Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

As I've said numerous times on here before, some people were born into situations that essentially gave them little to no chance of making any mistakes. Some folks don't stand a fighting chance. Folks have to acknowledge that and also acknowledge much of your personal success is due to luck/God and things that you didn't voluntarily decide on.

I agree, but as a whole people will never accept this truth because then they won’t be able to look down on others they view as inferior.

“I’m better than you cause I work hard and earned everything” capitalist narrative is too strong.
As I've said numerous times on here before, some people were born into situations that essentially gave them little to no chance of making any mistakes. Some folks don't stand a fighting chance. Folks have to acknowledge that and also acknowledge much of your personal success is due to luck/God and things that you didn't voluntarily decide on.

Yeah yeah……was that before or after she decided to purchase the gun that she shot and killed the security guard with?? You dudes better stop making excuses for people out here……we don’t need anymore EXCUSES out here. The world doesn’t owe anybody sympathy.
Business program is what they need correct??
Why do you continue to show how dunce you are? It's either that or you're willfully ignorant. If you don't understand something, just say that.

It's clear you needed some after-school reading program cause you're only an adult by age, but apparently have the reading comprehensive skills of a child.
RIP to the security guard but he should’ve let them leave with the food.

Why? So he can be shown not doing his job and potentially get fired?

It’s not like he knew he was going to get shot by stopping someone for shoplifting. Ya know, because most people don’t open fire when they get caught.

Ahhh but that would require accountability on the shoplifters part

You right, I forgot about that
RIP to the security guard but he should’ve let them leave with the food

Negative. As far as I’m concerned he did the right thing by shooting her since she had a gun or for the simple fact that she tried to steal food. Black people have got to get off this low budget criminal mindset. Get a job and work for it….it isn’t hard.
Why do you continue to show how dunce you are? It's either that or you're willfully ignorant. If you don't understand something, just say that.

It's clear you needed some after-school reading program cause you're only an adult by age, but apparently have the reading comprehensive skills of a child.

I say what I say to YOU because YOU and folks like YOU are part of the problem. YOU excuse bad behavior……..I want people to be held accountable.
RIP to the security guard but he should’ve let them leave with the food.

I just listened to an interview this morning from the security guards wife who stated “he probably would have bought the food for her because that’s the kind of guy he is”.

Whether that’s true or not the fact that you WASHED KING WASHED KING would give this asinine and ridiculous statement makes this situation even worse.

See the security guard did what he was suppose to do. He got a job, he handled his business like a grown adult, and he was properly taking care of his family. What’s his reward as a black man…..….he gets shot down dead by some lowly hoodrat chick that’s stealing frozen TV dinners from a Giant grocery store. She probably was wearing a bonnet at the time. Then we get extremely bad takes such as what WASHED KING WASHED KING provided above as the security guard is laid to rest.

…..and some folks still don’t think we need more juvenile jails. Look at the way juvenile crime is trending. It’s now trending down…..it’s trending up. Not just crime by the way………violent crime at that. Some folks are going to learn the hard way I see.
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deserve death over stealing food?? bruh i doubt that’s even a jail serving type of crime…probably just a ticket and a fine…

nasty agenda being pushed in here….


deserve death over stealing food?? bruh i doubt that’s even a jail serving type of crime…probably just a ticket and a fine…

nasty agenda being pushed in here….

A black male security guard is SHOT DEAD by a black female, thus leaving behind his black wife and your worried about a so called “nasty agenda being pushed in here”. Negro sit down.

You va757va va757va are apart of the problem as well. No concern for the innocent black man……but all the caping in the world for the hoodrat black female that shot the innocent black man over some TV dinners that her trifling *** should have paid…….and yes I believe she was probably wearing a bonnet. No justice for that innocent brotha unfortunately…….except from yours truly.
…..and some folks still don’t think we need more juvenile jails. Look at the way juvenile crime is trending. It’s now trending down…..it’s trending up. Not just crime by the way………violent crime at that. Some folks are going to learn the hard way I see.
juvenile jails are gladiator school. u trippin if u think that’s the answer.
kids need to understand value of work early. too much mis-education and internet. 12 + yrs old should go to work. either with parents or put work programs in middle school.
juvenile jails are gladiator school. u trippin if u think that’s the answer.
kids need to understand value of work early. too much mis-education and internet. 12 + yrs old should go to work. either with parents or put work programs in middle school.

Really………do you think the family and friends of this FATALLY SHOT 13 year old would agree with me as they lay that 13 old to rest or agree with you?? I said what I said in regards to the violent crimes that a lot of juveniles are committing first hand these days.

That’s the thing that a lot of you dudes are so naive and quite frankly out the loop of these days. The kids that I’m referring to don’t understand that value of work and don’t want to. You dudes are dreaming and don’t engage with enough kids do have a clue as to what’s going on out here these days.

These kids that commit these heinous crimes don’t have “parents” so take that word out your vocabulary as it applies to them. They have momma, and only momma for various reasons. They don’t understand the value of work because momma is not working and stealing TV dinners from the local Giant Grocery store most likely wearing a bonnet and failing miserably trying to sneak by security guards at the grocery store.

