Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

I think I picked 21 because t is enough time removed from High School to no longer be in that child/teen period.

But I am willing to go up to 25 honestly. It is a tough question man.

But I wouldn't JUST consider the age, the background of the person has to be taken into consideration as well.

But remember this is only in reference to ME being cool with someone being served a Life Sentence.
Would there be exceptions to this? What consequence would be the limit to someone under the age of 21?
Fam Idk how long you been around these parts, but know better than to think I backpeddle....my initial post was very emotional and vague, but I still stand by my point that the parents should be looked at....wether that’s jail time, that’s up to the courts to decide, a 13 year old is the responsibility of a parent, if a parent can be locked up for negligence that causes harm to the kid himself, why can’t a parent be locked up if that same level of negligence caused their kid to take someone else’s life?

You backpeddle quite often though.

How many times have you said wildly racist/insensitive things and had to be checked publicly for them for you only to spend countless pages attempting to clean up your words?

That is why I said I know what I am dealing with when it comes to you and conversations like this.

Like I said, you didn't give a damn about the parents OTHER THAN to bring charges upon them. But you can continue acting as though that isn't the truth. Do your thing.
You backpeddle quite often though.

How many times have you said wildly racist/insensitive things and had to be checked publicly for them for you only to spend countless pages attempting to clean up your words?

That is why I said I know what I am dealing with when it comes to you and conversations like this.

Like I said, you didn't give a damn about the parents OTHER THAN to bring charges upon them. But you can continue acting as though that isn't the truth. Do your thing.

Why should I care about the parents?? The only people I feel sympathy in this situation is for the victims family, the 15 year old has no active parents, why should I care about them? The 13 year old does and from the looks of it they are just as inactive, while this may be an assumption, perhaps is worth a look, shes 13 years old and if a parent can be charged for negligence if their kid accidentally kills himself with their gun, I don’t see why is soooooo far fetched to look into them and see if their negligence played a factor in this 13 year old doing what she did.
Why should I care about the parents?? The only people I feel sympathy in this situation is for the victims family, the 15 year old has no active parents, why should I care about them? The 13 year old does and from the looks of it they are just as inactive, while this may be an assumption, perhaps is worth a look, shes 13 years old and if a parent can be charged for negligence if their kid accidentally kills himself with their gun, I don’t see why is soooooo far fetched to look into them and see if their negligence played a factor in this 13 year old doing what she did.

YOU shouldn't care about the parents. I am not SAYING you should. I don't expect YOU to care about them.

I simply said YOU only brought the parents up as a means to criminalize them.

I said that in response to you agreeing with deuce king deuce king as if you actually gave a damn about the parents outside of "locking them up."

why is soooooo far fetched to look into them and see if their negligence played a factor in this 13 year old doing what she did.
Now you are just reaching for BS. Nobody in this entire thread has ever suggested otherwise. (If I am lying QUOTE the person that has).

But continue reaching.
YOU shouldn't care about the parents. I am not SAYING you should. I don't expect YOU to care about them.

I simply said YOU only brought the parents up as a means to criminalize them.

I said that in response to you agreeing with deuce king deuce king as if you actually gave a damn about the parents outside of "locking them up."

You seem to think I personally have it out for the parents....why do YOU think that? Are you implying something? Quit beating around the bush and say exactly what you mean.

because all I want is as much justice as you can possibly get for the victim....obviously because these are children, the law will have them back out on the streets in less than 10 years, maybe they’ll rehab, or maybe they’ll come out worst than they went in, that’s all up to the juvie system...having friends that work in that system, rehabilitating troubled kids isn’t as easy as ya making it seem....I’m sorry but if that was my father they killed and knowing the killers of my dad will still have their adult life to live out free while he’s gone, YES I’d want punishment for the people that were supposed to keep these children in check....because ultimately their negligence could POSSIBLY be what led to my parents death and if that’s the case, justice can be better served that way.
So if a 15 or 13 year old were to kick y’all in the nuts would you chalk it up to “well they’re too young to know”, give them a head nod, and keep walking? :lol:
The more than I think about it, The age 25 seems more reasonable than 21.

blastercombo blastercombo

It doesn't matter how smart teens are or how well they scored on the SAT or ACT. ... The rational part of a teen's brain isn't fully developed and won't be until age 25 or so. In fact, recent research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain's rational part.

It doesn’t matter how smart teens are or how well they scored on the SAT or ACT. Good judgment isn’t something they can excel in, at least not yet.

The rational part of a teen’s brain isn’t fully developed and won’t be until age 25 or so.

In fact, recent research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain’s rational part. This is the part of the brain that responds to situations with good judgment and an awareness of long-term consequences. Teens process information with the amygdala. This is the emotional part.

In teens' brains, the connections between the emotional part of the brain and the decision-making center are still developing—and not always at the same rate. That’s why when teens have overwhelming emotional input, they can’t explain later what they were thinking. They weren’t thinking as much as they were feeling.

The more than I think about it, The age 25 seems more reasonable than 21.

blastercombo blastercombo

It doesn't matter how smart teens are or how well they scored on the SAT or ACT. ... The rational part of a teen's brain isn't fully developed and won't be until age 25 or so. In fact, recent research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain's rational part.

It doesn’t matter how smart teens are or how well they scored on the SAT or ACT. Good judgment isn’t something they can excel in, at least not yet.

The rational part of a teen’s brain isn’t fully developed and won’t be until age 25 or so.

In fact, recent research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain’s rational part. This is the part of the brain that responds to situations with good judgment and an awareness of long-term consequences. Teens process information with the amygdala. This is the emotional part.

