VI+ olympic 2008 ... second look

i know there have been some mixed comments opinions on these...but i don't hate them...not saying i love them...but they aren't a different and uniquelooking shoe...

i mean it could have been worse - they could have put those colors over all of the different panels on the vi's..

just my opinion
whats the deal with that dumb stitching on the toe. couldnt they have just left that crap out. i already saw the disaster with the weird colors but mandefacing it with more crap on it. try again! really try something else.
Originally Posted by 18albee

whats the deal with that dumb stitching on the toe. couldnt they have just left that crap out. i already saw the disaster with the weird colors but man defacing it with more crap on it. try again! really try something else.

yeah, the stitching on the toe takes it to a whole new level. without the stitching the shoes look A LOT better. what is that design anyway? it lookslike something a child would create on an etch-a-sketch.
Pics = better

but the colorway
"JB is not concerned with their products being nit-picked. the fact that people are taking the time to nit-pick in the first place means their doing itright."

^^ exactly. At least someone understands.
im def gonna cop a pair, i need a pair of 6s, and these srent the prettiest, although i do like the design on the toe box.
they aight.
If I have the money, that is, if I feel like spending my money around the time these release, these will be copped. I liked the shoe to begin with, I'lljust have to over look the stitching on the toe box.
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