Even if that weren’t in place these kids would much more want to do little to nothing in school and hang out on the corner with the rest of the losers collecting dust as they hold up a corner store outdoor wall or as they lay in a lawn chair. You dudes better understand what’s going on out here. If you don’t know………just ask me.
Live look at deuce king deuce king

bruh i doubt that’s even a jail serving type of crime…probably just a ticket and a fine…

nasty agenda being pushed in here….
Most people in the hood are perpetually on probation. So a seemingly petty theft would result in a PV which would be an automatic 10 days in jail.

And what are the chances she actually had a CCW? When the police got there to write the ticket they'd definitely arrest her for that which is an automatic year in Prison.
A hard working, innocent and upstanding black man is dead……….because of YOU WASHED KING WASHED KING . You might not have pulled the trigger directly, but you certainly supplied the ammunition which in this case is the ideology that makes it acceptable to not only steal frozen products with paying for them from a grocery store, but to then shot another black person just for being confronted for stealing……….all while probably wearing a bonnet.

You probably don’t even have the decency to help pay for the security guards funeral or contribute to his GoFundMe do you WASHED KING WASHED KING . As far as I’m concerned this is all YOUR FAULT champ. You have a blood on your hands, and you should be looked at and treated accordingly.
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A hard working, innocent and upstanding black man is dead……….because of YOU WASHED KING WASHED KING . You might not have pulled the trigger directly, but you certainly supplied the ammunition which in this case is the ideology that makes it acceptable to not only steal frozen products with paying for them from a grocery store, but to then shot another black person just for being confronted for stealing……….all while probably wearing a bonnet.

You probably don’t even have the decency to help pay for the security guards funeral or contribute to his GoFundMe do you WASHED KING WASHED KING . As far as I’m concerned this is all YOUR FAULT champ. You have a blood on your hands, and you should be looked at and treated accordingly.

The boots are already clean, you can stop licking them.
Really………do you think the family and friends of this FATALLY SHOT 13 year old would agree with me as they lay that 13 old to rest or agree with you?? I said what I said in regards to the violent crimes that a lot of juveniles are committing first hand these days.

That’s the thing that a lot of you dudes are so naive and quite frankly out the loop of these days. The kids that I’m referring to don’t understand that value of work and don’t want to. You dudes are dreaming and don’t engage with enough kids do have a clue as to what’s going on out here these days.

These kids that commit these heinous crimes don’t have “parents” so take that word out your vocabulary as it applies to them. They have momma, and only momma for various reasons. They don’t understand the value of work because momma is not working and stealing TV dinners from the local Giant Grocery store most likely wearing a bonnet and failing miserably trying to sneak by security guards at the grocery store.

Even if that weren’t in place these kids would much more want to do little to nothing in school and hang out on the corner with the rest of the losers collecting dust as they hold up a corner store outdoor wall or as they lay in a lawn chair. You dudes better understand what’s going on out here. If you don’t know………just ask me.
again, miss me with your rah rah. You clearly have never stepped in an arena where young adolescent men reside that have no hope.
no more podcast for u!
A black family has to now BURY their 15 year old son……because of the actions of a 13 year old black juvenile and your main concern is the “arena where young adolescent will reside and have no hope”…..due only to his direct actions. Bless your heart.

You can tell who wants to see more black people shot dead WASHED KING WASHED KING and wayniac211 wayniac211 versus somebody who wants to see folks held accountable and taking away from society if and when they commit a heinous crime…….particularly against another black person.
Bless your heart.
Thanks. One love!

i know what it’s like to lose fam before they hit 18. After the flowers and hymns is the worst.
That pain trickles down generations. Everyone is affected. Alcohol/dope/fed,county time/death pass your it. So please don’t tell me i support blk or any child’s demise.
My thing is prevention rather pointing the finger. Teach these youngsters the value of money and community at a young age.
A black family has to now BURY their 15 year old son……because of the actions of a 13 year old black juvenile and your main concern is the “arena where young adolescent will reside and have no hope”…..due only to his direct actions. Bless your heart.

You can tell who wants to see more black people shot dead WASHED KING WASHED KING and wayniac211 wayniac211 versus somebody who wants to see folks held accountable and taking away from society if and when they commit a heinous crime…….particularly against another black person.

What's hilarious about this statement is that if people follow your rhetoric there will inevitably be more black people dead and in jail. More jails will not deter crime, imprisoning children does not reform them.

At this point I'm starting to question your basic understanding of poverty, crime, education and US History.
Thanks. One love!

i know what it’s like to lose fam before they hit 18. After the flowers and hymns is the worst.
That pain trickles down generations. Everyone is affected. Alcohol/dope/fed,county time/death pass your it. So please don’t tell me i support blk or any child’s demise.
My thing is prevention rather pointing the finger. Teach these youngsters the value of money and community at a young age.

He doesn't want to truly prevent crimes from occurring. He just wants to see black people in jail.
Some of y’all should already know how NT’s Bootstrap Bill Cosby gets down to go back and forth with yo :lol: :smh:
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