(VIDS UP)CNN reports briefing in Washington on UFOs **IT'S ABOUT TO GET REAL YALL**

Originally Posted by dgk3188

do you guys know about Solfeggio Frequencies?


One of my co-workers is into this type of stuff was explaining some of it. Like a child's mind works at a specific frequency that changes when they turn12. It's possible that it's the reason that children learn easier since their mind is more "open." There's a lot more to it though thanthat tho.
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

im lost

me to
Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Originally Posted by CherryRed

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze


Red Bull gives you wings....

Baal's cult animal was the bull, which symbolized his power and fertility, though at times and in different places he was also associated with goats and even flies. He is sometimes shown in Near Eastern art standing on the back of a bull

Look familiar?

"Illumati want my mind soul and my body...secret society, trying to keep their eye on me.."

Right now a war for the hearts and minds of the world's population is coming to a head, Just be careful what you put your belief in because it is becoming of critical importance. Our minds and consciousness are being infiltrated and we don't even know it.

Yeah man. Symbolism is all around us. Since I've been introduced to the idea, I see it so much. I'm pretty sure the yellow circle behind the bulls is the Sun/Osiris/Lucifer. Word to:


Translate "Sun Trust"

they all around us, large corporations are all in it.as a distraction.

the egyptian god, ra


The sun:




Bahama Flag







All things considered, the CBS seeing eye logo always creeped me out once out what it actually was.
That "3rd eye" chakra is the pineal gland at the center of your brain.

Info on those videos:
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We have met many remarkable people in the course of our work for Project Camelot, but meeting Bob Dean was one of our greatest privileges. As an elder statesman he is charming, eloquent and dashing, and we are proud to present this as what may be one of our most memorable interviews.

In Part One, Bob shares with us his knowledge of the UFO phenomenon and what he encountered while working at SHAPE in Europe in the 1960s: an inch and a half thick detailed official report on the extraterrestrial 'problem' called at that time simply "The Assessment". Having the clearance to have free access to the document, he read it and re-read it many times, and he tells us how that changed his life. Later, after retiring from the military, he made the courageous decision to defy his Oath of Secrecy and began to speak publicly about what he had learned.

In Part Two of the interview, Bob tells us that this is probably his last interview... and having done so, he pauses, takes a deep breath, and reveals on record for the first time that he has been contacted, and has been on board the craft.

Do not miss this... and we invite you to join us in applauding the courage, integrity, dignity and commitment to truth of this very special man. We would like to think that this interview is an appropriate and fitting tribute to everything that he has stood for and wishes for the world.[/font]
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

2 weeks ago i traveled through different levels of energy. I felt it and understood it.
It made perfect sense to me. So many things we do not understand because our minds arent
At the level of understanding. Shamans know it. Native americans know it. The myans, ancient egyptians.
The earth bares these "teachers" that teach us.

I traveled into the deapths of the mind..... They told me dont come back because im not ready
There were eyes everywhere. I had no control over my body because i had no control over my mind
The mind is where all the answeres lay. You just have to "open" it
what ever your
... pass that sh__ to me
Originally Posted by CherryRed

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Originally Posted by CherryRed

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze


Red Bull gives you wings....

Baal's cult animal was the bull, which symbolized his power and fertility, though at times and in different places he was also associated with goats and even flies. He is sometimes shown in Near Eastern art standing on the back of a bull

Look familiar?

"Illumati want my mind soul and my body...secret society, trying to keep their eye on me.."

Right now a war for the hearts and minds of the world's population is coming to a head, Just be careful what you put your belief in because it is becoming of critical importance. Our minds and consciousness are being infiltrated and we don't even know it.

Yeah man. Symbolism is all around us. Since I've been introduced to the idea, I see it so much. I'm pretty sure the yellow circle behind the bulls is the Sun/Osiris/Lucifer. Word to:


Translate "Sun Trust"

they all around us, large corporations are all in it.as a distraction.

the egyptian god, ra


The sun:




Bahama Flag








i wonder if alien broads can morph their !## into any shape they want ... and brests too ... imagine crankin a green phatty !!!!
Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

Kundalini Yoga FTW Look it up folks.

