US Government Headed to Shutdown

Mexico is funding the wall through USMCA, however, specifically how that works has still not been explained though. So i am not sure why he needs the 5.7 bil if it is being funded through USMCA.
So is he getting the remainder of the money from his wall from them?
who cares he aint even alive anymore. we need the old generation to die off tbh old *** ppl ruining everything from hip hop to politics smh

i assure you hiphop was in good hands before this generation popped up.

i can also assure you that no party has a monopoly of good ideas.
who cares he aint even alive anymore. we need the old generation to die off tbh old *** ppl ruining everything from hip hop to politics smh
Dude is just peddling a whataboutism to make it seem both sides are the same.

Using the n-word is disgusting, and there is no excuse for that or any of LBJ's nonsense but anyone that has really looked at the Civil Rights Era knows LBJ went from n-word using dude that tanked a Civil Rights Bill to a man that was regretful of his past and said it was the country's responsibility to help the black community. He destroyed the New Deal Coalition in order to past Civil Rights policy.

If every white person that said the n-word views on helping the black community shifted to where LBJ's were at toward the end of his presidency, the country would be better off. Dude just doesn't know about the politics of the time so always tries to throw **** like that out to excuse the modern day GOP's racism.

In 2019, one party tries to surpress black people's votes and one party doesn't. One party is favored by bigots while one party is not. One party engages in stupid economic policy and lies about it, and one party does not. One party disregards Civil Rights policy and one party does not. One party is committed to further systemic inequality and one party is not. One party tries to rip away people's heath care, and one party does not.

No party is perfect, but but both parties are not the same.
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Again, folk gotta see Trump is trying to run a scam. 5.7 billion can't build a wall on the Southern border. It is around 1/5 of the low end estimated cost of one.

Trump is going to ask for more money eventually. This is finesse by a man that the country might need to impeach in a few months.
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I ain’t giving no Billionaire and his billionaire buddies in his cabinet...along with the other billionaires he gave the largest tax cut in history to.... MY money to build a F’n wall he repeatedly INSISTED (not just verbally) MEXICO WOULD PAY FOR.

Trump want a damn Wall so bad....him and all his rich friends do a Sou Sou , and pay for that ****. That **** Ain’t coming out my pocket. That’s highway roberry right there.

The people with all the bread and access to do it...put people out of work and want us to foot the bill of **** we don’t even want. Hysterical :lol:.
I ain’t giving no Billionaire and his billionaire buddies in his cabinet...along with the other billionaires he gave the largest tax cut in history to.... MY money to build a F’n wall he repeatedly INSISTED (not just verbally) MEXICO WOULD PAY FOR.

Trump want a damn Wall so bad....him and all his rich friends do a Sou Sou , and pay for that ****. That **** Ain’t coming out my pocket. That’s highway roberry right there.

The people with all the bread and access to do it...put people out of work and want us to foot the bill of **** we don’t even want. Hysterical :lol:.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Bruh

The thought of those old rich clowns pooling their money like my granny and her homegirls got me howlin.

I remember when it was my grandma's week and she used to come through with the bandz :smokin :lol:
ninjahood ninjahood **** is all a business. Politicians doing what’s best for themselves and their career, but will sell you on how much they’re helping the people. Bunch of corruption and they have ulterior motives to “helping the people”
ninjahood ninjahood **** is all a business. Politicians doing what’s best for themselves and their career, but will sell you on how much they’re helping the people. Bunch of corruption and they have ulterior motives to “helping the people”
Again, 1. Nobody is saying one side does everything 100% for you and only you 2. One side has a hundred + year track record of fighting to put anyone but rich white men at a disadvantage 3. Despite what the cool kids think you DO need to pick a side or someone else will for you.
yall needa stop paying the IRS and just collectively use the money yall were gonna use for taxes and buy a nuke to kiss the IRS n feds goodbye boom problem solved, now there aint gon be anyone tryna lock yall up for not paying taxes anymore :smokin
Again, 1. Nobody is saying one side does everything 100% for you and only you 2. One side has a hundred + year track record of fighting to put anyone but rich white men at a disadvantage 3. Despite what the cool kids think you DO need to pick a side or someone else will for you.
Mexico is funding the wall through USMCA, however, specifically how that works has still not been explained though. So i am not sure why he needs the 5.7 bil if it is being funded through USMCA.

