Walmart security guard shoots 'shoplifting' mother dead in parking lot as she tries to escape with t

I've said it once and I'll say it again.

If they were about to run over the cop and start dumping then it is what it is. Even though its pretty obvious that isn't what happened.
If the cop was at the passenger door and they still pulled off and he fell down and shot her while they pulled away that still isn't justifiable.
Literally the only situation where what the cop did was justifiable is if they where driving directly at him.
All this other **** about plea agreements and what not has nothing to with the cops actions.

out of everyone, I agree with you the most.

what if the officer thinks they're a threat to the public by the way they were speeding?
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[COLOR=#red]her ratchet self earned that bullet....She could have easily just stopped the car....I'm hanging from a car while u got it in drive....Yup i'll letting the cal sing on u too[/COLOR]


Shut ur ignorant *** up

A lot of yall are on the cops side when no one knows the truth yet because HPD still hasn't let out a video.

It will come out and were gonna really know if that officer was in danger for his life. I guess a lot of yall don't know that any Police department will put out some BS story to save their own reputation and the officers ***.

It's really sad that yall can sit here and say she deserved death without any real evidence pointing against her.

The officers word? I could give a rats *** what he says. Yall don't know Houston Police Department down here theres a lot of grimey *** ************* pigs down here that will say anything to save their own ***.
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Considering that the officer obviously isn't a good shot because the only person he actually hit with a bullet was the one person in the car who didn't harm him.
Do yall think its cool for said officer to be firing shots in a Wal-Mart parking lot? Where I'm sure plenty of innocent bystanders are around.
That's what really gets to me.

Name a public place where there isn't potential for there to be a bunch of people? Do you know how many high speed chases end up in firefights? People in their cars aren't innocent bystanders? There are always innocent bystanders

My pops has been in law enforcement for over 20 years in the heat of the moment you don't know what's good or he has cuts in his month.

If you spit at a cop you could definitely get arrested dude, what are you talking about?

Spitting on a cop is so prominent that they use spit masks in jail for inmates and it counts as assault.

Ask your pops more about his profession, you clearly don't know enough
Shut ur ignorant *** up
A lot of yall are on the cops side when no one knows the truth yet because HPD still hasn't let out a video.
It will come out and were gonna really know if that officer was in danger for his life. I guess a lot of yall don't know that any Police department will put out some BS story to save their own reputation and the officers ***.
It's really sad that yall can sit here and say she deserved death without any real evidence pointing against her.
The officers word? I could give a rats *** what he says. Yall don't know Houston Police Department down here theres a lot of grimey *** ************* pigs down here that will say anything to save their own ***.

Same could be said about the cop. How would you know he isn't in any danger? Nobody here knows anything without conclusive evidence. What I know is that they were already doing something wrong, what would stop them from going further ala harming the cop?

Be open-minded. I'm not saying that it's 100% the thieves' fault. I already said that I could be wrong and that I'm just speculating.

And yes, we know there are crooked cops out there, thanks for that
cops stop chasing to prevent high speed chase.

we're really worrying about a high speed chase from shoplifting?!!!!

Whenever people are so quick to give cops the innocent card i like to remind them about things like this

The cool part about this is idiots don't realize, this is the one that got caught :lol: you think others aren't floating around to lesser extent manipulating their power :lol:
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cops stop chasing to prevent high speed chase.
we're really worrying about a high speed chase from shoplifting?!!!!
Whenever people are so quick to give cops the innocent card i like to remind them about things like this
The cool part about this is idiots don't realize, this is the one that got caught :lol: you think others aren't floating around to lesser extent manipulating their power :lol:

My point clearly went over your head. What I was trying to say was that there are always going to be innocent people because I was addressing the dude's claim that it was wrong for him to shoot in a public place like the parking lot.
i never said she was...whew.... rainbowed right over ya..... The point was that ppl are saying ultimately her death is warrant because she did something that is wrong... in so called illegal/unethical activities... in a place an establishment that is doing the same thing... right now as we debate... and basically built on the same mindframe...and is praised for the exact same thing and if one of the head honchos were to be killed i seriously doubt ppl would be like good thats what they deserved... that and add to the fact that in the big picture unless she stole smethng like iuno a 72 in tv and even that would be debatable... it literally doesnt affect the company at all... so in essense she basically was killed on principal... on being unethical by a person trying to protect a company that is built and is ran on being unethical....i use unethical... because saying illegal in this sense doesnt really work due largerly because if your a corp.govt.etc ... any large/powerful entity the whole legal ramifications/guidelines are basically thrown out the window... that and laws in principal are supposably based on ethics and morals.

no no...i got ya loud and clear. its pennies to walmart so take what you like. Jesus. and lets not have the whole walmart/sweatshop/illegal practices argument. were in a forum called NIKEtalk.
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Considering that the officer obviously isn't a good shot because the only person he actually hit with a bullet was the one person in the car who didn't harm him.
Do yall think its cool for said officer to be firing shots in a Wal-Mart parking lot? Where I'm sure plenty of innocent bystanders are around.
That's what really gets to me.

