Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

Also - be careful who you mate with! Genetics / DNA ain't a joke.

A lot of this comes from men not valuing themselves or others above/beyond what sex/lust provides.

A direct line can be drawn from the online dating thread to this one.

Sexual intercourse is not for "fun" no matter what "cultural conditioning" / "social engineering" has to say about it.

Keep having "casual sex" with no values / negative energy folks over and over again thinking there are no consequences.

I try to teach my nephews just how valuable they are. How they are much more than the number of women they can sleep with.

Unfortunately, the rest of society/culture tells them they are worthless w/o a "baddie" sitting on their lap. :smh:

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Sexual intercourse is not for "fun" no matter what "cultural conditioning" / "social engineering" has to say about it.

Keep having "casual sex" with no values / negative energy folks over and over again thinking there are no consequences.
Let's see those stats about the success rate of abstinence-only education compared to proper sex ed programs.
Agree. It’s not always psychological or home environment… some of them just don’t want to do anything. It’s as simple as that

This is insane.

How can you effectively educate kids when almost half their parents don't even care if they show up to school?

Agreed on both. Now hopefully some of these folks in here will see that these proposed after school/business program suggestions are a waste of time. No need to have something for the kids after school if they aren’t showing up to school anyway.
The Lead Attorney would eat this guy's lunch with nothing but facts.

Nobody ever said it was "women's fault" that the courts are the way they are.

Couldn't even get 5 minutes in before "da patriarchy" :lol:

Hear him out. His point was simply for us to stop blaming the women that abuse the child support / custody laws and focus that attention to the law makers.

That is easy for anyone to say but he just feels women aren't the ones that make that type of "abuse" possible.
Hear him out. His point was simply for us to stop blaming the women that abuse the child support / custody laws and focus that attention to the law makers.

That is easy for anyone to say but he just feels women aren't the ones that make that type of "abuse" possible.
That’s a weak, non-accomplishing approach. I ain’t watch, but if that’s his stance remove his vocal cords forever. In one breath “we” as a ppl highlight all the evil, corruption, deliberate oppression, etc so for sake of efficient argument let’s assume the laws are there to disrupt the family structure (namely black fam structure). Ok…so….. why would I waste a .1 of a second having any conversation that is in the spirit of getting the “evil law makers” to change their behavior when women have the freedom and self autonomy to NOT engage/take advantage of child support abuse.

It’s like entertaining a conversation that blames a car manufacturer for someone making the decision to drive drunk and ends up killing ppl….too little time, too much work to do.

Any woman abusing child support is to blame 100% in 2023, no other way around it
I think you can have an issue with BOTH

A. Women that abuse the system.

B. The powers that be that allow that abuse to take place.

Both things can happen at the same time.
I think you can have an issue with BOTH

A. Women that abuse the system.

B. The powers that be that allow that abuse to take place.

Both things can happen at the same time.

I just think it's nasty how people in here want to cast blame at any and everyone except the people who destroyed the black family in the first place.


Then you have the elitist in here who think they're special due to their spawn location smh.
Hear him out. His point was simply for us to stop blaming the women that abuse the child support / custody laws and focus that attention to the law makers.

That is easy for anyone to say but he just feels women aren't the ones that make that type of "abuse" possible.

The premise of his argument is a strawman. Nobody is blaming women for making the laws.

Also - nothing is stopping these same women from not getting pregnant, not having kids, not going to court / taking advantage of the systems that the lawmakers have put in place.

Women have chosen to take advantage of becoming single parents, no-fault divorces, child support, welfare, alimony, etc.

Are they not to be held accountable for their own decisions as adults?

The numbers aren't lying. The majority of children in the Black community are born of women who are "single by choice".

We live in an era where women can be whatever they want to be, not be whatever they don't want to be, and are making choices of their own free will.

They have the authority to make choices, and they are fully capable of accepting accountability for their own choices as full-grown human adults.

Dudes like this are part of the problem.

Authority w/o accountability is failure.

Why on Earth would an honest person say we shouldn't blame women for choosing to abuse the system?
I just think it's nasty how people in here want to cast blame at any and everyone except the people who destroyed the black family in the first place.


Then you have the elitist in here who think they're special due to their spawn location smh.

Yea, that is what he was saying.

All the man vs. woman discourse is a waste of time and the issue is white supremacy.

P Present I hear all of what you are saying.
I just think it's nasty how people in here want to cast blame at any and everyone except the people who destroyed the black family in the first place.


Then you have the elitist in here who think they're special due to their spawn location smh.

This is what it has come to……..grown men making EXCUSES………rather EXPLANATIONS…LOL. Now white people are to blame for the CURRENT destruction of the black family, hilarious. I never knew OUR people were so powerless according to this logic. Who knew.
This is what it has come to……..grown men making EXCUSES………rather EXPLANATIONS…LOL. Now white people are to blame for the CURRENT destruction of the black family, hilarious. I never knew OUR people were so powerless according to this logic. Who knew.

You're not special. Everything you achieved in life is solely due to your circumstances.
Agreed on both. Now hopefully some of these folks in here will see that these proposed after school/business program suggestions are a waste of time. No need to have something for the kids after school if they aren’t showing up to school anyway.
You ignorant, self hating fool. The programs once existed and due to their existence, it allowed for more success within the black community. Stop littering the thread with these posts. You’re showing how really stupid and out of touch you are.
That is literally a bold face lie.

How in good conscious can you ignore actual US history that led us to this point just so you can blame Shaqueena?

"US History" has nothing to do with this.

It's 2023.

Authority w/o accountability is FAILURE.

Are you saying Black people have no authority to make decisions?

Are you saying Black people are too ignorant to be held accountable for their own choices?

I'm confused as to why Black folks should not be held accountable for the conditions of our own communities or lack thereof.

It's about VALUES fam.

There are PLENTY of Black folks who are doing just fine...because of their VALUES.

How did "US History" turn Shaquena into a single mother or make her rob an Uber driver at 15 years old Fam?
"US History" has nothing to do with this.

It's 2023.

Authority w/o accountability is FAILURE.

Are you saying Black people have no authority to make decisions?

Are you saying Black people are too ignorant to be held accountable for their own choices?

I'm confused as to why Black folks should not be held accountable for the conditions of our own communities or lack thereof.

It's about VALUES fam.

There are PLENTY of Black folks who are doing just fine...because of their VALUES.

How did "US History" turn Shaquena into a single mother or make her rob an Uber driver at 15 years old Fam?

How did you get your values?
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