that still gotta get ratified in congress.
ninjahood ninjahood **** is all a business. Politicians doing what’s best for themselves and their career, but will sell you on how much they’re helping the people. Bunch of corruption and they have ulterior motives to “helping the people”

yep, people who tell u only one party know whats best fot u selling u that snake oil.

you do your homework on the issues and you make sure you do what's best for yourself and that comes to both parties.
I ain’t giving no Billionaire and his billionaire buddies in his cabinet...along with the other billionaires he gave the largest tax cut in history to.... MY money to build a F’n wall he repeatedly INSISTED (not just verbally) MEXICO WOULD PAY FOR.

Trump want a damn Wall so bad....him and all his rich friends do a Sou Sou , and pay for that ****. That **** Ain’t coming out my pocket. That’s highway roberry right there.

The people with all the bread and access to do it...put people out of work and want us to foot the bill of **** we don’t even want. Hysterical :lol:.

At the end of the day Trump in his purest form is the n_ on the block who has ALL the work

In his mind the cronies (us) will do all the hard work and make dumb *** decisions to line his pockets and give him whatever he wants.
Man, you are really like that one guy in the action movies that betrays all the humans and joins sides with the aliens and decepticons thinking that somehow the aliens will have a place for you in their new society after they destroy the Earth.

you know who was my favorite transformer? starscream... because his ultimate allegiance was to himself, eff Megatron & eff optimus prime.

ya keep thinking its one or da other lackin any sort of nuances :lol:
Man, you are really like that one guy in the action movies that betrays all the humans and joins sides with the aliens and decepticons thinking that somehow the aliens will have a place for you in their new society after they destroy the Earth.
Humans have places like that for the creatures living in the ecosystems they destroy: zoos.
Ann Coulter bringing the country to a halt is wild. Never forget the funding bill was passed in both the house and senate...Trump was going to sign it...then Ann Coulter wrote that article and unfollowed trump and he rejected it :smh: :lol:.

Mitch McConnell, Ann Coulter and Trump own this. Period
you know who was my favorite transformer? starscream... because his ultimate allegiance was to himself, eff Megatron & eff optimus prime.

ya keep thinking its one or da other lackin any sort of nuances :lol:

"lackin any sort of nuances"

Ann Coulter bringing the country to a halt is wild. Never forget the funding bill was passed in both the house and senate...Trump was going to sign it...then Ann Coulter wrote that article and unfollowed trump and he rejected it :smh: :lol:.

Mitch McConnell, Ann Coulter and Trump own this. Period
After all these years of trying Ann Coulter finally got a man that she loves to value her opinion.
These "both parties are the same" or "I'm an independent" comments are so ridiculous...

On paper, conservatives have many things that I agree with or could tolerate while disagreeing with ( overall I'd still be a Democrat supporter, but I'd be open to hearing out a Republican candidate who has good ideas). What completely puts me off from that side is the WAY that those ideas are implemented.

You want to crackdown on illegal immigration and stop refugees from coming here? Sure, as a country, you definitely have that right. I have major issues with how people here basically allow illegal immigrants to come in, just so that they can exploit them by paying below poverty wages. BUT don't be selective about it. Where is the same effort into deporting all those Eastern European undocumented immigrants in the Midwest? I find it hilarious how they bring up Chicago when it comes to black people ,but not as an example for all the Polish, Ukranian, etc. people working under the table out there

In the case of refugees, how were millions of Europeans that were absolutely penniless and illiterate allowed into this country, while equally desperate Muslim and Latino refugees are villainized for coming here? I've met Syrian refugees here that were doctors, professors, etc. back home, but over here they're called terrorists and rapists.

