Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

Crazy how y’all responding to Deuce. He’s 100% right. Unfortunately rn, I’m in the mix with all that type of chaos. Rookie from the Wash Commanders team got shot earlier this year on a street I’m on/have been on frequently. By a 17 year old…. They were trying to rob him or some. It’s infuriating. If y’all spent a week with me in these elements, you’d be talking just like Deuce. It’s so easy to get into a situation where you now are facing a life altering charge because you were simply responding to the offense taking place. Some segments are lost causes, and more progress will be made with them or the way. That’s been my biggest fear as of late actually. Not catching a M charge. DC trash fr.
Crazy how y’all responding to Deuce. He’s 100% right. Unfortunately rn, I’m in the mix with all that type of chaos. Rookie from the Wash Commanders team got shot earlier this year on a street I’m on/have been on frequently. By a 17 year old…. They were trying to rob him or some. It’s infuriating. If y’all spent a week with me in these elements, you’d be talking just like Deuce. It’s so easy to get into a situation where you now are facing a life altering charge because you were simply responding to the offense taking place. Some segments are lost causes, and more progress will be made with them or the way. That’s been my biggest fear as of late actually. Not catching a M charge. DC trash fr.

No he is not. Not even in the slightest. No one in here has said there shouldn't be any consequences, no one in here said crime is ok. What we're telling y'all is that the "more jails" response doesn't fix the issue. What part of incarceration isn't a crime deterrent doesn't register?.

Does the War on Drugs ring a bell? How did that work out? Or you can look at the 1994 Crime Bill did that effectively improve anything? If you want to reduce crime you need to try to reduce poverty. Someone with a brain would then focus on education, employment, financial literacy, affordable housing and healthcare but noooooo "MOAR JAILS".

You lock away a teenager for an extended time, he goes to jail becomes a better criminal, has a record so now when he gets out he can't get a job and then guess what he does? Commit more crimes. Also you can lock up all of the "problem kids" that are being referred to and more will just replace them because locking people up DOESN'T ADDRESS THE ISSUE.
Literally every take dude has had in this thread about the topic has been dumb and please don't try to tell me "you don't understand" when I spent the last 3 years of my life in a public school where we've had missing seats at graduation due to gun violence.
I think the answer is somewhere in the middle of "lock them up & throw away the key" and "imprisoning children doesn't reform them"

Some kids are just irredeemable and should be treated as such.

Some kids just need more support, education & guidance.
Working at public school dif than being in the element. Fortunately for me, I have options. I’m transitioning out, but lock up the mothers/parents (usually single mom) if that’s needed. My freedom is at risk everyday I step out there just to do what I do. I don’t cheat, steal, or bother ANYBODY yet I’m constantly a split second away from the worst happening. Not sustainable. Only results in detriment for all parties. The stories I can tell smh. I’d rather these ppl locked up or whatever version that keeps them far from me, than me fighting a 20-L case. Teach and mentor them while they’re locked up, and create the businesses to hire them when they’re out and “reformed”. Dude I was in an event with the day my joint got broken into was dead less than 48 hours later but that’s bit of a dif story. I just want to move in peace. Having to strategically park, get out the car quickly, etc is so exhaustive. And it’s a similar culprit/mindset responsible for this
I think the answer is somewhere in the middle of "lock them up & throw away the key" and "imprisoning children doesn't reform them"

Some kids are just irredeemable and should be treated as such.

Some kids just need more support, education & guidance.

Bingo right here. The ones that need more support, guidance, etc aren’t menaces. Just misguided and victims of circumstance. You can see it and feel it.

The irredeemable ones are responsible for most of the chaos and from this conversation ppl are saying we need to be the most sympathetic towards
Bingo right here. The ones that need more support, guidance, etc aren’t menaces. Just misguided and victims of circumstance. You can see it and feel it.

The irredeemable ones are responsible for most of the chaos and from this conversation ppl are saying we need to be the most sympathetic towards

Ok how do you determine who can and can't be saved? Cab you see the future, is there a specific test that can be taken?

