Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

As it stands the 6 year old was apparently not the intended target as 5 other individuals got shot that night as well but this shooting just for example has nothing to do with poverty, free education, free healthcare, or free anything. This goes back to what I stated earlier about folks in the community creating beefs and bringing gun violence into their own neighborhoods instead of trying to better themselves. That’s the real “survival mode” to me. Again, no big bag of money is going to get dropped off for folks to live by. Responsibility breeds accountability. Folks have to improve themselves in order to improve their situation.

But again deuce king deuce king .

You don't think folks are MORE likely to be involved with hood beefs when the resources are limited?

I think it has a LOT to do with the living conditions of those involved in the situations.

I don't think a, "BIg bag of money" is the solution but everything that comes from living in low-income areas (resources, programs, quality schools) just adds gasoline to the fire.
But again deuce king deuce king .

You don't think folks are MORE likely to be involved with hood beefs when the resources are limited?

I think it has a LOT to do with the living conditions of those involved in the situations.

I don't think a, "BIg bag of money" is the solution but everything that comes from living in low-income areas (resources, programs, quality schools) just adds gasoline to the fire.

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican I strongly, vehemently and emphatically do not believe limited resources is the reason or cause of hold beefs. Everyone is life is not going to start off at the same level or on equal footing. That’s just the way things are for now. Some folks are just not going to be granted the same opportunities as others.

Dudes are not shooting up the block because they don’t go to the best high school in town. A lot of folks simply do not want to put in the work in life. As evident by seeing so many young dudes standing in front of a corner/liquor store all day and all night wasting their time. As Maya Angelou said…..”If you knew better you WOULD DO BETTER”. Speaking of gasoline to the fire…..the individual fire is your mind in life…..light that on fire with as much information as possible.
I love when someone tells another person to read up/study up on x topic/book as:
1. if the person never did
2. if there's no opposing argument for it
3. if the person agrees with the conclusion or the data used or how the data was used

I thought you were sneak dissing when you quote and unquote smart enough. Since you didn't, let's move pass this
How would I know what you have or have not read? Secondly, I don’t care what someone has read, do you understand it? Can you generalize it to real life? Again, put your shirt back on and move pass this like you said you would. Take your own advice. The hell is a sneak diss on NT? friscostylez friscostylez friscostylez friscostylez friscostylez friscostylez friscostylez friscostylez

that deliberate enough?
How would I know what you have or have not read? Again, put your shirt back on and move pass this like you said you would. Take your own advice. The hell is a sneak diss on NT? friscostylez friscostylez friscostylez friscostylez friscostylez friscostylez friscostylez friscostylez

that deliberate enough?

Maybe start off with asking the question of whether I did. You know how ******ed it sounds that you will agree with someone just because you read the same thing lmao
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican I
bbbbbstrongly, vehemently and emphatically do not believe limited resources is the reason or cause of hold beefs. Everyone is life is not going to start off at the same level or on equal footing. That’s just the way things are for now. Some folks are just not going to be granted the same opportunities as others.

Dudes are not shooting up the block because they don’t go to the best high school in town. A lot of folks simply do not want to put in the work in life. As evident by seeing so many young dudes standing in front of a corner/liquor store all day and all night wasting their time. As Maya Angelou said…..”If you knew better you WOULD DO BETTER”. Speaking of gasoline to the fire…..the individual fire is your mind in life…..light that on fire with as much information as possible.

Im curious as to what you believe explains the gaps in wealth, income, education and incarceration rates blacks experience in america? Is it all just a lack of personal responsibility? Bad parenting?
Poverty rate and crime are absolutely linked. Anybody denying that is full of ****. Even if we’re just talking about Black people, the crime rate in areas of SE DC are nowhere close to equally Black areas of PG county 5-10 miles down the street.
Im curious as to what you believe explains the gaps in wealth, income, education and incarceration rates blacks experience in america? Is it all just a lack of personal responsibility? Bad parenting?

Thank you for asking. The incarceration rate is the way it is because as I said before folks are VOLUNTARILY signing up for jail. Posted below is another news article for you and others to review. It’s about 5 teens in DC that committed (19)………that’s right (19) crimes mostly FELONIES within 12 day period. With (10) of these crimes being committed in a 2 day span. By the way all 5 teens are black. Should all 5 teens not go to jail or not face major consequences just because they are black. To that I say not just no…….but hell no.