But uhhhh does this goathead

= this goathead?

Uh huh.

Also split personalities...

Beyonce vs Sasha Fierce (basically a @%**%)

T.I. vs T.I.P. (the gangster)

Rhianna...Good girl gone Bad

Sean Carter vs Jay-Hova..."back to Sean Carter the hustler Jay-Z is dead..."



Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

what happened to NothingBefore?

A lot of the %!!! he said was crazy but these type of threads are the best on NT.

My man Haze .. elaborate. What should we be looking for heading towards/into/through 2012?

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The Universe and our world is in perfect order.[/color]

Just look at everything in nature and how it fits together perfectly like a complex puzzle.

It is only the human mind, which is in disarray and confusion. And we are born a blank slate, phsyically perfect, capable of achieving things that are currently unimaginable. Why is it that something as highly advanced, fine tuned and evolved as the human brain is not being used aywhere close to its capacity?

That confusion has been planted and tended to by interested parties because they have read the writing on the walls a long time ago.

We were a more elevated being thousands of years ago. Through metu-neter people were able to communicate telepathically and on higher planes. Just look at the pyramids and the ancient Egyptian/Kemetic sciences...we are still in awe and trying to figure out their brilliance centuries later.

Bodies in space are acting on us right now and moving closer and closer to Earth. There is new stardust in the atmosphere that can be inhaled and used fpr physical and spiritaul well being. The ancients knew all of this and many in the ruling class know it as well.

Pranayama (Sanskrit: pr
Originally Posted by infamousod

^ I can't sit like that for more than 4-5 minutes cause my legs start to get numb
read that book i recommended a few pages back called 'Mindfulness in Plain English'

you will learn to look past the numbness that you feel in your body, and actually use it to help you meditate.
Originally Posted by ClevelandsPrince23

can someone just cliff note what this thread means and basically what you guys are talking about i'm lost


We are breathing in stardust and the aliens are coming. All Hail Xenu.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

You couldn't be any farther from the truth. The universe exist in a perpetual state of entropy. An example to illustrate my assertion. If you live in an apartment with a roommate, as time approach infinity, the tidiness and cleanliness of your room approaches chaos. Chaos = dirty, untidy, etc until an outside forces acts upon it (you clean your room).

The world exist in a state of entropy. Everything approaches disorder/chaos, even when you attempt to re-order the chaos, everything still advances towards a state of chaos.
Modern Western complex societies remain organized by large inputs of energy to mitigate the natural progression of increasing entropy (disorder), according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, a fundamental law of physics

It's simple college level physics/thermodynamics applied to society.

The entropy in a container full of oxygen molecules is no different then the entropy that occurs in a room full of people or a galaxy full of celestial bodies. Order is in fact an illusion to keep your mind at peace. Order is not the absence of chaos, rather order is simply an attempt to impede the progression of a situation towards chaos. The universe exist in a state of entropy, not order. Order really only exist at 0 kelvin.

This is entropy, a simple law of physics that is pervasive throughout all facets of life. A theory that is proven by scientist, engineers, univerisities, etc. and not conspirators and anarchist.

University studies can be furnished upon request, but what I just told you is common knowledge in the engineering and scientific community.

lol The laws of thermodynamics aren't even 300 years old. Can't you leave enough room for a different interpretation of the happenings of the Universe?
You couldn't be any farther from the truth. The universe exist in a perpetual state of entropy. An example to illustrate my assertion. If you live in an apartment with a roommate, as time approach infinity, the tidiness and cleanliness of your room approaches chaos. Chaos = dirty, untidy, etc until an outside forces acts upon it (you clean your room).

The world exist in a state of entropy. Everything approaches disorder/chaos, even when you attempt to re-order the chaos, everything still advances towards a state of chaos.

Dirt = chaos?
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