Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

Lots of people sounding sheltered in here. No one is excusing their actions but that's the reality of certain areas in this country. And that's how those in charge want it to be.

That’s exactly what it is. Making blanket statements about things they or their children would never do and they’ve never been in a situation where they have had to do such actions.
What situation were they born in that set them up to end a delivery drivers life while on the job?

You are better than this man.

1. I like how you simplified the crime as, "to end a delivery drivers life while on the job?"
It was an "armed ROBBERY." The intent was to acquire goods. The intent wasn't to kill because they didn't even kill using the "weapon" they brought to the crime scene.

2. I know you know this but since you asked:

Daily chart - The stark relationship between income inequality and crime | Graphic detail | The Economist
Dawg it’s literally on this page :lol:

“Why can't we feel for the girls and the situation they were born into WHILE feeling horribly for the family of Mr. Anwar?”

I’ll wait for you to spin it since it isn’t exactly what I said but the same exact message

Well you are the one that spun what I said and took away ALL context of my statement.

Please refer to the context of my statement.

Again, I didn't know we were FORCED to ONLY feel sorry for one of the parties involved in this tragedy.

I didn't know that we weren't allowed to feel bad for these girls that they felt the need to rob this man.

But apparently we must pick A (one) side here.

Niketalk, the last of Black and White.
Lots of people sounding sheltered in here. No one is excusing their actions but that's the reality of certain areas in this country. And that's how those in charge want it to be.

Sheltered? 🤣 I probably grew up in a worst neighborhood than most....I understand how the environment can shape some people, you also have to understand that these girls didn’t do this as a means to an end, what exactly was their end game aside from just wanting to cause harm and be BAD? Were they gonna sell the car for scraps to feed themselves? This ***** was malicious and with intent to harm....not gonna say they woke up that day wanting to end someone’s life, but they woke up that day ready to hurt someone.

the sympathetic vibe for a pair of killers in this thread is wild.
Well you are the one that spun what I said and took away ALL context of my statement.

Please refer to the context of my statement.

Again, I didn't know we were FORCED to ONLY feel sorry for one of the parties involved in this tragedy.

I didn't know that we weren't allowed to feel bad for these girls that they felt the need to rob this man.

But apparently we must pick A (one) side here.

Niketalk, the last of Black and White.

Bless your heart, you are pretty forgiving....just understand why others wouldn’t be as keen to simply let them off the hook or remotely feel bad for them in the least....I feel bad for only one party here, THEIR VICTIM....

Ya can argue they are victims of a broader systemic problem, just know that unfortunately individuals are still responsible for their own actions, taking someone’s unprovoked is something I can’t ever allow myself to accept...because while the victim here is not my family, this same thing can strike hone any second and I’d want whoever did it, to burn....I could care less about their upbringing, lack of parenting, skin color or financial situation.
That’s exactly what it is. Making blanket statements about things they or their children would never do and they’ve never been in a situation where they have had to do such actions.

Like kill someone and show more concern for a phone immediately after?....
Bless your heart, you are pretty forgiving....just understand why others wouldn’t be as keen to simply let them off the hook or remotely feel bad for them in the least....I feel bad for only one party here, THEIR VICTIM....

Ya can argue they are victims of a broader systemic problem, just know that unfortunately individuals are still responsible for their own actions, taking someone’s unprovoked is something I can’t ever allow myself to accept...because while the victim here is not my family, this same thing can strike hone any second and I’d want whoever did it, to burn....I could care less about their upbringing, lack of parenting, skin color or financial situation.

I think when you lose someone to something like this, your perspective definitely changes. This is not a family member dying of some disease or old age. This is someone’s life cut short via murder whether it was their intention or not. They tased him multiple times. Once they were caught and it was becoming a big scene, they could have said f this and got the hell out of the car and run away.

It’s one thing to watch boyz n the hood on your tv and see ricky’s family screaming and crying, but it definitely hits different when it’s YOUR family screaming and crying the same exact way and that is the best way I can describe the scene when the family found out.
Well, that takes the blame the parents excuse out the window. We are getting somewhere.

While I agree that statement holds true for the driver the 15 year old, I can’t say the same for the passenger the 13 year old. Reason being cause as a parent if your child is and has been getting arrested MULTIPLE TIMES within the past few months that’s more than enough for an alarm. In basketball terms there would need to be a full court press from any and all family members to apply pressure of any and every sort to the young girl. Otherwise you leave your child to the mercy of the streets and the pitfalls of it. I understand family members may have jobs, active work schedules, lives of their own to run and be concerned with.......I get all that.