Take a look at look at the crimes they committed such as robbery, armed robbery, armed carjacking, kidnapping and many more. Simply put I believe there is no reform for teens such as this. There might be some folks on here that believe these teens deserve a second chance……to that I say if you give them a second with no consequences for these crimes you’ll most likely be next in line to become a victim of their acts.

Going in even further it’s not like these 5 teens are like the modern day Robinhood……robbing the rich to give to the poor or robbing food banks in order to feed the homeless. These teens and direct situations like this is a result of bad parenting (most likely a single parent household), bad upbringing and simply no regard for others and their well-being. It’s not about gaps in wealth or income or free education. It’s about teens wasting their life away, an idle mind being the devils workshop, and folks in general black folks in particular doing stuff like this for likes and attention on the gram. That’s the reason for the incarceration rate.

Poverty rate and crime are absolutely linked. Anybody denying that is full of ****. Even if we’re just talking about Black people, the crime rate in areas of SE DC are nowhere close to equally Black areas of PG county 5-10 miles down the street.

What areas of PG County specifically are you referring to? Also once again when I see or hear the word “poverty” personally I think of the country Greece when I went to go visit in 2012, I think of parts of Haiti, and parts of the Dominican Republic. I think a better word to describe parts of most inner-cities in America like DC and others would be low-income. Low-income is more precise and exact to the conditions we are discussing here. Saying “poverty” is still a bit of a stretch to me.
What areas of PG County specifically are you referring to? Also once again when I see or hear the word “poverty” personally I think of the country Greece when I went to go visit in 2012, I think of parts of Haiti, and parts of the Dominican Republic. I think a better word to describe parts of most inner-cities in America like DC and others would be low-income. Low-income is more precise and exact to the conditions we are discussing here. Saying “poverty” is still a bit of a stretch to me.
But that's the problem: it's not the poverty itself that causes the crime, it's the inequality. You can still be relatively better off than those in third world countries, but there's still relative poverty when you're "low income" and live in close proximity to the upper class. There is a wealth of academic research demonstrating a strong positive correlation between inequality and crime.
But that's the problem: it's not the poverty itself that causes the crime, it's the inequality. You can still be relatively better off than those in third world countries, but there's still relative poverty when you're "low income" and live in close proximity to the upper class. There is a wealth of academic research demonstrating a strong positive correlation between inequality and crime.

Did you read the article I posted above about the 5 DC teens? What does committing 19 crimes mostly felonies against random victims have to do with improving ones inequality?? Dudes need to stop making excuses for bad behavior.
C’mon man, you’re being disingenuous now. There’s a million studies and articles on the link become income inequality and crime. Yeah, of course it’s easy to pick out specific cases where that wasn’t the case, there will always be idiots. But no matter race, areas with high income inequality and a higher percentage of people living below the poverty line have higher crime rates. These same places also are typically food deserts, have poor schools and lack resources. On the inequality portion, DC is one of the worst in the nation. That isn’t “excusing” bad behavior, that’s identifying the root cause of why you have 13 year olds thinking they need to rob somebody in the first place.

It’s like the police chief blaming the increase in homicides on weed :lol: Like bro, you think murders doubled over the last decade because of weed? People weren’t selling weed in 2010? But the growing inequality and the city becoming nearly unaffordable for anybody making under 75k wasn’t a factor right? Okay. It’s very easy to point at the poor and tell them to “do better” instead of addressing why the entire system is failing them in the first place.

Also, nobody, including myself is suggesting that people should just get away with **** and not be prosecuted for violent crimes because of their hardships. I’m just saying if ppl are actually interested in FIXING the crime problem it’s deeper than putting cops on bikes, longer sentences, and giving ppl a Bill Cosby speech.
I think some of y’all are looking for a complete 1:1 “if you’re poor then you steal” scenario but it doesn’t work that way. If you want to argue that everyone poor is a criminal then you’re being disingenuous. Let’s apply some actual generalizable logic. Poverty in America is different than other parts of the world but that doesn’t discredit the poverty here. It’s a relative term. That’s arguing besides the point.

this is turning into a “bootstraps pulling” argument.
Amazing……I’m giving specific examples with specific articles attached but somehow I’m the one who’s disingenuous….LOL. You gotta love it, you just gotta love it. Still waiting on someone to explain how committing a robbery, armed robbery, armed carjacking or worse yet homicide is going to better one’s inequality. Still waiting.

