.
Not wanting CHILDREN (again... words mean things and by definition they are children ) to get a life sentence does not equate to defending their actions

Also Not wanting CHILDREN (again... words mean things and by definition they are children ) to get a life sentence does not mean we don’t have compassion for the actual victim who life was taken from him ......... we can do both
They are 13 and 15. So yes they are CHILDREN that is a FACT. The notion that they're not is problematic in itself. Also care to elaborate how these things are not relevant to the circumstances?

Once again no one in this thread has said they shouldn't suffer consequences. Why does Brock Turner and Cameron Terrell two white MALE ADULTS are able to use the defense of being a child and their upbringing in their defense but these girls are not?

Once again NO ONE said there shouldn't be punishment. You can't be this obtuse.

Isn’t this backwards when it comes to killing or hurting people? I’m sure anyone other than a racist and misogynist would agree that people like Brock Turner deserve life in prison or worse. Just because white people like him get away with being human trash doesn’t mean that others should be let off easy.

all this crying over “They were just kids :frown: “ just because you have an extremely low standard for appropriate behavior for “kids” doesn’t mean the rest of us have to. Not saying they should be executed or anything extreme, but they definitely should face the same consequences an adult would for causing someone’s death. Not sure why this incident is being equated to childish mischief or petty crimes...
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A lot of this is really just a bunch of knee-jerk reactionaries getting angry over things they made up in their own imaginations.

I've been screaming it from the rooftop for years on here...nuance is dead :lol:

I peeped how the thread was going and knew that as soon as there was pushback on the "take em out back and slaughter em!" energy with actual logic and reasoning, that it would be misconstrued as "defending" the two girls. That's what EVERYTHING eventually devolves into now. One end of two extremes.

I don't think a single person in this thread is trying to absolve these girls of what happened. Some of the same fake progressive ****** on this board instantly came in here trying to violate the 8th amendment for some reason, and that's when **** went left.
I'll say this in parting. I hope none of your family members are senselessly killed by violence. Until it happens to you, you'll never know the anger and rage felt towards these perpetrators regardless of their age.
I'll say this in parting. I hope none of your family members are senselessly killed by violence. Until it happens to you, you'll never know the anger and rage felt towards these perpetrators regardless of their age.

Quote one person in here that has claimed to , "know the anger and rage felt."

Just one.
I understand the sentiment. We’ve seen black kids have their murders justified because they were allegedly “thugs” for smoking weed in high school, while white kids have blockbuster movies like Superbad that glorify underage drinking, illegal drug use, theft, etc. in their culture. There definitely is a double standard when it comes to appropriate behavior for black kids and black people in general.

However TO ME there are some things that just do not deserve leniency regardless of age and race, and causing someone’s death is one of them. I personally am not saying that they deserve death before someone tries to loop me in with that; again, I just personally believe they should get the same punishment an adult would get for committing this specific type of crime.

I still think it’s completely bizarre to ask for leniency just because Brock Turner got a slap on the wrist for raping someone though. I don’t know anyone who was happy with that decision other than the scumbag judge who people in my county voted out afterwards (and he should be in prison as well)
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I'll say this in parting. I hope none of your family members are senselessly killed by violence. Until it happens to you, you'll never know the anger and rage felt towards these perpetrators regardless of their age.
That trip called the middle passage still stings, and I am still waiting for justice.
Sad all around. Plenty of immigrant families come here to work these types of jobs to provide for their families and then the unimaginable happens.

I mean 13 and 15? Seriously? Something is wrong with the younger generations for real. Plus one of them has priors? If you're robbing someone, be prepared for the absolute worst, and this is the worst. Face the consequences, they should get at a minimum 30 years.

But seriously...

View attachment 2774017
They had no regard for others property or human life?

They absolutely had no regard for human life when the used a taser on him and sped off as he clung on to the door.
Screenshot us your contribution to the GoFundMe
This rhetorical, right?

Not defending him or saying you guys are wrong but the families GoFundMe has reached $1,051,250 :smile:wow:smile:. Nothing he contributes will help bring justice to the family. I get what you're saying, though :lol:

Once again no one in this thread has said they shouldn't suffer consequences. Why does Brock Turner and Cameron Terrell two white MALE ADULTS are able to use the defense of being a child and their upbringing in their defense but these girls are not?

I agree that was totally unfair how adults Brock and Cameron got preferential treatment while these actual children will not. What irks me the most is the lack of consistency. It's hard to win when the rules aren't the same and/or keep changing.
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