Utah Jazz/ Harpring/ Deron's haircut Unappreciation

I don't like this "fusing" threads idea. It's too hard to keep track of who's replying to who and what thread each of the responses arein.

everyone HATES Utah when they play them, but after you play them you should definitely respect at least the way the team is run.
Originally Posted by acidicality


everyone HATES Utah when they play them, but after you play them you should definitely respect at least the way the team is run.

Only thing I respect about this team is their 37-4 record at home, other than that they can go to hell
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by acidicality


everyone HATES Utah when they play them, but after you play them you should definitely respect at least the way the team is run.

Only thing I respect about this team is their 37-4 record at home, other than that they can go to hell

But WHICH hell? Don't Mormons believe in more than one?
Originally Posted by solesavage

Its better then Vujacic's, thats for damn sure
I swear, Laker fans act like females when they catch an L.......Would you rather have Harpring or a feminine player like Vucacic launching 3's and crying after every damn call? He has female characteristics and flops more than Ginobli.....

Harpring plays hard, and y'all hate him for that?
Judging another mans hairstyle? C'mon now, Laker fans get so emotional.

feminine ??? Sasha has that D, why do you think most people want to swing at him, then he comes through with 3's in clutch ! I'd take sasha overkorver and harpring...you must be an idiot if you don't agree...Harpring does play hard, hard contact and they don't call it in Utah but that'shome court advantage for you.

EDIT: he might flop at times, however you can't comparing his flopping to the likes of Ginobli
Why do I feel like this exact post happens every year about the Jazz...you gotta respect Boozer and DWill's game atleast, even if the state in general sucks. Having a guy whose name is AK-47 has to mask some of that hate at least...
ya slackin big time, get some photoshops off the laker forums n post em here

I know the rockets forum had tons of funny Utah p-shops
While I also don't like Utah and consistently joke with my friends about how both the crowd's shirts and eyes are all light blue, what I also don'tlike is how people can say that they hate all those white people, or all the Mormons. Reverse the situation, and see if that works.
Originally Posted by URBAN BALLERZ



He's the kind of dude you really hate if he's not on your team..

i wouldnt go that far. most jazz fans hate harpring and there are tons of hate topics started about him on jazz message boards

to see how i feel about him, check this topic out: http://niketalk.com/topic/70815

Why do you guys hate him? Dude hustles nonstop, does the little things, helps you win, what bothers Utah fans about him?
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Reasons to hate the Utah Jazz:

1) Jerry Sloan (who's been accused of being racist and a homophobe)
2) They play in Utah.
3) Their fans are Mormon (a "religion" that has actually preached about the inferiority of blacks and other people of color)
4) The black players they get all seem to get whitewashed.
5) Their fans don't know anything about basketball.
6) They consistently have a player that gets "Looks like an Old White Guy that you'll end up playing pick up ball with in the YMCA" Award
* past winners include - Mark Eaton, John Stockton, Jeff Hornacek, Greg Ostertag, and of course Matt Harpring
7) The only widely appealing superstar they've had is Damon Wayans in "Celtic Pride"
How about this one to sum up all 7?

They're playing my team in the playoffs and they just tied the series up, so I'm mad salty about that.

Originally Posted by LALAKERFAN213

I hate how espn/abc/tnt talks about him playing football in high school during every game.
Or how Ilgauskas played PG before he hit his growth spurt
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