We ALL know problems exist in certain areas or certain inner cities. The cause and the root of those problems has been previously discussed in detail….this we know already. You can’t control what situations, environment, and conditions you are born with. You can only control your response to those matters and your thought process going forward in how you handle them. Either way responding by racking up a bunch of felonies and criminal charges is not going to get you anywhere on a positive side.

Life is hard, no doubt about it. Some have it easier or harder than others, that’s simply reality. I want everyone to know and realize that the world isn’t going to be sympathetic to excuses from anyone. Sitting in front of a liquor/corner store, continuously smoking weed all day, making a bunch of fake rap videos, constantly complaining looking like who done it and why isn’t going to get you anywhere in life. We need our young black men out here to get off that and start doing the necessary work that needs to be done. No time to be stagnant sitting in place.
Again, what excuse are you talking about? Who said why they did is ok because ________? We stated a simple fact that poverty and crime go hand in hand for multiple phycological and environmental reasons.

“It’s not an excuse, it’s not an excuse, it’s not an excuse”

- DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican
Amazing……I’m giving specific examples with specific articles attached but somehow I’m the one who’s disingenuous….LOL. You gotta love it, you just gotta love it. Still waiting on someone to explain how committing a robbery, armed robbery, armed carjacking or worse yet homicide is going to better one’s inequality. Still waiting.

We ALL know problems exist in certain areas or certain inner cities. The cause and the root of those problems has been previously discussed in detail….this we know already. You can’t control what situations, environment, and conditions you are born with. You can only control your response to those matters and your thought process going forward in how you handle them. Either way responding by racking up a bunch of felonies and criminal charges is not going to get you anywhere on a positive side.

Life is hard, no doubt about it. Some have it easier or harder than others, that’s simply reality. I want everyone to know and realize that the world isn’t going to be sympathetic to excuses from anyone. Sitting in front of a liquor/corner store, continuously smoking weed all day, making a bunch of fake rap videos, constantly complaining looking like who done it and why isn’t going to get you anywhere in life. We need our young black men out here to get off that and start doing the necessary work that needs to be done. No time to be stagnant sitting in place.

What are you doing to show our black youth what they should be doing to pick themselves up by their bootstraps? After centuries of oppression have created wage and educational gaps that have also destroyed the home and family and put generations into the same loop of poverty and incarceration?
What are you doing to show our black youth what they should be doing to pick themselves up by their bootstraps? After centuries of oppression have created wage and educational gaps that have also destroyed the home and family and put generations into the same loop of poverty and incarceration?

I’m telling them the same exact things that I’m stating in here…..such as to not look for or accept excuses, telling them to get off the block wasting their lives, showing them employment opportunities in the city and locations, telling them to stop smoking weed looking like a dusty *****, stop thinking that they only way of life is a life of crime by volunteering jail.

Things of this nature and many more to answer your questions with the same direct tone and projection that I’m delivering in here champ. We as black men don’t have time to waste……..or to look at a bunch of surveys studying centuries of oppression as we stay stuck in neutral. We know what the pitfalls and obstacles are, we move around them and move appropriately and move forward………but we keep moving.
Well well well……looks like I was right. Just like I said the father was the indirect cause of the 6 year old’s death who got shot in SE DC almost 2 weeks ago. Article posted below. Now I know Rootin4EverybodyBlack Rootin4EverybodyBlack loves surveys because he’s Rootin4EverybodyBlack in every survey but what he needs to understand is that everybody that is black that is being discussed in these surveys unfortunately isn’t Rootin4EverybodyBlack.

I know frankmatthews frankmatthews asked about the incarceration rate regarding blacks earlier and why that is but if you read the article below you will find 16 individuals…….most likely black unfortunately that VOLUNTARILY signed up for jail by way of incarceration that are now facing federal drug charges. I know Rootin4EverybodyBlack Rootin4EverybodyBlack finds it hard to believe that DC’s homicide rate is skyrocketing because of “weed” but if he were to read the article he would see that drugs were at the root of this situation. Interesting enough I don’t see the lack of free education or free healthcare mentioned as the reason for Nyiah (the 6 year old) shooting. Maybe that will be mentioned in the trial for Nyiah’s shooter, Nyiah father and the other 16 individuals connected to this case. Maybe the defendants will point to specific surveys mentioned in here or that they can gather as an explanation to their criminal habits…..who knows.

deuce king deuce king Aye man, don’t @ me with your stupid ***, Bill Cosby, pudding pop, diet Republican, 🦝 takes. Take that Jesse Lee Peterson talk to NewsMax. There are more peer reviewed articles then you can read that show the link between poverty, lack of opportunities and crime rates. Just because you CHOOSE not to educate yourself doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I specifically said weed because that’s what the police chief referenced and if you read the article you’ll notice the drugs mentioned don’t include weed, so my point still stands.

