Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

Timid tomdiginson tomdiginson wants the trend of young black youth to continue to kill other young black youths or even innocent black people. Did you even listen to the news link that I posted??

You have no solutions for these innocent victims. So called black people like you and others that think like you want the destruction and breakdown of the black community…….you probably get a kick out hearing about another innocent black youth dying……and dying at the hands of another black juvenile at that.

These kids hear a guy like Timid tomdiginson tomdiginson talking about business programs ……and crime like carjackings, robberies and worse yet homicides spike up. We can thank Timid tomdiginson tomdiginson and WASHED KING WASHED KING for that. Some of these kids that rob, steal and KILL need to written off as bad debt….simply as that. WE took away punishment…..and this is what happens. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that Timid tomdiginson tomdiginson is even an accomplice in some of these young black homicides.

Where were you at when the young black man that got shot at Congress Heights metro died?? You got some splaining to do champ.
You empty barrel. When you see black children, do you clutch your pearls?

Yeah that’s great and all…….but it’s the same tune of excuses that he and others have been saying for years that nobody wants to hear. At the end of the day society doesn’t owe you or I any sympathy. Dudes needs to get off that looking for sympathy and understanding nonsense.

I know there are forces that are actively, systematically and continuously working against us. Guess what fellas……there’s not much we can do about that except push through that. Get busy living or get busy dying. We shouldn’t have obstacles against us but we do…….push through and keep it moving. Nobody wants to hear excuses……and I sure as hell don’t.

Also, to you DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican Umar might not be the best example to prove your point because even he has said on camera that some of our kids CAN’T be saved. I’ll find the video for you……..

Also. These trail of excuses that you dudes want to constantly talk about wouldn’t work in a courtroom if and when so someone breaks the law. Generally speaking a judge or jury is not going to grant leniency to someone let alone a juvenile for a carjacking, robbery, burglary or shooting. You dudes better wake up and realize that. I can’t be the only person with all the answers………on second thought…..maybe I am.
Some of them need to go to sleep, FOR GOOD! :lol:

But yea, you can't save everybody.

But again, kids need things to do.
People need to be able to have skills to make an honest living.
Some of them need to go to sleep, FOR GOOD! :lol:

But yea, you can't save everybody.

But again, kids need things to do.
People need to be able to have skills to make an honest living.

Stop it champ……you and I are both from DC….you mean to tell me these kids have nothing else better to do but commit crimes?? These kids somehow seem to use a skill set for negativity. How about use a skill set for something positive. How about we as adults start promoting positivity as well. There’s plenty of things to do in this city and you know it.

Even if there wasn’t you mean to tell me the best option or alternative is to commit a violent act against somebody that LOOKS LIKE YOU?? Again, I can’t be the only guy with all the answers…….but again…….maybe I am.

This is the atmosphere that tomdiginson tomdiginson , WASHED KING WASHED KING and some others in here have created………unfortunately. Now we have a dead 13 year old black boy that most likely neither tomdiginson tomdiginson or WASHED KING WASHED KING are going to contribute to funeral funds to. Not even a card to the family.

I tried to tell folks that this is what it was going to start coming to. People work hard for what they have and what they rightfully own. None of these owners or law abiding citizens want to give away their belongings. Ain’t nobody trying to hear about no excuses that folks have for some of these kids committing crimes……..let alone some heavy set fake Dr. that’s been lying to the community for years about the George Jefferson/Florida Evans school for boys that still ain’t open yet.

Hopefully the family of the dead 13 year boy doesn’t come out and say “he was a good child” or no foolish like that. I understand that’s your child, but he made a costly and deadly decision that night breaking into someone else’s car. Not to mention it is being reported that he was using a stolen vehicle that was found in the same area. 2 other juveniles that were with him that night got away…..lucky for them. Might be rough to say but hopefully his 2 buddies that were with him that night go to the funeral. That way they can look at their dead school friend laying in the casket and how their actions that night help put their friend there in that casket……not just their actions but the statements made by tomdiginson tomdiginson and WASHED KING WASHED KING as well. You dudes have blood on your hands as far as I’m concerned.

In this area alone crime among juveniles is up and on the rise. Then we have more conceal carry permits being granted. At some point the two were going to intersect……and now we have this story occur. I expect more examples like this to continue in the future. The homeowner didn’t go outside talking about no business program nonsense or offer sympathy for whatever shortcomings occurred in the kids life. The homeowner went outside that night and took matters into his hands and protected property that didn’t belong to those kids……it is what it is. Homeowner not charged with murder by the way. Kids now know not to go back to that block at least to do something stupid. A hard lesson learned……but a lesson that needed and continuously needs to be taught. Spare the rod spoil the child.

