US Government Headed to Shutdown

Cheaper gas ain't gonna matter if your wages still suck. There's a lot of people that got ****** by his policies and a lot of people he hasn't done **** for. It will be interesting to see if they continue to vote against their own interests.
the only reason gas goin down is cuz the saudis is sellin it for cheap. aint nobody else reason for that for 2018 n 2019. they lowered the gas price so that americans and canadians can refuse to buy local, hurt their own economy, and buy from saudi. has sumthin to do with trudeau disrespecting the saudis
Cheaper gas ain't gonna matter if your wages still suck. There's a lot of people that got ****ed by his policies and a lot of people he hasn't done **** for. It will be interesting to see if they continue to vote against their own interests.
If history is an indicator they will continue to do so
Actually, when Obama was leaving office gas was at lows for the decade, around $2.14 avg. Trump didn't do anything in that regard.

Gas was cheap af under Obama too

ya folks got a short memory...gas prices only fell during da last months of Obama's presidency because of da sanctions lifted by Iran brought their oil reserves had nothing to do with actual energy policy.

under Trump folks got da Keystone XL pipeline (remember when environmentalists cried about that, now no one cares lol) and Alaskan drillin for da 1st time ever.

da US is a net exporter of oil cuz of fracking and oil policies that are friendly because of this current administration.
oh, you still think Russian collusion is actually a thing? :lol: cute.

Clinton got aquitted even after being found he lied to congress about having sex in da oval office, impeachment will only reinforce his base to da point it will backfire like it did in 1996.
I’m sure bill paid Monica celly bill for the p.
You ever seen a frack sand mine? I’d honestly be ok paying a little more for my gas. I used to go to those hell holes daily.
the only reason gas goin down is cuz the saudis is sellin it for cheap

because they were directly threatened by increased marketshare by competition from United States fracked oil and their mortal enemy Iran also selling.

they tried to undercut american production by rampin up production, only to cripple da oil cartel in da process.
ya folks got a short memory...gas prices only fell during da last months of Obama's presidency because of da sanctions lifted by Iran brought their oil reserves had nothing to do with actual energy policy.

under Trump folks got da Keystone XL pipeline (remember when environmentalists cried about that, now no one cares lol) and Alaskan drillin for da 1st time ever.

da US is a net exporter of oil cuz of fracking and oil policies that are friendly because of this current administration.

Nah you just moved the goal posts once your claim of lower gas prices was debunked.

Nice try.
on da contrary, cheaper gas acts like a automatic tax cut which gives you more discretionary spending money.
I'd agree if the savings were substantial. I think I'm paying about 30 cents less per gallon now. I fill up about 10 gallons a week. So, I'm saving $3 a week? That's not much.
Nah you just moved the goal posts once your claim of lower gas prices was debunked.

Nice try.

what are you talking about? Gas was high almost entirely high Under Obama's presidency up until da iran deal :lol:

you forgot trucks & suv's weren't selling and da volt/leaf dropped? yeah...eons ago i know :lol:
what are you talking about? Gas was high almost entirely high Under Obama's presidency up until da iran deal :lol:

you forgot trucks & suv's weren't selling and da volt/leaf dropped? yeah...eons ago i know :lol:
Now you're moving to SUV sales :lol:
You were wrong, just stop.
Trump just proved that he’s a complete failure at making deals and gets his back blown out with any friction. In no way shape or form is anything “becuase of Trump”.

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA; Persian: برنامه جامع اقدام مشترک‎, translit. barnāmeye jāme'e eqdāme moshtarak, acronym: برجام BARJAM[4][5]), known commonly as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal, is an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program reached in Vienna on 14 July 2015 between Iran, the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States—plus Germany),[a] and the European Union.

you can literally pinpoint when da deal got signed and when da oil stop to drop under Obama... before that da majority of his administration was expensive *** oil, which ironically lead to da private sector's incentive to frack on private land to capitalize on da high price.
gop committee just vouched 100% support yesterday.

there will be no Republican primary.

Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico (CNN) — Republican Party officials are delivering an unmistakable message as the 2020 campaign season begins: The GOP is the party of Trump.
The Republican National Committee is poised to express its "undivided support for President Donald J. Trump and his effective Presidency" as the committee's members conclude their annual winter meeting here on Friday.
The resolution -- a symbolic yet unusual step -- is just the latest indication of GOP officials closing ranks around Trump even as the President's national approval rating has slumped and the prospects of a GOP primary challenge become more real.

Democrats got a whole year to find someone to try to beat Donald...good luck on that :lol:
*yawn* sure.

da bottomless is Trump got nobody to be scared of on da democratic side to challenge him... Mueller's investigation is actually more plausible than someone actually defeating him head on.

dems got rabid radicals talkin bout 70% tax rates, and da world bout to end on 12 years :lol: ain't nobody ready for prime time out there...

even Joe Biden lookin at da young pups purity tests like comedy

gop committee just vouched 100% support yesterday.

there will be no Republican primary.

Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico (CNN) — Republican Party officials are delivering an unmistakable message as the 2020 campaign season begins: The GOP is the party of Trump.
The Republican National Committee is poised to express its "undivided support for President Donald J. Trump and his effective Presidency" as the committee's members conclude their annual winter meeting here on Friday.
The resolution -- a symbolic yet unusual step -- is just the latest indication of GOP officials closing ranks around Trump even as the President's national approval rating has slumped and the prospects of a GOP primary challenge become more real.

Democrats got a whole year to find someone to try to beat Donald...good luck on that :lol:
if there is no primary doesn't that mean he is running a dictatorship? you are fine with the job he is doing? the country is in shambles. but you are ok with that that because doesn't affect your 4 square mile zone? you are joke

what happened to the trump shirt you said you were going to rock in da heightz? another promise you can't keep like your papi
Republican go back to da drawing board and try again. :lol:
that's what I meant.
now what about your trump shirt?

You are just a follower, without orders, you have no brain power to think. you are only into material belongings, doubt your aspirations go beyond making your community better, you are self-centered
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