In teens' brains, the connections between the emotional part of the brain and the decision-making center are still developing—and not always at the same rate. That’s why when teens have overwhelming emotional input, they can’t explain later what they were thinking. They weren’t thinking as much as they were feeling.

Was going to mention this. Some say it’s even older depending on circumstances. So just in case we gonna wait till 30 to fully punish someone? A rhetorical question btw
Was going to mention this. Some say it’s even older depending on circumstances. So just in case we gonna wait till 30 to fully punish someone? A rhetorical question btw

If there was a Law, based on science, that prohibited anyone < 30 from receiving a LIFE SENTENCE / Death Penalty, I would be fine with that.

But yes, "depending on the circumstance" should also be taken into consideration.
I don't think anyone said 13/15 year olds should be free from ALL consequence.

We were discussing LIFE sentences.

You are better than that man. Come on.
Haha I get that. The consequences being discussed in here in favor of the kids relates perfectly to what I just said though.
Why should I care about the parents?? The only people I feel sympathy in this situation is for the victims family, the 15 year old has no active parents, why should I care about them? The 13 year old does and from the looks of it they are just as inactive, while this may be an assumption, perhaps is worth a look, shes 13 years old and if a parent can be charged for negligence if their kid accidentally kills himself with their gun, I don’t see why is soooooo far fetched to look into them and see if their negligence played a factor in this 13 year old doing what she did.
You can't simultaneously argue that the 13-year-old and the 15-year-old have full agency over their actions, and should be held responsible that they are a fully rational adult


Say the parents should be held legally responsible for the actions of their child

That makes no sense. Pick a lane
Haha I get that. The consequences being discussed in here in favor of the kids relates perfectly to what I just said though.

I think folks had said AT LEAST 15 years though. Even those that have "defended" the kids have said 15 years.

Unless I missed someone suggested a shorter amount a time.
The more than I think about it, The age 25 seems more reasonable than 21.

blastercombo blastercombo

It doesn't matter how smart teens are or how well they scored on the SAT or ACT. ... The rational part of a teen's brain isn't fully developed and won't be until age 25 or so. In fact, recent research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain's rational part.

It doesn’t matter how smart teens are or how well they scored on the SAT or ACT. Good judgment isn’t something they can excel in, at least not yet.

The rational part of a teen’s brain isn’t fully developed and won’t be until age 25 or so.

In fact, recent research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain’s rational part. This is the part of the brain that responds to situations with good judgment and an awareness of long-term consequences. Teens process information with the amygdala. This is the emotional part.

In teens' brains, the connections between the emotional part of the brain and the decision-making center are still developing—and not always at the same rate. That’s why when teens have overwhelming emotional input, they can’t explain later what they were thinking. They weren’t thinking as much as they were feeling.


mid you understand And continue to campaign for sympathy for these kids, why are you also campaigning for the adults? At least the adults behind the repeat offender 13 year old? Seems like you are doing everything possible to not criminalize ANYONE in this situation....not the 13 year old, not the 15 year old, not the parents that had the warnings from the 13 year old being troubled, then who? Seems like the only reasonable explanations left is that the victim lost his life out of his own stupidity for it letting go or an actual of God, because you ain’t trying to blame the killer children or the adults responsible to raise them....
You can't simultaneously argue that the 13-year-old and the 15-year-old have full agency over their actions, and should be held responsible that they are a fully rational adult


Say the parents should be held legally responsible for the actions of their child

That makes no sense. Pick a lane

parents can be held accountable as accessories, I surely can want both to be held accountable to some degree, is not either punish the kids or punish the parents in charge of the kids....if that was my blood they took, I’d want them both to be held accountable.
mid you understand And continue to campaign for sympathy for these kids, why are you also campaigning for the adults? At least the adults behind the repeat offender 13 year old? Seems like you are doing everything possible to not criminalize ANYONE in this situation....not the 13 year old, not the 15 year old, not the parents that had the warnings from the 13 year old being troubled, then who? Seems like the only reasonable explanations left is that the victim lost his life out of his own stupidity for it letting go or an actual of God, because you ain’t trying to blame the killer children or the adults responsible to raise them....
In a perfect work rehabilitation > isolation. In America? Lol. We have a system that is against human development at all capacities other than consumerism. I would love to believe a hug and a handshake would fix the country but that’s nowhere near the case. I’m all for fighting the good fight but not everyone is worth MY time. If someone else is willing to step in and assume full and complete responsibility then go for it. This wouldn’t be a case I’d step into. Maybe that’s just me 🤷🏽‍♂️
mid you understand And continue to campaign for sympathy for these kids, why are you also campaigning for the adults? At least the adults behind the repeat offender 13 year old? Seems like you are doing everything possible to not criminalize ANYONE in this situation....not the 13 year old, not the 15 year old, not the parents that had the warnings from the 13 year old being troubled, then who? Seems like the only reasonable explanations left is that the victim lost his life out of his own stupidity for it letting go or an actual of God, because you ain’t trying to blame the killer children or the adults responsible to raise them....

If that is what you are getting from any of my words, cool.

We can just move and and agree to disagree on this topic.
In a perfect work rehabilitation > isolation. In America? Lol. We have a system that is against human development at all capacities other than consumerism. I would love to believe a hug and a handshake would fix the country but that’s nowhere near the case. I’m all for fighting the good fight but not everyone is worth MY time. If someone else is willing to step in and assume full and complete responsibility then go for it.

Exactly my point, dudes flying away from reality to cut these girls some slack, rehabilitation is not off the table as it can be possible, but the odds of that happening and not the exact opposite which is these girls coming out as adults even more angry and lost than they went in, but now as full adults is more of a possibility, juvie centers are no walk in the park and this country simply doesn’t care to fund rehabilitation of violent offenders.
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