UCSD Frat has 'Ghetto-Themed' Party

Originally Posted by jjsrf

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

I'm so mad that no one finds this offensive...ABOVE and beyond the attire, its the MEANING they attributed to the attire they're wearing...this is utterly unacceptable.

I'm with you on this, yea the invitation was done with humor but the underlying racism is appalling. This was actually done in the year of 2010??

To all you black people not offending because what was described is 'not you', these people really truly believe that you are exceptions to the rule (don't know how many times i've heard : black people can be loud but you're cool), anybody else see something wrong with that?

Why does what these people matter to YOU or to anybody? Is it going make you care/love your g/f,wife,kids any less? Are you going to become ill-stricken sick because of it? Is your car/home going to become repoed because of this? In what facist does what white people think as a collective whole, affect who you are as a person? If you allow a person words,thoughts,opinions,depiction of you determine who you are,or will be you got many many many issues and problems that are deeply rooted well beyond what some teenage white kids thoughts are about black people.
This is a joke that something like this would occur in this day and age but it does and its unacceptable.

What the hell is a "Ghetto Themed" party though? When I think of the word ghetto it doesn't apply to just one race to me, you got ghetto white people especially in the deep deep southern region of the country, you got ghetto black people, ghetto hispanics, ghetto asians etc.

They should have just called the party a, "stereotype black people in a bad way" party instead because if it was a "ghetto themed party, why not poke fun at stereotypes that could be perceived as ghetto that apply to other races as well.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by LDJ

It isnt offensive you choose to allow it to offend YOU. If im walking down the street and a dude calls a woman a hoar, i aint offended, why because why do or would i caree what he says to her, it isnt me. Only way i would be offended is if 1, i took it personally(which makes you care/want respect validity from that person) 2. I disagreed with what he said about her, and again it would be my personal view etc thoughts based on what someone told me is offensive.

You bring up videos BET etc. Ok why would you or anyone care if baby lil wayne gucci etc, are slappin itches with wads of cash, smoking weed etc. What does their actions have to do with who i am as a person, or affect my life.

You bring up the whole well this is what alot or a majority of white ppl may think or view of all blacks. But the question still remains why do you care what white ppl think of you? Only reason is to get acceptance. Thats the only reason opinions matter, is to get acceptance approval of someone.

Words arent of a physical matter, they only have substance/inflict pain when the person who hears them give them meaning. So being called a %$#! can only hurt, or be offensive if 1. You value who said it opinion. 2. You take what that person says personal, and give it meaning to be a negative connotation.
I'm distinguishing between something being offensive and being personally offended.  I can find a man calling a woman a hoar offensive if I just don't want to hear it.  That doesn't mean I'm personally offended. 

I would care about videos because maybe that's not what I want to see.  Just like, maybe I don't want to be around a man calling a woman a hoar.

I would care if someone personally disrespects me.  When someone says all Blacks do this or that, it is a personal attack to all Blacks.

Words do have meaning.  I don't like anybody disrespecting me.  Perhaps you have no problem with just anybody talking to you in any way they see fit, but I do. 

   Which is my point YOU decided what he said is offensive. If you dont want to feel offended then dont take offense, its just that simple. Like i said it isnt like a gunshot, you cant control whether a bullet to the arm hurts or not, but you can choose whether someone callin you out your name hurts your feelings.

Thats what the off/on switch is for. I dont like jersey shore or +*! ever that lame #$+! show is called. You know how i solve that problem, i CHANGE the channel. You can easily do the same, even without a remote it isnt a tedious task.

You find it offensive then easy again DONT. If you decide to do so then just as easy LEAVE

Words only have the meaning you give them. Proof is why the N word is ok for blacks to say because from a black person, black people choose to give that word a meaning as a term of endearment, whereas when another race says it they CHOOSE to be hurt/offended by them saying it. Its all in how you decide to take something.

At the end of the day no matter how you dance around it, these people offended are upset they arent being so called respected, and held in the same light,accepted by certain white people. NEWS FLASH, no matter how you look at etc they still dont/wont like you simply because you are black. If you dressed talked etc in any fashion/manner or look different then them in any form of facist. They would belittle ridicule and place you at a lower level.

