Update: Unconfirmed Rumor according to MTV/ WHO WOULD YOU RATHER SEE AS CATWOMAN?

She BETTER be a villain and nothing more. I know she's technically not a heroine, but she's not a villain, either. Having them work together will NOTbe good for this movie. With that said, Nolan better be able to pull this off.
PS: They should release a Gotham Knight sequel that takes place between The Dark Knight and the new one.
Umm it isn't true guys.

The article sources The Sun, which goes on to say Nolan is also on board as well as Bale, without giving any credible source of info. Not to mention this storyisn't anywhere else.
megan fox cant act

this could be a disaster
Originally Posted by upstateboibeats

eh, think about it this way...catwoman is never a very talkative character...more mysterious. I think megan fox shouldnt have any trouble pulling it off.
You really don't know anything about Catwoman do you? The whole point of her character is to interact with Batman.

Morena Baccarin should've gotten the role.
I can't imagine Catwoman (regardless of the actress), in Nolan's Gotham City.

IMO, Nolan needs to let Batman go, wait for another director to screw it up, then revive it again with an adaptation of Frank Miller's, The Dark Knight Returns.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

I can't imagine Catwoman (regardless of the actress), in Nolan's Gotham City.

IMO, Nolan needs to let Batman go, wait for another director to screw it up, then revive it again with an adaptation of Frank Miller's, The Dark Knight Returns.
So you can't imagine a Catwoman who is essentially a theif who Batman finds himself attracted to but you want to see an adaptation of a bookthat requires the backstory of the DCU, mutants and Superman digging himself out of the wreckage of a nuclear explosion?
I don't think this is true. Nolan is focusing on Inception which looks amazing from a teaser that shows nothing.
And the curse countinues.....if its true
. Sure the chicks hot and allthat but she runs her mouth to much and can act. We dont need that in a batman movie. B-man finallys geting his movie cred back and they screw it up withthis?! IUsnt the sun known for half assed reports?
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