Using the N word while singing along to songs Vol. I'm not black

i mean, you can say whatever you please in the comfort of your own home...i wouldn't recommend it around black folks tho. deeper than rap. lol
i mean, you can say whatever you please in the comfort of your own home...i wouldn't recommend it around black folks tho. deeper than rap. lol
Do you guys understand the concept of context or intention?

Having an absolute rule of never saying no matter what reason or situation like it doesn't exist is backwards.
You guys would love the new edition of Huckleberry Finn then.
Do you guys understand the concept of context or intention?

Having an absolute rule of never saying no matter what reason or situation like it doesn't exist is backwards.
You guys would love the new edition of Huckleberry Finn then.
@ radio editing yourself
I'm black and I don't say it around people of other races, even when reciting the words to a song.

I try not to say it at all, but I grew up saying it so it comes out once in a while.
I'm black and I don't say it around people of other races, even when reciting the words to a song.

I try not to say it at all, but I grew up saying it so it comes out once in a while.
Originally Posted by kash55

Do you guys understand the concept of context or intention?

Having an absolute rule of never saying no matter what reason or situation like it doesn't exist is backwards.
You guys would love the new edition of Huckleberry Finn then.
Originally Posted by kash55

Do you guys understand the concept of context or intention?

Having an absolute rule of never saying no matter what reason or situation like it doesn't exist is backwards.
You guys would love the new edition of Huckleberry Finn then.
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Man I could care less..... We (blacks) put it in songs and expect for whites (the number one buyers of rap music) not to say the word? Where they do that at? I'm black and never gave two %#% about a white person repeating the N word. Black people are ignorant and stupid. We say the word all day and wana pitch a fit when we hear a white person say it
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Man I could care less..... We (blacks) put it in songs and expect for whites (the number one buyers of rap music) not to say the word? Where they do that at? I'm black and never gave two %#% about a white person repeating the N word. Black people are ignorant and stupid. We say the word all day and wana pitch a fit when we hear a white person say it
Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

Yeah I say it while I'm singing

most of my african american friends don't mind me saying it as long as I end it with an -a instead of an -er
This will be the last time in my life I ever address how dumb of a concept this is.

This is a dumb concept.
Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

Yeah I say it while I'm singing

most of my african american friends don't mind me saying it as long as I end it with an -a instead of an -er
This will be the last time in my life I ever address how dumb of a concept this is.

This is a dumb concept.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

i sing along to a katie perry song and don't change one word, same goes for any hiphop track wit the N word on it, which is 90% of them....if the record companies felt it was ok to release to the public i don't see how i can be wrong by singing along...gimmie a break.
So you are using the morals (or lack thereof) of record companies as the basis of your actions? Really dude?
Originally Posted by ksteezy

i sing along to a katie perry song and don't change one word, same goes for any hiphop track wit the N word on it, which is 90% of them....if the record companies felt it was ok to release to the public i don't see how i can be wrong by singing along...gimmie a break.
So you are using the morals (or lack thereof) of record companies as the basis of your actions? Really dude?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

Yeah I say it while I'm singing

most of my african american friends don't mind me saying it as long as I end it with an -a instead of an -er
This will be the last time in my life I ever address how dumb of a concept this is.

This is a dumb concept.

how so to complete different works

-er - usually used as an insult
-a - used as a term for endearment or just as another word for person for the most part

one has painful roots where the other is more playful/not meant to be disrespectful.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

Yeah I say it while I'm singing

most of my african american friends don't mind me saying it as long as I end it with an -a instead of an -er
This will be the last time in my life I ever address how dumb of a concept this is.

This is a dumb concept.

how so to complete different works

-er - usually used as an insult
-a - used as a term for endearment or just as another word for person for the most part

one has painful roots where the other is more playful/not meant to be disrespectful.
I still don't understand why everyone has accepted the -a version of the word as the CLEAN version?

You really don't think all of those country bumpkin slave masters saying the -er version of the word used the -a version because of their Southern Dialect. But for some reason -a is clean and cool? Why? That doesn't make ANY sense to me.

I do not think -a was "created" as a less offensive version of the word. It is the SAME WORD. All the SAME WORD.

The word is the word. It shouldn't be used by anyone and I hate that it is still in existence.

Yes there are more important things in the world that we could worry about, so don't use that card.
I still don't understand why everyone has accepted the -a version of the word as the CLEAN version?

You really don't think all of those country bumpkin slave masters saying the -er version of the word used the -a version because of their Southern Dialect. But for some reason -a is clean and cool? Why? That doesn't make ANY sense to me.

I do not think -a was "created" as a less offensive version of the word. It is the SAME WORD. All the SAME WORD.

The word is the word. It shouldn't be used by anyone and I hate that it is still in existence.

Yes there are more important things in the world that we could worry about, so don't use that card.
Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Man I could care less..... We (blacks) put it in songs and expect for whites (the number one buyers of rap music) not to say the word? Where they do that at? I'm black and never gave two %#% about a white person repeating the N word. Black people are ignorant and stupid. We say the word all day and wana pitch a fit when we hear a white person say it
I like this train of thought...not just because i'm non-black and use the word sometimes...but I feel it's really hypocritical for someone to take possession of a word and tell other people hey don't you ever use this word ain't gonna happen.  I stated this before and i'll state it again...the use of this word is something that should be determined by who you are, what your intention is for using the word, and who your audience is.
over here in ny the words use is so lax and it hardly ever in my experience was ever said to hurt someone.  Probably people from different parts of the country maybe can't grasp this concept and maybe it's just an NY thing but right now with all these discussions about the word  N'*%#+ popping up on NT to me looks like the the modern generation of african-americans are trying to hold onto the hate that the word N'igger stood for and carry it on to the future like it's a tradition or legacy...just stupid imo.

Like I said if you have a non-black friend who your not cool with using the word around you then them being your friend have to respect that...but you can't stop them from using the word when your not around.
Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Man I could care less..... We (blacks) put it in songs and expect for whites (the number one buyers of rap music) not to say the word? Where they do that at? I'm black and never gave two %#% about a white person repeating the N word. Black people are ignorant and stupid. We say the word all day and wana pitch a fit when we hear a white person say it
I like this train of thought...not just because i'm non-black and use the word sometimes...but I feel it's really hypocritical for someone to take possession of a word and tell other people hey don't you ever use this word ain't gonna happen.  I stated this before and i'll state it again...the use of this word is something that should be determined by who you are, what your intention is for using the word, and who your audience is.
over here in ny the words use is so lax and it hardly ever in my experience was ever said to hurt someone.  Probably people from different parts of the country maybe can't grasp this concept and maybe it's just an NY thing but right now with all these discussions about the word  N'*%#+ popping up on NT to me looks like the the modern generation of african-americans are trying to hold onto the hate that the word N'igger stood for and carry it on to the future like it's a tradition or legacy...just stupid imo.

Like I said if you have a non-black friend who your not cool with using the word around you then them being your friend have to respect that...but you can't stop them from using the word when your not around.
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