Update - Rob Kardashian wylin on social media. Power of the P will break a man!

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I don't care what he does. I'm not putting on sportschannels to see someone's daddy talk trash or run his mouth.

its always funny when people try to act like this is the problem
There was a 2 week period where his comments were talked about on every show on 2-3 channels.
And for the ones that's not black, cool we not talking to you :lol: carry on
What is the point of quoting dude? What does that have to do with anything I said, because I nothing I said equates to "hating" on Lavar. You just being dumb
Lavar's antics worked cause here we are talking about it

He said **** the corporations and is doing it his way, I don't see how anyone can hate on that
I'm black AND a father and just find Lavar to be a clown... comes across like an IG thot doing the most for some likes and fame..its a big act and just corny... people can be outspoken without being obnoxious... Lavar wanna put on a show and have all eyes on Lavar... not my kinda guy

As for his parenting, thats another topic.. he seems like a good dad ... there are good dads that are also horrible people... kellyanne conway could be a great mother, but shes a piece of **** human socially

Lavar's antics dont have to be "looked for".. if you're a sports fan with a television and/or wifi you're eventually gonna see his shenanigans
They all in the attentionwhore category.

...like the rest of the American "social media" culture?

They at the top. Reminds me of the kids in class who were always disruptive and talking nonstop.

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

Lavar Ball is just the 2017 Don King.

If you don't see that he's just building and marketing a brand then lol...

What do you see this brand being worth at its peak? Others please feel free to chime in...
With all 3 brothers in the league eventually and projected success....

no more than 300 mill, and thats assuming dudes win championships and shoes look great

What do you see this brand being worth at its peak? Others please feel free to chime in...
I can't predict the future to put a number on it.

Ideally if all his sons do what they're projected to do then by like 2023 theres not even gonna be a need for Lavar to be seen aside from being on the sidelines skining and grinning.

But he already won simply for the fact that without his antics, Lonzo would be another run of the mill prospect that really only people who pay attention to ball know about. Now with his antics, he's created hype and investment around the Lakers and hours of television time without any corporate backing. And he's selling sneakers already, he doesn't have to wait for Nike to give him some trash as Hyperdunks for 5 years before they view him worthy of his own sneaker.

All he had to do was be cocky and he tricked the media into giving him so much free marketing. With nobody else in his pockets.

And don't let all 3 cook on the Lakers at the same time...and then if LeBron brings his happy *** there too...

Honestly the sky is the limit and I think his most lasting impact will be that the next LeBron/Kobe/etc. type prospect will be able to do it 10x bigger without Nike in their pockets. For those that still decide to sign with a company, they have more bargaining power and perks now that they know it's possible to do it on their own.

It's a much bigger picture than this dude just being obnoxious.
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What do you see this brand being worth at its peak? Others please feel free to chime in...
I can't predict the future to put a number on it.

Ideally if all his sons do what they're projected to do then by like 2023 theres not even gonna be a need for Lavar to be seen aside from being on the sidelines skining and grinning.

But he already won simply for the fact that without his antics, Lonzo would be another run of the mill prospect that really only people who pay attention to ball know about. Now with his antics, he's created hype and investment around the Lakers and hours of television time without any corporate backing. And he's selling sneakers already, he doesn't have to wait for Nike to give him some trash as Hyperdunks for 5 years before they view him worthy of his own sneaker.

All he had to do was be cocky and he tricked the media into giving him so much free marketing. With nobody else in his pockets.

And don't let all 3 cook on the Lakers at the same time...and then if LeBron brings his happy *** there too...

Honestly the sky is the limit and I think his most lasting impact will be that the next LeBron/Kobe/etc. type prospect will be able to do it 10x bigger without Nike in their pockets. For those that still decide to sign with a company, they have more bargaining power and perks now that they know it's possible to do it on their own.

It's a much bigger picture than this dude just being obnoxious.

Its crazy how 99% of people dont see this. 

I have tried to explain this to people and they just dont want to see it   (and i work in the industry) 
I think Lavar is obnoxious in front of the media and I believe he's a great father behind the scenes.

He's a shhh talker.. ain't nothing wrong with that.. he plays it up for the media and to sell the product

I look at him like don king and mayweather.. hell pro wrestling

But his kids seem pretty well adjusted all things considered.. then you factor in absentee, abusive and all around ahole parents.. and maybe folks, like those on FS1, should step down off their high horse

A parent is involved in their kids lives, HUGE crime.. Kris kardashian sold her daughters damn sex tape to build their empire, wouldn't put them anywhere near the same boat.. I get talking about dude, but kinda odd that some think it's ok to talk on things they don't know (his actual parenting)

I wonder what these same folks gotta say about politicians who parade their kids out in the public life for their personal gain because of the need to appear stable by being a family person
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Every black person, when talking to sports media needs to be like Tim Duncan and kawaii Leonard

Oh and praise the troops

"I don't know how I made it this far, thank god thank jesus, man I couldn't have did it on my own"
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With all 3 brothers in the league eventually and projected success....

no more than 300 mill, and thats assuming dudes win championships and shoes look great

He might go 1/3. Either way it's a success.

Lavar is a troll/business man. I respected him once I figured out he was supplying hot takes to launch his business
Black man controlling his destiny AND saying what he wants with no one pulling his strings? Who wants to see that?
Of course anything to declaw powerful successful black men.

Just like they did Mike Tyson.

Just like they tried to do Floyd Mayweather

They try do the same thing to Obama

The Ronda Rousey **** tried to do the same thing to Floyd.

Kristina Leahy tried to with Lavar Ball

Elena Delle tried with Alonzo Ball

Even white women try to take shots and declaw powerful black men....Obama and Mayweather are prime examples of this.

Its always the same excuse and deflection with you haters...OMG OMG I don't like Mayweather he is money worshipping arrogant and too cocky.

OMG OMG Lavar  Ball is annoying and arrogant.

I swear yall wouldn't be happy until they are all washed up declawed Mike Tyson.....

Some of these fools need to wake up man....

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