This is the atmosphere that tomdiginson tomdiginson , WASHED KING WASHED KING and some others in here have created………unfortunately. Now we have a dead 13 year old black boy that most likely neither tomdiginson tomdiginson or WASHED KING WASHED KING are going to contribute to funeral funds to. Not even a card to the family.

I tried to tell folks that this is what it was going to start coming to. People work hard for what they have and what they rightfully own. None of these owners or law abiding citizens want to give away their belongings. Ain’t nobody trying to hear about no excuses that folks have for some of these kids committing crimes……..let alone some heavy set fake Dr. that’s been lying to the community for years about the George Jefferson/Florida Evans school for boys that still ain’t open yet.

Hopefully the family of the dead 13 year boy doesn’t come out and say “he was a good child” or no foolish like that. I understand that’s your child, but he made a costly and deadly decision that night breaking into someone else’s car. Not to mention it is being reported that he was using a stolen vehicle that was found in the same area. 2 other juveniles that were with him that night got away…..lucky for them. Might be rough to say but hopefully his 2 buddies that were with him that night go to the funeral. That way they can look at their dead school friend laying in the casket and how their actions that night help put their friend there in that casket……not just their actions but the statements made by tomdiginson tomdiginson and WASHED KING WASHED KING as well. You dudes have blood on your hands as far as I’m concerned.

In this area alone crime among juveniles is up and on the rise. Then we have more conceal carry permits being granted. At some point the two were going to intersect……and now we have this story occur. I expect more examples like this to continue in the future. The homeowner didn’t go outside talking about no business program nonsense or offer sympathy for whatever shortcomings occurred in the kids life. The homeowner went outside that night and took matters into his hands and protected property that didn’t belong to those kids……it is what it is. Homeowner not charged with murder by the way. Kids now know not to go back to that block at least to do something stupid. A hard lesson learned……but a lesson that needed and continuously needs to be taught. Spare the rod spoil the child.

We need a SPED section on NT just for you. You're typing full paragraphs of pure ignorance and stupidity.

Your whole argument of "TOUGHER PUNISHMENT" has already been tried in this country and all it led to was an increase in police brutality in communities of color. Punishment does not deter crime, read a book before you @ me.
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This is the atmosphere that tomdiginson tomdiginson , WASHED KING WASHED KING and some others in here have created………unfortunately. Now we have a dead 13 year old black boy that most likely neither tomdiginson tomdiginson or WASHED KING WASHED KING are going to contribute to funeral funds to. Not even a card to the family.

I tried to tell folks that this is what it was going to start coming to. People work hard for what they have and what they rightfully own. None of these owners or law abiding citizens want to give away their belongings. Ain’t nobody trying to hear about no excuses that folks have for some of these kids committing crimes……..let alone some heavy set fake Dr. that’s been lying to the community for years about the George Jefferson/Florida Evans school for boys that still ain’t open yet.

Hopefully the family of the dead 13 year boy doesn’t come out and say “he was a good child” or no foolish like that. I understand that’s your child, but he made a costly and deadly decision that night breaking into someone else’s car. Not to mention it is being reported that he was using a stolen vehicle that was found in the same area. 2 other juveniles that were with him that night got away…..lucky for them. Might be rough to say but hopefully his 2 buddies that were with him that night go to the funeral. That way they can look at their dead school friend laying in the casket and how their actions that night help put their friend there in that casket……not just their actions but the statements made by tomdiginson tomdiginson and WASHED KING WASHED KING as well. You dudes have blood on your hands as far as I’m concerned.

In this area alone crime among juveniles is up and on the rise. Then we have more conceal carry permits being granted. At some point the two were going to intersect……and now we have this story occur. I expect more examples like this to continue in the future. The homeowner didn’t go outside talking about no business program nonsense or offer sympathy for whatever shortcomings occurred in the kids life. The homeowner went outside that night and took matters into his hands and protected property that didn’t belong to those kids……it is what it is. Homeowner not charged with murder by the way. Kids now know not to go back to that block at least to do something stupid. A hard lesson learned……but a lesson that needed and continuously needs to be taught. Spare the rod spoil the child.
You dunce cap wearing fool.
We need a SPED section on NT just for you. You're typing full paragraphs of pure ignorance and stupidity.

Your whole argument of "TOUGHER PUNISHMENT" has already been tried in this country and all it led to was an increase in police brutality in communities of color. Punishment does not deter crime, read a book before you @ me.