Now I know your brain is basically a smoothie, but even the dumbest of individuals would be able to make the obvious link between poverty and people participating in the drug trade, nobody has ever denied that. You wanna keep people from selling drugs, here’s an idea provide them with a decent education, livable wages, and ******* opportunities to work. If you don’t wanna do that, then shut the **** up with all the “do better” finger wagging because you’re not actually interested in helping people you just want someone to look down on to make you feel better about yourself. Bad news is all the ****ting on black people don’t mean a damn thing to them white folks because to them you’re just another *****.
deuce king deuce king Aye man, don’t @ me with your stupid ***, Bill Cosby, pudding pop, diet Republican, 🦝 takes. Take that Jesse Lee Peterson talk to NewsMax. There are more peer reviewed articles then you can read that show the link between poverty, lack of opportunities and crime rates. Just because you CHOOSE not to educate yourself doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I specifically said weed because that’s what the police chief referenced and if you read the article you’ll notice the drugs mentioned don’t include weed, so my point still stands.

Now I know your brain is basically a smoothie, but even the dumbest of individuals would be able to make the obvious link between poverty and people participating in the drug trade, nobody has ever denied that. You wanna keep people from selling drugs, here’s an idea provide them with a decent education, livable wages, and ****ing opportunities to work. If you don’t wanna do that, then shut the **** up with all the “do better” finger wagging because you’re not actually interested in helping people you just want someone to look down on to make you feel better about yourself. Bad news is all the ****ting on black people don’t mean a damn thing to them white folks because to them you’re just another *****.

LOL. Fam is a little heated with a response like that. My bad Rootin4EverybodyBlack Rootin4EverybodyBlack I didn’t mean to raise your blood temperature champ. I’ll be sure to provide more old surveys and old news articles from back in the day the next time around for you. Bless your heart.
Forced poverty was/is a tool of oppression, thats a fact. You can add denial of resources (community, education, etc.) and the prison industrial complex to that toolbox as well. Its clear to me that these methods have been effective to some degree.

Now I can understand and agree with the viewpoint that dwelling on oppressive tactics isn't necessarily gonna change things or help anyone, however, given the circumstances, appluading the vigilante shooting of a 13 year old and claming teenagers are beyond redemption based off a news article alone is borderline sociopathic, imo of course.
Crime is lower in any area that has money, that’s just facts regardless of race…Y’all wasting your time with anybody who starting an argument not conceding this fact :lol:
Well well well……looks like I was right. Just like I said the father was the indirect cause of the 6 year old’s death who got shot in SE DC almost 2 weeks ago. Article posted below. Now I know Rootin4EverybodyBlack Rootin4EverybodyBlack loves surveys because he’s Rootin4EverybodyBlack in every survey but what he needs to understand is that everybody that is black that is being discussed in these surveys unfortunately isn’t Rootin4EverybodyBlack.

I know frankmatthews frankmatthews asked about the incarceration rate regarding blacks earlier and why that is but if you read the article below you will find 16 individuals…….most likely black unfortunately that VOLUNTARILY signed up for jail by way of incarceration that are now facing federal drug charges. I know Rootin4EverybodyBlack Rootin4EverybodyBlack finds it hard to believe that DC’s homicide rate is skyrocketing because of “weed” but if he were to read the article he would see that drugs were at the root of this situation. Interesting enough I don’t see the lack of free education or free healthcare mentioned as the reason for Nyiah (the 6 year old) shooting. Maybe that will be mentioned in the trial for Nyiah’s shooter, Nyiah father and the other 16 individuals connected to this case. Maybe the defendants will point to specific surveys mentioned in here or that they can gather as an explanation to their criminal habits…..who knows.

What is this jiberesh you just posed :lol:
Cops really end the “have a gun to stay safe. People will know not to do anything ” debate almost to a hilarious degree.
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