Once again no one in here has advocated for no consequences for committing crimes.
Working at public school dif than being in the element. Fortunately for me, I have options. I’m transitioning out, but lock up the mothers/parents (usually single mom) if that’s needed. My freedom is at risk everyday I step out there just to do what I do. I don’t cheat, steal, or bother ANYBODY yet I’m constantly a split second away from the worst happening. Not sustainable. Only results in detriment for all parties. The stories I can tell smh. I’d rather these ppl locked up or whatever version that keeps them far from me, than me fighting a 20-L case. Teach and mentor them while they’re locked up, and create the businesses to hire them when they’re out and “reformed”. Dude I was in an event with the day my joint got broken into was dead less than 48 hours later but that’s bit of a dif story. I just want to move in peace. Having to strategically park, get out the car quickly, etc is so exhaustive. And it’s a similar culprit/mindset responsible for this

Is it? I've broken up fights, seen knives and guns on campus, caught pepper spray in the eye. Actions in the streets transfer over to the school. When we here about a shooting over the weekend we already know to be ready come Monday cause it's going to be bussin.

I'm talking you pull up to the building at 7:55 by 8:05 you're on the ground holding 16-17 years down and back. I've done home visits where mom is clearly using to drop off food and schoolwork, been to graduation parties where active members are there waiting for something to pop off.

If you think all schools operate like the Magic School bus I guess....
My man that older who used to do youth work, youth outreach….I asked him the other day at what age does he thinks ppl personality/who they are is fully developed. He said 14, 15 from his experience. They’ll be exceptions/outliers on both sides but better to errr on side of caution
Is it? I've broken up fights, seen knives and guns on campus, caught pepper spray in the eye. Actions in the streets transfer over to the school. When we here about a shooting over the weekend we already know to be ready come Monday cause it's going to be bussin.

I'm talking you pull up to the building at 7:55 by 8:05 you're on the ground holding 16-17 years down and back. I've done home visits where mom is clearly using to drop off food and schoolwork, been to graduation parties where active members are there waiting for something to pop off.

If you think all schools operate like the Magic School bus I guess....

Fights at school are not the same lol. I get what you’re saying, and not invalidating where you’re coming from. I used to be that way. Always sticking up for my black babies and ppl. But when you see how being true and trying to help can still get you smoked ON ACCIDENT just bcuz it’s a jungle lifestyle with no values, morals, nutrition, etc. something has to give. God forbid one of these kids or younger folks harms one of yours, rhetoric changes quickly. Compassion dissipates
What's hilarious about this statement is that if people follow your rhetoric there will inevitably be more black people dead and in jail. More jails will not deter crime, imprisoning children does not reform them.

Ok how do you determine who can and can't be saved? Cab you see the future, is there a specific test that can be taken?

Considering you don't think imprisonment can reform or that the risk of being sent to jail doesn't deter crime, what do you think should be the consequences for 13-16 year olds committing heinous crimes?

Not saying I agree with Deuce, but I wanna know.
Considering you don't think imprisonment can reform or that the risk of being sent to jail doesn't deter crime, what do you think should be the consequences for 13-16 year olds committing heinous crimes?

They should still go to jail. I'm not advocating for a crime get out pass. No in here ever said there should be no consequences.

My point is the focus should not be on more jails but reducing the needs for jails. If we have a need for more jails that means more crimes are occurring which is more innocent people being hurt, damages to property etc.

If the main focus is punishment/consequences you've already failed.
Crazy how y’all responding to Deuce. He’s 100% right. Unfortunately rn, I’m in the mix with all that type of chaos. Rookie from the Wash Commanders team got shot earlier this year on a street I’m on/have been on frequently. By a 17 year old…. They were trying to rob him or some. It’s infuriating. If y’all spent a week with me in these elements, you’d be talking just like Deuce. It’s so easy to get into a situation where you now are facing a life altering charge because you were simply responding to the offense taking place. Some segments are lost causes, and more progress will be made with them or the way. That’s been my biggest fear as of late actually. Not catching a M charge. DC trash fr.
You’d be a fool and a half thinking locking them up is the answer especially out here in Cali (YA). they Come out that stint ready to go all out for the program or turnt out into a j cat.

We need to train them on how to think slower and really digress their decision making.


is probably one of the best programs because it teaches young ones respect & integrity when their young young. Problem is these program’s don’t get the best funding.. why? i have no idea
They should still go to jail. I'm not advocating for a crime get out pass. No in here ever said there should be no consequences.

My point is the focus should not be on more jails but reducing the needs for jails. If we have a need for more jails that means more crimes are occurring which is more innocent people being hurt, damages to property etc.