FACE it you can please some people all the time, but you cannot please all people all the time. These getting the thumbs up from these white folks is a sinking ship. You will never ever never ever ever achieve this. I dont care how many degrees you have, how many tight shirts with horseys on them, loafers you own, rock/pop/country music you listen to. You still are a black person, and some are gonna dislike you mock you regardless of what you do how you act etc.

Like i said disrespect/defamation can only be offensive if you believe its true. Or you choose to be offended by it. Its like if a white man gets ppl to believe all black men are deadbeat daddies. Why would i care what he thinks? 1 i know it isnt a fact, 2. how does his words/thoughts/opinions change what i am,what i have achieved, or who i am as a person?
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

What the hell is a "Ghetto Themed" party though? When I think of the word ghetto it doesn't apply to just one race to me, you got ghetto white people especially in the deep deep southern region of the country, you got ghetto black people, ghetto hispanics, ghetto asians etc.

They should have just called the party a, "stereotype black people in a bad way" party instead because if it was a "ghetto themed party, why not poke fun at stereotypes that could be perceived as ghetto that apply to other races as well.
Way to contradict yourself. First you that "ghetto themed" doesn't refer to just blacks, then you say it does in your very next statement?
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

What the hell is a "Ghetto Themed" party though? When I think of the word ghetto it doesn't apply to just one race to me, you got ghetto white people especially in the deep deep southern region of the country, you got ghetto black people, ghetto hispanics, ghetto asians etc.

They should have just called the party a, "stereotype black people in a bad way" party instead because if it was a "ghetto themed party, why not poke fun at stereotypes that could be perceived as ghetto that apply to other races as well.
Way to contradict yourself. First you that "ghetto themed" doesn't refer to just blacks, then you say it does in your very next statement?
Lol exactly black people so confused they dont know what to say/think anymore. One time its im offended by these ppl, then the other i dress/act and conduct myself in a matter to get accepted by these people. Then i wanna be like/act in these steretypes, but then its offensive hurtful if a white person says it is wrong to be this way. Then they are hurt mad at what they say, and offended by their words. But they dont care about what they say, and what they feelings are. I guess with all the shucking/jiving and tap dancing you bound to mess up and forget a step or two, then you just get all confused.

i'd hate to say this but there are so many parties that are "gangsta themed"
not to mention there's cowboys and "indians", jersey shore parties, white trash parties, all geared towards mimicking or making fun of a certain group
To those who justified this by saying "Well they're not necessarily making fun of black people, just ghetto people." read closer, this party is "celebrating" Black History Month.
it's immature and in bad taste. And yes it is racist, and i'm DEFINITELY not the one to pull the race card. You don't see any Omegas having trailer park parties now do you? All races/cultures have some facets that are not so glorious, but it definitely should not be exploited and poked fun at.
Originally Posted by trey ohh five

To those who justified this by saying "Well they're not necessarily making fun of black people, just ghetto people." read closer, this party is "celebrating" Black History Month.
This is definitely a good point, but we have this exact same conversation every single time someone posts an article like this. Halloween, whatever, people still seem to go ballistic about this type of stuff.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

What the hell is a "Ghetto Themed" party though? When I think of the word ghetto it doesn't apply to just one race to me, you got ghetto white people especially in the deep deep southern region of the country, you got ghetto black people, ghetto hispanics, ghetto asians etc.

They should have just called the party a, "stereotype black people in a bad way" party instead because if it was a "ghetto themed party, why not poke fun at stereotypes that could be perceived as ghetto that apply to other races as well.
Way to contradict yourself. First you that "ghetto themed" doesn't refer to just blacks, then you say it does in your very next statement?
Lol exactly black people so confused they dont know what to say/think anymore. One time its im offended by these ppl, then the other i dress/act and conduct myself in a matter to get accepted by these people. Then i wanna be like/act in these steretypes, but then its offensive hurtful if a white person says it is wrong to be this way. Then they are hurt mad at what they say, and offended by their words. But they dont care about what they say, and what they feelings are. I guess with all the shucking/jiving and tap dancing you bound to mess up and forget a step or two, then you just get all confused.