You want to be "tough on crime"? I 100% agree with that. I'm not one of those soft liberals that's ok with an "anything goes as long as it's not physically harming me" mentality. I want anyone dealing/using hard drugs in public or committing acts of violence to be met with the harshest penalties possible. BUT we live in a country where this mentality isn't applied across the board. It's reserved mostly for people of color while many white people are given community service, offered rehab, and given educational classes. Murderers of black and Latino Americans get zero to minimal sentences while they should be getting the death penalty IMO. White people are able to walk around with AR-15s in public, while black people protected by the 2nd Amendment are executed.

You want to ban abortions and claim to be pro-life? Ok; I disagree on the abortion issue, but I could understand if I saw the same pro-life energy when it comes to preventing gun violence, feeding the poor, funding schools/creating job opportunities in neglected areas, etc. Where is that though? All I see is maintaining segregated areas cut off from the rest of society (mentally and physically), which just maintains the cycle of being born into poverty and then eventually turning to crime

I could keep going on and on about these types of things, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that being neutral while dealing with these two parties means that you're either deliberately ignoring reality or are just an extremely sheltered white/whitewashed person that doesn't know how this country actually works.
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These "both parties are the same" or "I'm an independent" comments are so ridiculous...

On paper, conservatives have many things that I agree with or could tolerate while disagreeing with ( overall I'd still be a Democrat supporter, but I'd be open to hearing out a Republican candidate who has good ideas). What completely puts me off from that side is the WAY that those ideas are implemented.

You want to crackdown on illegal immigration and stop refugees from coming here? Sure, as a country, you definitely have that right. I have major issues with how people here basically allow illegal immigrants to come in, just so that they can exploit them by paying below poverty wages. BUT don't be selective about it. Where is the same effort into deporting all those Eastern European undocumented immigrants in the Midwest? I find it hilarious how they bring up Chicago when it comes to black people ,but not as an example for all the Polish, Ukranian, etc. people working under the table out there

In the case of refugees, how were millions of Europeans that were absolutely penniless and illiterate allowed into this country, while equally desperate Muslim and Latino refugees are villainized for coming here? I've met Syrian refugees here that were doctors, professors, etc. back home, but over here they're called terrorists and rapists.

You want to be "tough on crime"? I 100% agree with that. I'm not one of those soft liberals that's ok with an "anything goes as long as it's not physically harming me" mentality. I want anyone dealing/using hard drugs in public or committing acts of violence to be met with the harshest penalties possible. BUT we live in a country where this mentality isn't applied across the board. It's reserved mostly for people of color while many white people are given community service, offered rehab, and given educational classes. Murderers of black and Latino Americans get zero to minimal sentences while they should be getting the death penalty IMO. White people are able to walk around with AR-15s in public, while black people protected by the 2nd Amendment are executed.

You want to ban abortions and claim to be pro-life? Ok; I disagree on the abortion issue, but I could understand if I saw the same pro-life energy when it comes to preventing gun violence, feeding the poor, funding schools/creating job opportunities in neglected areas, etc. Where is that though? All I see is maintaining segregated areas cut off from the rest of society (mentally and physically), which just maintains the cycle of being born into poverty and then eventually turning to crime

I could keep going on and on about these types of things, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that being neutral while dealing with these two parties means that you're either deliberately ignoring reality or are just an extremely sheltered white/whitewashed person that doesn't know how this country actually works.

... Or it could mean that the 2 party system is trash and I like low taxes (because the government dont spend them well anyway), traditional conservative family values, and the government staying out of my business, but I also like well funded education and healthcare....
So I have to be neutral because sheeple think everything is a package deal in this system, which it is because of how campaigns are funded and legislation is passed. both parties are just serving the wealthy in this country.

youre right though. republicans are wayyy off the rails nowadays. borderline kkk party. meanwhile democrats are too eager to take taxes, and freedoms, and tell me how to think.
... Or it could mean that the 2 party system is trash and I like low taxes (because the government dont spend them well anyway), traditional conservative family values, and the government staying out of my business, but I also like well funded education and healthcare....
So I have to be neutral because sheeple think everything is a package deal in this system, which it is because of how campaigns are funded and legislation is passed.
Tell us more about these conservative family values and the government staying out of your business .....
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