Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

i think that just provides similar information as what you provided earlier & doesn't address the improvement in recording practices

for me, strong data would provided info showing an increase on stabbing done by kids (data conflates all stabbing) who would have or previously participated in those activities cut. also, reconcile the fact that after funding decreased, there are 5 consecutive years when the number of stabbings decreased
i think that just provides similar information as what you provided earlier & doesn't address the improvement in recording practices

for me, strong data would provided info showing an increase on stabbing done by kids (data conflates all stabbing) who would have or previously participated in those activities cut. also, reconcile the fact that after funding decreased, there are 5 consecutive years when the number of stabbings decreased
How is it going to show an improvement if the programs were cut?
What you're asking for doesn't seem realistic and you may be overthinking this. People caught stabbing are doing some serious time in the UK. It's not like America where if commit certain crimes, you may get some probabtion. Youre not going to enroll someone in jail into the program. The purpose of the program would be to act as prevention. Cause prevention is always better than a cure. You can disagree, but this something that's been discussed and thoroughly researched. There is a correlation.
Buddy thought jails was the solution :lol:

It actually makes it worse. They go to jail. It goes on their record and they can't get a job when they get out. They turn to selling drugs or whatever to make money.

Also, alot of people join gangs in jail for protection. Once they get out that gang lifestyle/affiliation follows them.
You speak in such definitives. Do you know these children to know if they are truly doomed or lost?

As indicated in the byline, there were children and possibly some adults. Some of the voices in the video shouting for the woman to be thrown off the bus also appear to be adults. A bus driver has to open and close the bus doors and move the bus. He appears to be complicit based on his actions. He could have parked the bus and radioed in for help. I don't condone what was done, but I don't know if enough to talk in definitives. Should the children be punished for their actions? Absolutely, but to sit here and say lost them in the system and move on is a bit extreme in this case considering you don't know all the facts.

“Don’t know all the facts”……..interesting…….”don’t know all the facts”. So based upon that video do you think that woman wanted to get tossed off the bus or do you think she was tossed off the bus against her will. I’l help you out champ…..here’s a video of the victim conducting an interview describing what happened and why……

“Don’t know all the facts”……..interesting…….”don’t know all the facts”. So based upon that video do you think that woman wanted to get tossed off the bus or do you think she was tossed off the bus against her will. I’l help you out champ…..here’s a video of the victim conducting an interview describing what happened and why……

It appears you're trying to win some internet argument for your fragile ego. You posted a whole day later after finding an interview for the lady. At the time of seeing the video, you did not have the facts. Maybe you have selective reading, but I made it clear that regardless of the circumstances, that I don't condone what was done. So what is your point here? Cause it appears you're just posting to prolong an argument that was already sorted since yesterday.
You speak in such definitives. Do you know these children to know if they are truly doomed or lost?

As indicated in the byline, there were children and possibly some adults. Some of the voices in the video shouting for the woman to be thrown off the bus also appear to be adults. A bus driver has to open and close the bus doors and move the bus. He appears to be complicit based on his actions. He could have parked the bus and radioed in for help. I don't condone what was done, but I don't know if enough to talk in definitives. Should the children be punished for their actions? Absolutely, but to sit here and say lost them in the system and move on is a bit extreme in this case considering you don't know all the facts.

@tomdiginson…..”don’t know all the facts”. I just like many others didn’t need to see an in-depth interview of the victim to know that the woman was assaulted by the group of juveniles. The video itself should have been provided you all that you or others needed to know. However in your cases I’ll guess I’ll have to make an exception for you since you “don’t know all the facts”.

