Waka on 106 and Park....

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

you got dumb people everywhere, i guess i just don't understand how he's somehow supposed to be above being a moron just because he's a rapper and is in the spotlight.

He's not...but as said this what too many African-American kids look up to unfortunately.  Niketalk ignores how powerful media really is, think about the fact alone we are having a 5 page discussion about dudes intelligence.  Most NT'ers I would say are fairly intelligent, and can listen to the ignorance Waka spews and seperate it from the music he makes.  But not everybody can and that's the unfortunate part.  And it's not even Waka's fault necessarily, I don't know why BET would ask him those questions in the first place (oh wait, It's BET of course I do
i see what your saying but i was actually going to say the opposite regarding the media and its power. not that the media isn't immensely powerful or that certain figures in society aren't role models but Waka's just not that.

i work with black youth ages 6-15 every single day and for the most part they don't give a damn what this n_ Waka has to say, much less on issues like education and voting.

then i see people in this thread legitimately upset at Waka who really think he's some huge detriment to society because of this one interview.

i see what royaice was saying, i can respect Waka's honesty about his incomplete education, i can appreciate the humility too as he's obviously embarrassed on national television uncomfortable as hell completely out of his element.
Waka's from Queens now??
... He didn't even make it out of primary school before leavin the city... But I'll play along...

So I don't wanna hear ANYone say Pac is from ANYwhere other than Harlem from NOW on...
Waka's from Queens now??
... He didn't even make it out of primary school before leavin the city... But I'll play along...

So I don't wanna hear ANYone say Pac is from ANYwhere other than Harlem from NOW on...
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

Waka's from Queens now??
... He didn't even make it out of primary school before leavin the city... But I'll play along...

So I don't wanna hear ANYone say Pac is from ANYwhere other than Harlem from NOW on...
MJ's from Brooklyn

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

you got dumb people everywhere, i guess i just don't understand howhe's somehow supposed to be above being a moron just because he's arapper and is in the spotlight.

He'snot...but as said this what too many African-American kids look up tounfortunately.  Niketalk ignores how powerful media really is, thinkabout the fact alone we are having a 5 page discussion about dudesintelligence.  Most NT'ers I would say are fairly intelligent, and canlisten to the ignorance Waka spews and seperate it from the music hemakes.  But not everybody can and that's the unfortunate part.  Andit's not even Waka's fault necessarily, I don't know why BET would askhim those questions in the first place (oh wait, It's BET of course I do

they weren't ridiculous questions tho BET or not
Yea, but why you asking a high-school dropout to whom most impoverished kids is successful the "importance of education,"...kind of a contradiction

And I've worked with black, hispanic, all types of youth as well...I'm not saying these kids worshipp Waka but it has a subliminal influence.  They see Waka as a form of success.  #!#@ if Waka who prolly can't read at a 9th grade level can get rap money why can' they?  The genre had become so dumbed down now everybody and their mama is a rapper.  Instead of staying on a route that could take them to a middle-class or higher lifestyle, they get caught up.  #!#@, I know kids with money who still admire Flaka in some perverse way.  American society, white and black had serious issues with celebrity worship.  It's what we promote.  And unfortunatly, the only thing that many African-American see on TV are athletes and what they put on BET.  Those things become tangible to them while being doctor/nurse etc. are things that most likely that don't exist in there own communities.
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

Waka's from Queens now??
... He didn't even make it out of primary school before leavin the city... But I'll play along...

So I don't wanna hear ANYone say Pac is from ANYwhere other than Harlem from NOW on...
MJ's from Brooklyn

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

you got dumb people everywhere, i guess i just don't understand howhe's somehow supposed to be above being a moron just because he's arapper and is in the spotlight.

He'snot...but as said this what too many African-American kids look up tounfortunately.  Niketalk ignores how powerful media really is, thinkabout the fact alone we are having a 5 page discussion about dudesintelligence.  Most NT'ers I would say are fairly intelligent, and canlisten to the ignorance Waka spews and seperate it from the music hemakes.  But not everybody can and that's the unfortunate part.  Andit's not even Waka's fault necessarily, I don't know why BET would askhim those questions in the first place (oh wait, It's BET of course I do

they weren't ridiculous questions tho BET or not
Yea, but why you asking a high-school dropout to whom most impoverished kids is successful the "importance of education,"...kind of a contradiction

And I've worked with black, hispanic, all types of youth as well...I'm not saying these kids worshipp Waka but it has a subliminal influence.  They see Waka as a form of success.  #!#@ if Waka who prolly can't read at a 9th grade level can get rap money why can' they?  The genre had become so dumbed down now everybody and their mama is a rapper.  Instead of staying on a route that could take them to a middle-class or higher lifestyle, they get caught up.  #!#@, I know kids with money who still admire Flaka in some perverse way.  American society, white and black had serious issues with celebrity worship.  It's what we promote.  And unfortunatly, the only thing that many African-American see on TV are athletes and what they put on BET.  Those things become tangible to them while being doctor/nurse etc. are things that most likely that don't exist in there own communities.
Why ya'll keep talking about his influence like these kids actually care about anything OTHER than his music? Seriously, they not paying attention to that. And regardless of what influence he has it's a parents job to show a child what to pay attention and what not to pay attention to. Hearing an idiot speak once in a meaningless interview doesn't change the scape of a child's life, if it does that's NO ONE'S fault but the parent(s).
Why ya'll keep talking about his influence like these kids actually care about anything OTHER than his music? Seriously, they not paying attention to that. And regardless of what influence he has it's a parents job to show a child what to pay attention and what not to pay attention to. Hearing an idiot speak once in a meaningless interview doesn't change the scape of a child's life, if it does that's NO ONE'S fault but the parent(s).
Man I want to say that negative word for his kind, but I really don't wanna get banned.