LDJ first off im not even black,  im half white/ half puerto rican but thats irrelvevant to this conversation.

my defenition of ghetto is someone who lacks class, is loud, cheap, rude, broke and obnxious, and is dirty and makes their respective race or culture look bad .  that description can fit the lowest of the low in any race or culture.

that party clearly comes across as blatantly poking fun of black stereotypes.   

an dee 51o,  i don't think you understand the point i was trying to get across.  the word "ghetto"  doesn't apply to just black people   ghetto isn't a race or a color,  any person of any race can be ghetto if they want to lower themselves.

the people who organized this party think that the word "ghetto" applies to just blacks because the only racial stereotypes they are using for their theme are those of black people.
PIKE is known to be the scum of all frats. Bunch of beefed up undercover skinheads/KKK members...here at UCSB they are notorious for @#$% like this, hell last year two asian kids got their @#$ beat for just being in front of the PIKE house. This summer me and couple of my boys got kicked out one of their parties just for being the only 3 non white people there, we were told that "people like you dont belong here" (didnt realize it was a PIKE party at first since it wasnt at their regular house). Not even a week after that me and the same boys were walking home, and we happen to walk past a group of maybe 10 PIKE dudes. Immediately after we walk past they start screaming "keep walkin you  _____s unless you want to get lynched".  We stood our ground and they didnt do @#$%, but it goes to show how they really are.
I've never seen this movie, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is what gave them the idea.

And yes, White Chicks/ Those Chappelle's skits are essentially the same thing and they're in bad taste, too.
Originally Posted by Agent0024

racism still alive, they just be concealin it- Kanye

I wonder what would happened if I threw a Poindexter Paddy Party where everybody rolls up in their mom and dad's car with their parents charge card and a bunch of emo/karamo attire, attributes and the whole 29.... despicable that white people are allowed to still openly practice and demonstrate active racism, in relation to an institute of higher learning no less, without so much as an official condemnation or willingness to halt such a disgraceful display of the still-present and prevalent separation between whites and Blaccs....

Thats my opinion and I'm a 26 year old Crip, with gold teeth, and tattoos. My mom is white by the way too and my father originated from African slaves and the indigenous nations of Native Americans that resided here undisturbed until the earth cancer called the caucasoid invaded and raped, pillaged and destroyed thousands of separate cultures co-existing with each other.... so I guess since I used a couple big words I'm not a "real" Crip and I'm just e-banging right? I won't continue this rant but instances like this make me proud to be anti-American, even with a bi-racial President

How long is this going to be thrown around? I'm pretty sure that unless any of those people who were involved in such an activity found the fountain of life, they are now as dead.
Stop talking badly about all Pikes. One of my good friends is a Pike at UC Irvine, and I have attended a LOT of their events and parties. They were welcoming and not douchey at all, even though I'm not part of their frat. I know for a fact that Pike is a respected frat at UCI, at least.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Stop talking badly about all Pikes. One of my good friends is a Pike at UC Irvine, and I have attended a LOT of their events and parties. They were welcoming and not douchey at all, even though I'm not part of their frat. I know for a fact that Pike is a respected frat at UCI, at least.

every frat/sorority has a branch that doesnt represent the rest. For example I was surprised to find that Tri-Delts at UCSB arent complete skeezers and are just the ugly rejects of the other sororities
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

my defenition of ghetto is someone who lacks class, is loud, cheap, rude, broke and obnxious, and is dirty and makes their respective race or culture look bad .  that description can fit the lowest of the low in any race or culture.
YOUR definition doesnt matter.

Ghetto : a quarter of a city in which members of a minority group live especially because of social, legal, or economic pressure

But any ways I' offended but I'm not going to be protesting down the street. There's ignorance all around the world. But I see who co-signs this nonsense and lets me know who to associate with and who not to.
Originally Posted by Nyota de la star

Soooo NO ONE read the first two lines?

Foreal i think all but a couple people missed that. Honestly i go to UCSD and white people here just dont pay attention to what they say. They stereo type so much and they just dont notice it. It's ucsd though, and this place is just lame as it is.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Agent0024

Thats my opinion and I'm a 26 year old Crip, with gold teeth, and tattoos.My mom is white by the way too and my father originated from Africanslaves and the indigenous nations of Native Americans that resided hereundisturbed until the earth cancer called the caucasoid invaded andraped, pillaged and destroyed thousands of separate culturesco-existing with each other.... so I guess since I used a couple bigwords I'm not a "real" Crip and I'm just e-banging right? I won'tcontinue this rant but instances like this make me proud to beanti-American, even with a bi-racial President

Also, LDJ is making some good points here and there.
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