However, with this young girl being in trouble and having multiple run-ins with the law there shouldn’t be a moment in time where THAT particular young girl shouldn’t be without an adult near her and definitely not free to be in the streets. I don’t care if you have to tie a rope around the waist of you and your child to make it abundantly clear that wherever your child goes....you go. You have to go to work.....WE are going to work. You have to go to the bathroom.....WE have to go to the bathroom, you want to go get something to eat.....WE go get something to eat. Now because that didn’t occur on the parents end for the 13 year old she is left to fend for herself with a public defender who most likely isn’t vested in the 13 year old or the 15 year old up against a prosecuting attorney with a million dollars in their pocket with a national political backdrop. When I see people on here saying “the parents need to be held accountable”.....I think they mean in this kind of way and what the parents could have done more of to help prevent this.

In regards to the plea deal for the 2 girls......

The teens have reportedly pled the juvenile version of "not guilty."

"If you were to reach a plea agreement, then the juvenile would admit involvement," said Lotze, who also said the agreement could include, "… potentially being in a youth shelter involvement, which is similar to a jail but for juveniles. Or could involve being on home detention or being on probation."

....I could care less about their upbringing, lack of parenting, skin color or financial situation.

I know you don't. I knew that without you even typing the words out.

But that is the world we live in. A world without nuance. A world that we only look at the effect while not considering the cause.

It's cool though.
Bless your heart, you are pretty forgiving....just understand why others wouldn’t be as keen to simply let them off the hook or remotely feel bad for them in the least....I feel bad for only one party here, THEIR VICTIM....

Most is because of the ages of these kids. If they were full grown adults (depending on the age), I wouldn't be signing the same tune.

I see on a daily basis just HOW young 13/15 actually is and I know kids just do dumb things man. So yea, I am pretty forgiving when it comes to making judgements on young kids from my city that has failed black folks for decades.

I'm sorry for not looking at the act in a vacuum. My fault.

But go head and tell me that I am making excuses for them and not holding them accountable for their actions. I know it is either or for some of you.
While I agree that statement holds true for the driver the 15 year old, I can’t say the same for the passenger the 13 year old. Reason being cause as a parent if your child is and has been getting arrested MULTIPLE TIMES within the past few months that’s more than enough for an alarm. In basketball terms there would need to be a full court press from any and all family members to apply pressure of any and every sort to the young girl. Otherwise you leave your child to the mercy of the streets and the pitfalls of it. I understand family members may have jobs, active work schedules, lives of their own to run and be concerned with.......I get all that.

However, with this young girl being in trouble and having multiple run-ins with the law there shouldn’t be a moment in time where THAT particular young girl shouldn’t be without an adult near her and definitely not free to be in the streets. I don’t care if you have to tie a rope around the waist of you and your child to make it abundantly clear that wherever your child goes....you go. You have to go to work.....WE are going to work. You have to go to the bathroom.....WE have to go to the bathroom, you want to go get something to eat.....WE go get something to eat. Now because that didn’t occur on the parents end for the 13 year old she is left to fend for herself with a public defender who most likely isn’t vested in the 13 year old or the 15 year old up against a prosecuting attorney with a million dollars in their pocket with a national political backdrop. When I see people on here saying “the parents need to be held accountable”.....I think they mean in this kind of way and what the parents could have done more of to help prevent this.

In regards to the plea deal for the 2 girls......

The teens have reportedly pled the juvenile version of "not guilty."

"If you were to reach a plea agreement, then the juvenile would admit involvement," said Lotze, who also said the agreement could include, "… potentially being in a youth shelter involvement, which is similar to a jail but for juveniles. Or could involve being on home detention or being on probation."

Oh look there is people with common sense left on NT, maybe it will be perceived better, but that’s exactly what I meant about accountability for the parents, I’ve repeated multiple times, she’s already had her run ins with the law, the alarm has been sound, as a parent I would think you do what you must at that point, WHATEVER it takes to help set her on the right path....if you just put your hands up in the air and didn’t care, her actions on this day also fall on you....like many of you have repeated, shes 13 years old.
I know you don't. I knew that without you even typing the words out.

But that is the world we live in. A world without nuance. A world that we only look at the effect while not considering the cause.

It's cool though.

Nah I live in a reality where I don’t accept waking up and murdering someone simply because you were bored is acceptable, regardless of your situation....but if that’s where you reside, let’s hope that forgiveness is never put to the test.
Most is because of the ages of these kids. If they were full grown adults (depending on the age), I wouldn't be signing the same tune.