200w (4).gif

Now this is what I’m talking about. Dude wasn’t taking about no “after school/business program” or nonsense like that. Dude didn’t say “I don’t know the fact”…… tomdiginson tomdiginson . Dude handled business the way a grown man is suppose and treated these “kids” the way they deserve to be treated……the way their father should have treated them whether or not they were in their lives or not. Dudes need to get off this “business program” nonsense and learn what it takes to handle business when it comes to raising young men.
Now this is what I’m talking about. Dude wasn’t taking about no “after school/business program” or nonsense like that. Dude didn’t say “I don’t know the fact”…… tomdiginson tomdiginson . Dude handled business the way a grown man is suppose and treated these “kids” the way they deserve to be treated……the way their father should have treated them whether or not they were in their lives or not. Dudes need to get off this “business program” nonsense and learn what it takes to handle business when it comes to raising young men.
So what you're saying is you want to watch little boys stripped down? What kind of sick stuff are you on deuce king deuce king ? Why do you keep @ing me? Are you still upset because I pointed out how ridiculous you sound? Are you going to keep @ing me every day like a disgruntled ex?
one of the kid already has an ankle monitor.
as embarrassing as it may be, this mightve saved their lives. Only matter of time before they still the wrong person's car and they come out blasting.
Now this is what I’m talking about. Dude wasn’t taking about no “after school/business program” or nonsense like that. Dude didn’t say “I don’t know the fact”…… tomdiginson tomdiginson . Dude handled business the way a grown man is suppose and treated these “kids” the way they deserve to be treated……the way their father should have treated them whether or not they were in their lives or not. Dudes need to get off this “business program” nonsense and learn what it takes to handle business when it comes to raising young men.

Now what did he do to those kids that would prevent them from trying the same thing again?

Only thing he did was reassure that next time they try that they bring poles. Cause dude behind the camera had one.
So what you're saying is you want to watch little boys stripped down? What kid of sick stuff are you on deuce king deuce king ? Why do you keep @ing me? Are you still upset because I pointed out how ridiculous you sound?

Talking about the discipline aspect of things champ…….discipline. As far as the me @ing you…..I just think it’s unacceptable …….rather despicable that a grown man particularly a black man (if you are one) says “I don’t know the facts” as you did.

With anything in life the information is out there. You have to be willing to research. I don’t want to hear about brothas being ignorant to the facts….that is unacceptable to me. As it should be unacceptable to you and others on here……I don’t want to hear that kind of talk on here again.
Talking about the discipline aspect of things champ…….discipline. As far as the me @ing you…..I just think it’s unacceptable …….rather despicable that a grown man particularly a black man (if you are one) says “I don’t know the facts” as you did.

With anything in life the information is out there. You have to be willing to research. I don’t want to hear about brothas being ignorant to the facts….that is unacceptable to me. As it should be unacceptable to you and others on here……I don’t want to hear that kind of talk on here again.
You didn't know the facts and now you're pretending that you did. Get your head on straight, cause it sounds like you're unhinged.
Now what did he do to those kids that would prevent them from trying the same thing again?

Only thing he did was reassure that next time they try that they bring poles. Cause dude behind the camera had one.

There’s two way you learn in life champ……pain and motivation. Hopefully those kids feel/get embarrassed and having to watch that video of them being humiliated is PAINFUL enough for them to remember the next time they think about doing something stupid.
There’s two way you learn in life champ……pain and motivation. Hopefully those kids feel/get embarrassed and having to watch that video of them being humiliated is PAINFUL enough for them to remember the next time they think about doing something stupid.

2 people in custody in relation to Metrobus assault; investigation ongoing, MTPD says | WJLA

Glad they caught at least 2 of the suspects. Ain’t no business program to help improve the character of a 27 and 35 year old man……dudes need to get off that. Hope they catch the girl next.
Glad they caught at least 2 of the suspects. Ain’t no business program to help improve the character of a 27 and 35 year old man……dudes need to get off that. Hope they catch the girl next.
Didn't you say it was only children and I had to tell you that indicated that there may have been adults involved?
The original post said it was teenagers.
The ones they didn't catch might have been teenagers.
Hopefully they get caught.
You speak in such definitives. Do you know these children to know if they are truly doomed or lost?

As indicated in the byline, there were children and possibly some adults. Some of the voices in the video shouting for the woman to be thrown off the bus also appear to be adults. A bus driver has to open and close the bus doors and move the bus. He appears to be complicit based on his actions. He could have parked the bus and radioed in for help. I don't condone what was done, but I don't know if enough to talk in definitives. Should the children be punished for their actions? Absolutely, but to sit here and say lost them in the system and move on is a bit extreme in this case considering you don't know all the facts.

I don’t believe I did but if so please point it out and realize the context of the statement.

That first quote is yours champ. If I did say it’s only children please let me know. Also, context is everything. I don’t care if they suspects are adults or juveniles…..they all deserve to go to jail. I don’t take things lightly just because it might have been kids. Ain’t no after school/business programs to help out that kind of behavior.
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