I'll just use this

  always do crap like this.
Man I want to say that negative word for his kind, but I really don't wanna get banned.

I'll just use this

  always do crap like this.
Man I want to say that negative word for black people, but I really don't wanna get banned.

I'll just use this

Naggers always do crap like this.
Man I want to say that negative word for black people, but I really don't wanna get banned.

I'll just use this

Naggers always do crap like this.
So is Paris Hilton a disgrace to white women? I mean she's influential, has money, and doesn't have the greatest articulate skills? Oh but it's different right? Ya'll clowns
So is Paris Hilton a disgrace to white women? I mean she's influential, has money, and doesn't have the greatest articulate skills? Oh but it's different right? Ya'll clowns
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

So is Paris Hilton a disgrace to white women? I mean she's influential, has money, and doesn't have the greatest articulate skills? Oh but it's different right? Ya'll clowns
yes... you don't think the "white girls" act is partly an impersonation of her?

but I don't think Waka's actions reflects poorly on black people, it's way too late for that (in the public eye) and I doubt anyone that can be swayed that easily into racism was watching BET
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

So is Paris Hilton a disgrace to white women? I mean she's influential, has money, and doesn't have the greatest articulate skills? Oh but it's different right? Ya'll clowns
yes... you don't think the "white girls" act is partly an impersonation of her?

but I don't think Waka's actions reflects poorly on black people, it's way too late for that (in the public eye) and I doubt anyone that can be swayed that easily into racism was watching BET
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

So is Paris Hilton a disgrace to white women? I mean she's influential, has money, and doesn't have the greatest articulate skills? Oh but it's different right? Ya'll clowns

But it is tho...

I was doin an interview with this journalist from Columbia University about Harlem/Washington Heights and I stressed that point to her...

I have to watch my EVERY move because to others my actions will determine their thoughts of the NEXT black man they encounter, and other races don't have to deal with that... If Paris Hilton is caught with cocaine are the cops gonna pull over every pretty white chick in a nice car?? Prolly not...

If me and YOU rob someone, will the police stop EVERY young black man they encounter for the next 2 months?? Prolly...
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

So is Paris Hilton a disgrace to white women? I mean she's influential, has money, and doesn't have the greatest articulate skills? Oh but it's different right? Ya'll clowns

But it is tho...

I was doin an interview with this journalist from Columbia University about Harlem/Washington Heights and I stressed that point to her...

I have to watch my EVERY move because to others my actions will determine their thoughts of the NEXT black man they encounter, and other races don't have to deal with that... If Paris Hilton is caught with cocaine are the cops gonna pull over every pretty white chick in a nice car?? Prolly not...

If me and YOU rob someone, will the police stop EVERY young black man they encounter for the next 2 months?? Prolly...
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

So is Paris Hilton a disgrace to white women? I mean she's influential, has money, and doesn't have the greatest articulate skills? Oh but it's different right? Ya'll clowns

But it is tho...

I was doin an interview with this journalist from Columbia University about Harlem/Washington Heights and I stressed that point to her...

I have to watch my EVERY move because to others my actions will determine their thoughts of the NEXT black man they encounter, and other races don't have to deal with that... If Paris Hilton is caught with cocaine are the cops gonna pull over every pretty white chick in a nice car?? Prolly not...

If me and YOU rob someone, will the police stop EVERY young black man they encounter for the next 2 months?? Prolly...

If someone's opinion on black people can be swayed that easily, they have no business in my life. I do my best every day to represent myself. I know some times I hold a greater responsibility such as when I was the only black male in my advanced math classes in High school. But I never once thought to myself  "Oh let me do my homework before my classmates think all black people are lazy". I do my hw cause I want to do it. End of story.

I'm not disagreeing with you saying some people dont judge a whole race based off a few bad apples. I'm just saying that they're ignorant and I don't give a f***
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

So is Paris Hilton a disgrace to white women? I mean she's influential, has money, and doesn't have the greatest articulate skills? Oh but it's different right? Ya'll clowns

But it is tho...

I was doin an interview with this journalist from Columbia University about Harlem/Washington Heights and I stressed that point to her...

I have to watch my EVERY move because to others my actions will determine their thoughts of the NEXT black man they encounter, and other races don't have to deal with that... If Paris Hilton is caught with cocaine are the cops gonna pull over every pretty white chick in a nice car?? Prolly not...

If me and YOU rob someone, will the police stop EVERY young black man they encounter for the next 2 months?? Prolly...

If someone's opinion on black people can be swayed that easily, they have no business in my life. I do my best every day to represent myself. I know some times I hold a greater responsibility such as when I was the only black male in my advanced math classes in High school. But I never once thought to myself  "Oh let me do my homework before my classmates think all black people are lazy". I do my hw cause I want to do it. End of story.

I'm not disagreeing with you saying some people dont judge a whole race based off a few bad apples. I'm just saying that they're ignorant and I don't give a f***
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