I see on a daily basis just HOW young 13/15 actually is and I know kids just do dumb things man. So yea, I am pretty forgiving when it comes to making judgements on young kids from my city that has failed black folks for decades.

I'm sorry for not looking at the act in a vacuum. My fault.

But go head and tell me that I am making excuses for them and not holding them accountable for their actions. I know it is either or for some of you.

I did say look into the adults behind these kids as well didnt I? And ya chewed me up for that too....so in a perfect world we tell the victims family, sorry for your loss but we gonna get to work on the other two victims of this tragic incident....because it seems a lot of ya implying they are victims as well.
Nah I live in a reality where I don’t accept waking up and murdering someone simply because you were bored is acceptable, regardless of your situation....but if that’s where you reside, let’s hope that forgiveness is never put to the test.
"Because you were bored. - Is this what you are resorting to now?

I would argue living in reality would mean to recognize how/why certain people are more prone to commit crimes.

Again, sorry for attempting to look at the WHOLE picture.
I did say look into the adults behind these kids as well didnt I? And ya chewed me up for that too....so in a perfect world we tell the victims family, sorry for your loss but we gonna get to work on the other two victims of this tragic incident....because it seems a lot of ya implying they are victims as well.

No, you immediately said to lock the parents up. That was your FIRST statement.

Then when the heat came, you tried explaining yourself.

So yea, please stop acting as if your point of mentioning the adults was for anything OTHER THAN to criminalize.
I see age being the biggest factor for most of y’all. At what age are there no more excuses?

I was thinking about this.

I just can't see wishing a life sentence (which was the main reason age was being discussed) on anyone 21 and younger.
I was thinking about this.

I just can't see wishing a life sentence (which was the main reason age was being discussed) on anyone 21 and younger.

But I see no outrage from you as far as the plea deal and the fact that these two girls may very well be home within a few months and on probation until they’re 21 or so.
But I see no outrage from you as far as the plea deal and the fact that these two girls may very well be home within a few months and on probation until they’re 21 or so.

That is your problem, not mine.

But you can keep waiting for it if you want.
"Because you were bored. - Is this what you are resorting to now?

I would argue living in reality would mean to recognize how/why certain people are more prone to commit crimes.

Again, sorry for attempting to look at the WHOLE picture.

They are 13 and 15 years of age! They owned cellphones, so that tells me they can afford at least a meal and didn’t do this because it was imperative to their survival, cut the crap man....at this age, whatever mischief you get into is simply because you are unsupervised and allowed to have too much of that unsupervised time to do DUMB ****

hence why I said, INVESTIGATE what the parenting is like, one is already confirmed has no active parents, the other does but also has multiple recent runnings with the law, this is the 13 year old...I think is time we look at what measures her parents took to attempt to set her straight...if none at all, hold the actual adults accountable to some degree of punishment, but ya also don’t want that....so basically ***** justice for the victim in this case.....ya do know this is the same damn logic that has been used in court to defend white kids with money that do dumb ****...rape comes to mind, “well one life is ruined already, why do we need to ruin little Jakes, he has his whole life ahead to do good” FOH! ya do see the hypocrisy in the sympathy displayed in this thread?
Oh look there is people with common sense left on NT, maybe it will be perceived better, but that’s exactly what I meant about accountability for the parents, I’ve repeated multiple times, she’s already had her run ins with the law, the alarm has been sound, as a parent I would think you do what you must at that point, WHATEVER it takes to help set her on the right path....if you just put your hands up in the air and didn’t care, her actions on this day also fall on you....like many of you have repeated, shes 13 years old.
I'm pretty sure someone posted there are no parents in their lives.
No, you immediately said to lock the parents up. That was your FIRST statement.

Then when the heat came, you tried explaining yourself.

So yea, please stop acting as if your point of mentioning the adults was for anything OTHER THAN to criminalize.

Fam Idk how long you been around these parts, but know better than to think I backpeddle....my initial post was very emotional and vague, but I still stand by my point that the parents should be looked at....wether that’s jail time, that’s up to the courts to decide, a 13 year old is the responsibility of a parent, if a parent can be locked up for negligence that causes harm to the kid himself, why can’t a parent be locked up if that same level of negligence caused their kid to take someone else’s life?
And why would you assign that arbitrary number?
I think I picked 21 because t is enough time removed from High School to no longer be in that child/teen period.

But I am willing to go up to 25 honestly. It is a tough question man.

But I wouldn't JUST consider the age, the background of the person has to be taken into consideration as well.

But remember this is only in reference to ME being cool with someone being served a Life Sentence.
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