Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

Gang members know their rivals are strapped at all time, it certainly doesn't prevent gang violence and deaths. Approaching gun ownership with that mentality only leads to more mortality.

Do every day regular people have the same mindset and intentions as gang members?
I intentionally do not ever beep my horn at people or engage in road rage. Because I think everyone has a gun in their car.

I have one so I assume the worst. Stand your ground states >>>>>>>>>>>

Better food, better weather, THICKER WOMEN, lower cost of living, and you can get away with firing someone up.
Do every day regular people have the same mindset and intentions as gang members?

You never know. Furthermore, if I were a criminal and I know citizens are strapped I would probably be more trigger happy. Creating a wild wild west type of society is not the answer.
I intentionally do not ever beep my horn at people or engage in road rage. Because I think everyone has a gun in their car.

I have one so I assume the worst. Stand your ground states >>>>>>>>>>>

Better food, better weather, THICKER WOMEN, lower cost of living, and you can get away with firing someone up.

Some people can get away with firing someone up*
I intentionally do not ever beep my horn at people or engage in road rage. Because I think everyone has a gun in their car.

I have one so I assume the worst. Stand your ground states >>>>>>>>>>>

Better food, better weather, THICKER WOMEN, lower cost of living, and you can get away with firing someone up.

We just had a kid get shot in the head here over a road rage incident. Cut someone off and the dude got out and shot him in broad daylight. Right in a busy intersection too :smh:
We just had a kid get shot in the head here over a road rage incident. Cut someone off and the dude got out and shot him in broad daylight. Right in a busy intersection too :smh:

Yup and it keeps happening. It's never worth it.

My girlfriend is terrible about it she needs to stop.
Gang members know their rivals are strapped at all times, it certainly doesn't prevent gang violence and deaths. Approaching gun ownership with that mentality only leads to more mortality.

And how do you think they act KNOWING someone isn't strapped.
I think if everyone knew everyone else was strapped at all times, people would act differently .

I am NOT saying this man being strapped would have saved his life.
I am NOT saying this man being strapped would have saved his life.
I am NOT saying this man being strapped would have saved his life.
I am NOT saying this man being strapped would have saved his life.
I am NOT saying this man being strapped would have saved his life.
Idk mane, everybody strapped just sounds like a recipe for disaster…It’s already too many guns out here, legal or not

I just have little faith in ppl in this country being able to control themselves and be rational :lol: :smh:
Idk mane, everybody strapped just sounds like a recipe for disaster…It’s already too many guns out here, legal or not

I just have little faith in ppl in this country being able to control themselves and be rational :lol: :smh:

I'm not suggesting we move to a world where that is the reality.

I was just saying. :lol:
Idk mane, everybody strapped just sounds like a recipe for disaster…It’s already too many guns out here, legal or not

I just have little faith in ppl in this country being able to control themselves and be rational :lol: :smh:

Yea. That's all I'm saying. Kids getting shot in Florida for stepping on somebody's lawn (True story). Until we can control the murderous rednecks in this country I don't think everyone owning guns is a good idea.
You get no disagreement from me here. I believe everyone that's capable and trained, should be carrying in the District to protect themselves.

Exactly……just take a look at this long list of crimes committed by this 13 year old……that’s still out on the streets by the way.

Idk mane, everybody strapped just sounds like a recipe for disaster…It’s already too many guns out here, legal or not

I just have little faith in ppl in this country being able to control themselves and be rational :lol: :smh:
When you train consistently, you know the 1st priority is de-escalation. The 2nd is removing yourself from the situation. The 3rd is self preservation and protection.

What you're referring to is nuts that find any lame 'reason
to "stand your ground" in the States that have that law on the books.
I mean I think the last time everyone was strapped it earned the name "the wild west" so it won't be this safe zone people are thinking of.
I mean I think the last time everyone was strapped it earned the name "the wild west" so it won't be this safe zone people are thinking of.
There's a distinct difference when its legal. See Virginia and their crime rates when they went to "Shall issue". Everyone is polite and accommodating because everyone is typically legal carrying.

Crime in Richmond literally went down overnight.
I think if everyone knew everyone else was strapped at all times, people would act differently
The fundamental problem with this line of thinking is that a society in which mere disagreement can be met with deadly force is no different than a society in which the strongest (as in, the quickest to draw) rules. You can't claim to be an open society if you don't allow perceived and actual slights to exist, and we've all seen people getting shot on highways for cutting someone off.
I mean I think the last time everyone was strapped it earned the name "the wild west" so it won't be this safe zone people are thinking of.
The "Wild west" is kind of a myth though. Gun ownership was regulated in frontier territories and gun battles were rare because of town leaders recognized that the lower the presence of guns in public, the lower the probability of deadly violence.

