Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

LOL. Classic SIGN language right here. Shame, Insults, Guilt, and the Need to be right. Bless your heart.

Only thing worse than being wrong is being loud and wrong champ. Philippians 4:13. My Bible says “I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me”……so yes I am a “special negro” despite what you said earlier. I know, I believe, therefore I am.

Ain’t no “I got lucky” champ. You can get that **** out your head right now. It’s called the power of prayer, hard work, dedication, self-drive, hustle, with a charisma second to none……all while being as cool as can be by the way. All while not making any excuses………..my bad, rather explanations. Don’t want my boy gry60 gry60 too upset over the word choice of not using explanations. If he do however……oh well he’ll be alright.

Still waiting on that donation screenshot to the funeral fund WASHED KING WASHED KING …….or at least a card from CVS.

What makes you different from the women you’re talking about in this post?

He like a lot of others missed the point or in Umar’s case purposely missed the point Kevin was making while he was here. As a woman you can’t be 200 plus pounds or up and EXPECT/DESIRE/DEMAND a man making 6 figures or more. No man worth his value is going to want a woman like that….let alone an average looking woman. Some of these extra average women out here have outrageous requests and standards. That’s the point Kevin always made.
The extremes on both sides in here is wild man. It doesn’t have to be this or that with everything. Every time a youth commits a dumb crime it doesn’t have to always be attributed to their upbringing. There are countless youths who come from great homes experiencing no poverty that still do dumb things and there are countless youths who come from way worse situations that don’t commit crimes. How do y’all even know if these kids are poor and come from broken homes?

My wife is a school psychologist that interacts daily with kids who are struggling in school. Her job is to find out why they are struggling in school and implement plans to help fix it (usually establishing an IEP). They do home visits and meetings with the children and their parents. While there are quite a few who struggle in school and have bad home lives, there are also those who have great ones and still struggle in school. They automatically attribute it to a learning disability but sometimes, the kids just don’t care about doing school work and refuse to do it. It’s not attributed to anything but their own choice and for whatever reason people in todays society can’t accept that. It’s always going to be a blame game for anything but the person who did the act.

Kids are going to do stupid things and should be held accountable for such. That doesn’t mean locking them up for life but it also doesn’t mean to blame everything and everyone except the kids themselves while saying “oh it’s his upbringing, not his fault”. We should always try to fix them before giving up on them, but if it happens over and over and over again, then it might be time for harsher punishment such as jail time.
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The extremes on both sides in here is wild man. It doesn’t have to be this or that with everything. Every time a youth commits a dumb crime it doesn’t have to always be attributed to their upbringing. There are countless youths who come from great homes experiencing no poverty that still do dumb things and there are countless youths who come from way worse situations that don’t commit crimes. How do y’all even know if these kids are poor and come from broken homes?

My wife is a school psychologist that interacts daily with kids who are struggling in school. Her job is to find out why they are be struggling in school and implement plans to help fix it (usually establishing an IEP). They do home visits and meetings with the children and their parents. While there are quite a few who struggle in school and have bad home lives, there are also those who have great ones and still struggle in school. They automatically attribute it to a learning disability but sometimes, the kids just don’t care about doing school work and refuse to do it. It’s not attributed to anything but their own choice and for whatever reason people in todays society can’t accept that. It’s always going to be a blame game for anything but the person who did the act.

Kids are going to do stupid things and should be held accountable for such. That doesn’t mean locking them up for life but it also doesn’t mean to blame everything and everyone except the kids themselves while saying “oh it’s his upbringing, not his fault”. We should always try to fix them before giving up on them, but if it happens over and over and over again, then it might be time for harsher punishment such as jail time.

Agree. It’s not always psychological or home environment… some of them just don’t want to do anything. It’s as simple as that
but if it happens over and over and over again, then it might be time for harsher punishment such as jail time.
The repetition occurs because juvenile recidivism is ****. Some of y’all never stepped or have any experience in those gladiator schools. It HARDENS you! straight up. eat or get eaten. Juvenile ChoMo get even worse in there being tossed around getting gutted out
The rampant disregard for life gets worse every year. People legit killing each other like roaches. Like it's nothing:smh:
The Washington Post is stirring things up on social media after the editorial board weighed in on controversial changes to D.C.'s crime code.

Be prepared for crime in DC to go up if and when this passes. Essentially giving criminals a pass for bad behavior……SMH.
This is insane.

How can you effectively educate kids when almost half their parents don't even care if they show up to school?
Change parentS to PARENT. Then the problem becomes more clear. Single moms that you can’t tell **** to, and these moms may actually be legitimately trying to work to make ends meet (a lot of welfare queens tho). So in the event that mama working, she doesn’t have the time to get that situation w/kid in order (if she’s even aware…). Then there’s another hurdle in actually trying to discipline and control a young male at that age as a woman….multi pronged disaster. Guessing more boys are absent. As far as the girls, they become pregnant early and repeat the cycle.
Damn that’s crazy. I work remote so I’ll go out during the day occasionally and I do see a lot of kids during school hours.
Same here, I’ll be driving and seeing groups of kids just out. In my day a cop would stop you in the street and ask why you’re not in school. I even got a $200 ticket for being late to school. Things done changed.
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