If the main focus is punishment/consequences you've already failed.
I agree with your sentiment, but a lot of kids in these streets have always had access to many after school programs, sports, social programs etc.

The real problem is they're not being held accountable and receiving proper discipline AT HOME. It all starts and ends with the parents/grandparents.
I agree with your sentiment, but a lot of kids in these streets have always had access to many after school programs, sports, social programs etc.

The real problem is they're not being held accountable and receiving proper discipline AT HOME. It all starts and ends with the parents/grandparents.

You're 100% correct. Dysfunctional parents were also once dysfunctional children, who in turn grew up and restarted the same cycle. My point is that our primary focus should be to break the cycle at the children.

Public Education deserves blame as well. School zoning needs to be redone, all the poor kids shouldn't be at one school and the suburban ones at another. Schools are literally segregated all over again. Curriculum needs to be reworked as well. With a priority on financial literacy and trades taught in regular high schools every kid isn't going to a four year college. I'm talking barbering, HVAC, welding, mechanic etc. There needs to be an emphasis on providing students with the tools upon graduating to make a livable salary.
He doesn't want to truly prevent crimes from occurring. He just wants to see black people in jail.

Absolutely not. I want to see more black people NOT commit crimes which leads them to NOT have to go to jail. I know that’s a hard concept for you WASHED KING WASHED KING and wayniac211 wayniac211 to understand, but generally speaking no crime=no jail.

See for WASHED KING WASHED KING it appears that he enjoys hearing about another black person getting shot or dying. For WASHED KING WASHED KING he turns into DJ Khaled every time he hears about a black person getting shot…………”Another One”. Not once in this thread has WASHED KING WASHED KING sent his condolences or apologized for his actions and rhetoric to either the black 15 year old deceased juvenile or the black deceased security guard, not once. That right there let’s me know where his heart lies, and more importantly why he continues to lie.
Absolutely not. I want to see more black people NOT commit crimes which leads them to NOT have to go to jail. I know that’s a hard concept for you WASHED KING WASHED KING and wayniac211 wayniac211 to understand, but generally speaking no crime=no jail.

See for WASHED KING WASHED KING it appears that he enjoys hearing about another black person getting shot or dying. For WASHED KING WASHED KING he turns into DJ Khaled every time he hears about a black person getting shot…………”Another One”. Not once in this thread has WASHED KING WASHED KING sent his condolences or apologized for his actions and rhetoric to either the black 15 year old deceased juvenile or the black deceased security guard, not once. That right there let’s me know where his heart lies, and more importantly why he continues to lie.

I refuse to believe this is your actual thought process.
Thanks. One love!

i know what it’s like to lose fam before they hit 18. After the flowers and hymns is the worst.
That pain trickles down generations. Everyone is affected. Alcohol/dope/fed,county time/death pass your it. So please don’t tell me i support blk or any child’s demise.
My thing is prevention rather pointing the finger. Teach these youngsters the value of money and community at a young age.

Sorry to hear about your family loss……seriously. That being said we now have a record number of young people either dying, shooting one another, or committing violent crime. The time for FINGER POINTING is now and the responsibility of accountability should be preached and should have been preached a long time ago.
RIP to the security guard but he should’ve let them leave with the food.

Ok how do you determine who can and can't be saved? Cab you see the future, is there a specific test that can be taken?

Once again no one in here has advocated for no consequences for committing crimes.

Really?? Sure seems like you were advocating for no consequences with your 1st post above in regards to the black female that was stealing frozen TV dinners that ending up shooting the black male security guard. Still researching to see if she was wearing a bonnet at the time.
You really went on that pro black rant and then went and posted this? :smh:

Do you realize you are caping/advocating for a black female that stole frozen TV dinners from a grocery store and then shot dead a black male security guard and left his wife now a widow??

Given such actions as that do you think the female was dressed as a young business professional or in the proverbial hoodrat attire consisting of furry flip flops and a bonnet on top??

I say these things because I am pro black…..and I want other black people to understand the importance of image and how we represent ourselves out here for US. Actions as well.

As I said before…….look at the current trend/trajectory of most of these juveniles. Folks still think these so called imaginary business programs are the answer.

At some point in time black American is going to have to have the conversation about disciplining some of these kids and jail is the only way.
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