“People were allowed to own guns, and everyone did own guns [in the West], for the most part,” says Winkler. “Having a firearm to protect yourself in the lawless wilderness from wild animals, hostile native tribes, and outlaws was a wise idea. But when you came into town, you had to either check your guns if you were a visitor or keep your guns at home if you were a resident.”

The linked Smithsonian article has a lot more facts about gun control in the Old West. It's just terrible that much of our understanding of the past is still driven by John Wayne movies instead of the actual accounts of folks who lived in those times.
The fundamental problem with this line of thinking is that a society in which mere disagreement can be met with deadly force is no different than a society in which the strongest (as in, the quickest to draw) rules. You can't claim to be an open society if you don't allow perceived and actual slights to exist, and we've all seen people getting shot on highways for cutting someone off.

The "Wild west" is kind of a myth though. Gun ownership was regulated in frontier territories and gun battles were rare.

The linked Smithsonian article has a lot more facts about gun control in the Old West. It's just terrible that much of our understanding of the past is still driven by John Wayne movies instead of the actual accounts of folks who lived in those times.
I think he also may be referring to DC during the late 80's, early 90's. I was there and DC wasn't as bad as people romanticize. It was tough, but it wasn't OK Coral and duels at high noon on Minnesota or MLK ave.
The fundamental problem with this line of thinking is that a society in which mere disagreement can be met with deadly force is no different than a society in which the strongest (as in, the quickest to draw) rules. You can't claim to be an open society if you don't allow perceived and actual slights to exist, and we've all seen people getting shot on highways for cutting someone off.

Again, I was only saying that in response to the statement made about him being strapped would/wouldn't have saved the driver's life. I simply said I felt those girls wouldn't have been so quick to try dude if they knew he was carrying.

I do NOT think we should be in a society where everyone IS strapped.
I do NOT think we should be in a society where everyone IS strapped.
I do NOT think we should be in a society where everyone IS strapped.
I think if everyone knew everyone else was strapped at all times, people would act differently .

I am NOT saying this man being strapped would have saved his life.
I am NOT saying this man being strapped would have saved his life.
I am NOT saying this man being strapped would have saved his life.
I am NOT saying this man being strapped would have saved his life.
I am NOT saying this man being strapped would have saved his life.
In Houston it's assumed everyone is strapped cause most people are.
people do not act differently
this is why we have shootouts on the freeway damn near every day

i would argue when people are strapped they act differently.

If I am misreading this conversation I apologize, it's hard to follow.
If I am misreading this conversation I apologize, it's hard to follow.

I can see how my point was confusing.

Let me clarify.

If EVERYONE was strapped, I think it WOULD be chaos.

But my point was more so touching on a MICRO level:
If someone was looking to rob and he saw two similarly profiled people (one strapped vs. one not strapped), I think the one that ISN'T carrying is an easier target for the person looking to make a comeup.

That is what I was trying to say.
There's a distinct difference when its legal. See Virginia and their crime rates when they went to "Shall issue". Everyone is polite and accommodating because everyone is typically legal carrying.

Crime in Richmond literally went down overnight.
Unfortunately crime in Richmond is back up and the youngins are wildin there too…They had an increase in homicides and robberies last year and on track for more of the same this year….I don’t think the “shall issue” had a long term effect, it’s just like almost cities where crime is trending up regardless of the gun laws
I don’t think every single person should be strapped as a requirement or something like that but I do support people carrying to protect themselves. The worlds a wild *** place right now and it’s not going to be any better. Fact remains a lot of robberies/random murders would’ve ended differently if the victim was strapped, but that doesn’t get rid of it. People are gonna do evil things regardless, but I’d rather see an innocent person have the option to protect themselves instead of “if he would’ve let go of the car he’d be alive”
The way I see it, if everybody is armed, the number of robberies may go down, but the proportion of violent robberies will exponentially increase.

Funny that someone actually published a paper on this :lol:

Although the incidence of robbery has declined sharply since the early 1990s, the proportion of robberies resulting in victim injury has increased and the rate of victim resistance has remained relatively stable. We provide a theoretical explanation for these trends. Deterrence policies that make robbery more costly for offenders result in a decline in the incidence of robbery through the exit of those with the best outside options. The group of robbers who exit consists disproportionately of those who would have fled in the face of victim resistance, and hence, the pool of remaining robbers is more likely to respond violently to noncompliance by victims. This effect is reinforced by what we call victim hardening: a change in the distribution of attributes in the victim pool that makes resistance more likely. This can arise, for instance, through an increase in crime avoidance by the most compliant victims. Deterrence and victim hardening both result in lower robbery rates and greater violence conditional on resistance but have opposing effects on the rate of resistance, thus accounting for its relative stability over time.
but I’d rather see an innocent person have the option to protect themselves instead of “if he would’ve let go of the car he’d be alive”
yeah, I recall some saying that regarding this situation. Poor guy was just trying to keep his car which was how he made a living :frown:
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