So your alternative against punishment is to essentially do nothing. I say nothing because these kids aren’t signing up for no business program champ. I doubt the average 13 year old would sign up for a business program anyway.

Most likely this 13 year old didn’t have or experience any discipline or punishment in his household…..which led him down the path where he ended, but that’s another story. That’s why I said as it applies to kids punishment is needed in the home to help deter these kids from doing wrong. This slap on the wrist, or do nothing mentality that you like to promote has done more harm than good in our community. Spare the rod spoil the child.
So your alternative against punishment is to essentially do nothing. I say nothing because these kids aren’t signing up for no business program champ. I doubt the average 13 year old would sign up for a business program anyway.

Most likely this 13 year old didn’t have or experience any discipline or punishment in his household…..which led him down the path where he ended, but that’s another story. That’s why I said as it applies to kids punishment is needed in the home to help deter these kids from doing wrong. This slap on the wrist, or do nothing mentality that you like to promote has done more harm than good in our community. Spare the rod spoil the child.

We told you the solution is education. There is literally a shortage of young people entering trade work such as plumbers, carpentry, electricians, mechanics skilled blue collar labor and jobs society needs to function.

There is no reason for every public school to not provide these kids with the opportunities to learn these trades where they can generate a legal income immediately after graduation. Trades where you can get money in your hand quickly and doesn't require an advanced 4 year degree. You keep saying "business programs" like someone said to make every kid become a Software engineer or CPA.

ALSO lets elaborate, why do you think the child's upbringing was the way it was? How did you think his parents upbringing was? The grandparents? Better yet what is the yearly income of the household this child is living in?

What about the neighborhood they grew up?
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Man says we have blood on our hands because we want black children to get opportunities that can help them learning wise, financially and possibly keep them out of trouble. The only thing he's proposed is to put black babies in shackles and chains.

You respond to him in a way that forces him to think and he pretends as if he doesn't see the post. But returns another day spouting the same crazy nonsensical rhetoric.
We told you the solution is education. There is literally a shortage of young people entering trade work such as plumbers, carpentry, electricians, mechanics skilled blue collar labor and jobs society needs to function.

There is no reason for every public school to not provide these kids with the opportunities to learn these trades where they can generate a legal income immediately after graduation. Trades where you can get money in your hand quickly and doesn't require an advanced 4 year degree. You keep saying "business programs" like someone said to make every kid become a Software engineer or CPA.

ALSO lets elaborate, why do you think the child's upbringing was the way it was? How did you think his parents upbringing was? The grandparents? Better yet what is the yearly income of the household this child is living in?

What about the neighborhood they grew up?

Education?? The 13 year old was currently enrolled into public education at a nearby school. As far as wanting a trade school inside every public school in the nation I say do a write up to your local politician and see if trade school can be incorporated in next years school budget. Either way whether there’s a trade school or not breaking into someone’s car let alone riding in a stolen car wasn’t going to get the 13 year old very far in life.

Also regarding the various questions you asked my answer is……..WHO CARES. Once again the world doesn’t know you, I or anyone else sympathy. You dudes better get off this sympathy nonsense. It’s just another way for blacks folks to cry out to white people in hopes of being heard and understood. We don’t have time to be out here having our people begging for attention in hopes of being liked.

Nobody cares about any of the questions you asked pertaining this kid. It’s on his family, more so his parents to raise and guide him right but they obviously didn’t. Due to their failure they can lay their child to rest sooner than expected.
Education?? The 13 year old was currently enrolled into public education at a nearby school. As far as wanting a trade school inside every public school in the nation I say do a write up to your local politician and see if trade school can be incorporated in next years school budget. Either way whether there’s a trade school or not breaking into someone’s car let alone riding in a stolen car wasn’t going to get the 13 year old very far in life.

Also regarding the various questions you asked my answer is……..WHO CARES. Once again the world doesn’t know you, I or anyone else sympathy. You dudes better get off this sympathy nonsense. It’s just another way for blacks folks to cry out to white people in hopes of being heard and understood. We don’t have time to be out here having our people begging for attention in hopes of being liked.

Nobody cares about any of the questions you asked pertaining this kid. It’s on his family, more so his parents to raise and guide him right but they obviously didn’t. Due to their failure they can lay their child to rest sooner than expected.

No one said anything about sympathy. I asked you a simple question.

YOU are the one making conclusions about the child’s upbringing and how there isn’t any discipline. I simply asked you to take your conclusions one step further and you spiral 😂.
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