US Government Headed to Shutdown

During the campaign Trump adamantly said that Mexico would pay for the wall. Now Trump is holding the government hostage demanding that Americans pay for the wall. This guy made a promise he obviously couldn't keep and now he's desperately threatening anything he can to get what he wants.
Then Trump is not winning the reelection, unless he asks Russia to release emails again.:lol:

nobody on Democrats side can beat him.
I thought Bloomberg was a little bit smarter till he decided to torpedo on his campaign talking about marijuana was stupid when we're talking about legalizatio.
A lot of the liberal white kids in college start leaning more right the longer they're out of college, I've seen a lot I remembered in college going republican 5 yrs after college, there'll be more 10 yrs after college, 15 yrs after college etc.
Ya mans cant declare a national emergency and shut the govt down again.

he can and he will in 20 days.

if he declares a national emergency da government won't shut down cuz it'll then be up to da courts after presumably democrats sue and find someone on da 9th circuit to hold till it gets to da supreme Court.
A lot of the liberal white kids in college start leaning more right the longer they're out of college, I've seen a lot I remembered in college going republican 5 yrs after college, there'll be more 10 yrs after college, 15 yrs after college etc.

cuz when you go to school and enter da private sector and realize how much of your *** is on da line their tune changes when da that paystub shows how ur pie gets chopped up.
A lot of the liberal white kids in college start leaning more right the longer they're out of college, I've seen a lot I remembered in college going republican 5 yrs after college, there'll be more 10 yrs after college, 15 yrs after college etc.
The trends show that millennials are more liberal, though. I'm sure there are outliers, but I think a lot of younger people are seeing how ****** we got by useless wars, doing nothing about climate change, college debt, stagnant wages, and god awful healthcare.
nobody on Democrats side can beat him.
I thought Bloomberg was a little bit smarter till he decided to torpedo on his campaign talking about marijuana was stupid when we're talking about legalizatio.

The emperor has no clothes and even his followers can see it. We got Trump voters calling on Obama and Bush to fix the public discourse.

You got Coulter emasculating Trump every day on social media.

What's his platform gonna be?
2000 -2008 is what turned me to a liberal from a moderate conservative. Undergrad years were in that span as well.
cuz when you go to school and enter da private sector and realize how much of your *** is on da line their tune changes when da that paystub shows how ur pie gets chopped up.
I graduated with a bachelor's and a master's in engineering, and I think what was more impactful was seeing a bunch of people from the older generations that were less capable and did less work earn higher salaries. What is obvious is that we are expected to work our lives away while getting paid comparatively less than the older generations.

While I get more money in my paycheck under Trump, it's not like it's enough for me to buy a house now. Taxes matter more to the people that are already rich.
-greatest economy in 20 years

-US now energy independent

for starters.

im still waiting on who on democratic side gonna take him out? anyday now :lol:

You sure about that?

Energy independence?

Even though the United States is shrinking its reliance on foreign oil, it won't be able to credibly declare energy independence in 2020.

"You're not going to be fully insulated from geopolitical risk or decisions that OPEC makes," RBC's Tran said.

That's in part because of the makeup of America's refinery complex, which requires a healthy dose of medium and heavy crudes found overseas. Refineries can't operate solely on the very light crude found in domestic shale oilfields.

While becoming a net energy exporter is a "tremendous development," the United States wouldn't be "completely self-sufficient," said Joe McMonigle, a former Energy Department official under President George W. Bush who is now senior energy policy analyst at Hedgeye Potomac Research.

"Until the US refining sector is able to process more lighter crudes, we're never going to have energy independence," McMonigle said.

"While becoming a net energy exporter is a "tremendous development," the United States wouldn't be "completely self-sufficient," said Joe McMonigle, a former Energy Department official under President George W. Bush who is now senior energy policy analyst at Hedgeye Potomac Research.

"Until the US refining sector is able to process more lighter crudes, we're never going to have energy independence," McMonigle said.

doesn't sound like much of a stretch b.
So, are we energy independent NOW or not?


we're a net exporter of oil and virtually energy independent.

let's not get too side tracked. unless ya got a Obama Clone running around Trump gonna be a 2 term president.

and this as far as this thread is concerned government either shutting down again or we going to da courts after da declaration.
A lot of the liberal white kids in college start leaning more right the longer they're out of college, I've seen a lot I remembered in college going republican 5 yrs after college, there'll be more 10 yrs after college, 15 yrs after college etc.

Are we gonna act like the midterms didn't happen? Are we gonna act like most Americans don't agree on policies that are on the left of the political spectrum? Are we gonna act like GOP strategists don't recognize that the party appeals very little to the generations following the boomers?
Just admit Fox News lied to you :lol:.

our energy policy is vastly different than that of da previous adminstration...keystone XL and Anwr drill is a reality now, so da gist of what im sayin remains.

im still waiting on who's gonna stop Trump's reelection?
You sure about that?

It is interesting how the Right defines energy independence. To them, it only means "selling more energy than the amount we purchase on the international market." It has nothing to do with self-sufficiency.

If you can't produce/refine all types of crude oil, can you really call yourself oil-independent? The answer is NO.

The other funny thing about the energy independence discussion is that we are investing in a dying energy source (oil): many countries in Europe have started the process of switching all vehicles to electric energy and soon, gas-powered vehicles will be a thing of the past. China (the most populous country in the world) is also looking into cleaner sources of energy and they are likely to follow in Europe's steps. The use of plastics, which also use a lot of fossil fuels as raw material, is becoming more discouraged as governments realize just how much pollution they create and how difficult recycling plastics is.

But we're supposed to be happy about penny-wise and pound-foolish policies.
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