Name a public place where there isn't potential for there to be a bunch of people? Do you know how many high speed chases end up in firefights? People in their cars aren't innocent bystanders? There are always innocent bystanders

My pops has been in law enforcement for over 20 years in the heat of the moment you don't know what's good or he has cuts in his month.

If you spit at a cop you could definitely get arrested dude, what are you talking about?

Spitting on a cop is so prominent that they use spit masks in jail for inmates and it counts as assault.

Ask your pops more about his profession, you clearly don't know enough

You can't be this slow. I brought up the spitting because it is definitely assaulting an officer which is why I brought it up.

You said all bets are off once you assault an officer.

So is a cop justified in blowing someones head off if they spit on him?
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You can't be this slow. I brought up the spitting because it is definitely assaulting an officer which is why I brought it up.
You said all bets are off once you assault an officer.

You're right I wasn't thinking, I'm studying for finals right now.

But that shouldn't deviate your thinking from what my point is.

So i'll re-address it. Spitting alone isn't life threatening, driving a car with someone in front of it is. There are severity to these things. I'm pretty sure it's easier to handcuff a person that's spitting on you than someone strapped into a moving car.

And then you brought up the AIDs thing for some reason which doesn't make sense at all. You were trying to connect it to your argument by saying it was "life threatening" and it was terrible.
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You can't be this slow. I brought up the spitting because it is definitely assaulting an officer which is why I brought it up.
You said all bets are off once you assault an officer.

You're right I wasn't thinking, I'm studying for finals right now.

But that shouldn't deviate your thinking from what my point is.

So i'll re-address it. Spitting alone isn't life threatening, driving a car with someone in front of it is. There are severity to these things. I'm pretty sure it's easier to handcuff a person that's spitting on you than someone strapped into a moving car.

And then you brought up the AIDs thing for some reason which doesn't make sense at all. You were trying to connect it to your argument by saying it was "life threatening" and it was terrible.

**** it, I'll give specifics. My pops got knocked for breaking up a fight at a county jail. One of the inmates was bleeding and was known to have AIDS. He spit on my pops. My pops said he snapped and swung his flashlight full force and at dudes head.

The guy was cuffed but he could he still spit. Was my pops justified?
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Same could be said about the cop. How would you know he isn't in any danger? Nobody here knows anything without conclusive evidence. What I know is that they were already doing something wrong, what would stop them from going further ala harming the cop?
Be open-minded. I'm not saying that it's 100% the thieves' fault. I already said that I could be wrong and that I'm just speculating.
And yes, we know there are crooked cops out there, thanks for that

I don't really know what your trying to argue or whose side your on and I really don't care.

As of now the only thing known is that a woman shoplifted and was killed by a cop. That's the only truth we know at this point.

Whatever the cops say I don't give a **** they lie all the time so if you actually believe them your dumb as ****.

I look at that and with known past experience of HPD its Nothing new and its disgusting that these cops feel as if they can just go taken lives away. For people on here to just say she deserved death is sick :smh:
I'm still waiting on 1 of you guys to explain to me, How does the passenger pose a threat to the officer ?

Even if he was in so much of a life threatening situation, wouldn't it make sense to disable the driver of the vechicle. If the car is going in reverse he would've still been ran over. So that's what I'm not understanding. And if the car is going forward what threat did they really pose.
He wasn't in front of the car, he was besides the door which was open. They couldn't have possibly ran over him if they tried from that short of distance. At best, you maybe knock someone down or off balance, then would have to shift back into drive and come right at him. Standing next to a car about to back out of a parking spot, you aren't a threat to get run over

Wal Mart has cameras all over the parking lot. The fact there are no videos, I'll wait but I doubt highly that's what happened and again his story fails when you consider he shot the passenger.

We had a local incident here where an officer's wife was mad she felt she got cut off for a parking space and called her husband and he came and confronted the lady (yes she was black and the officer was white
) and ended up yanking her out of the car and pounding her face into the pavement. The victim and the church were trying to get Sharpton involved but he literally was going to charge them 15 racks, story surprisingly went nowhere outside of the church and people who know them
I believe it man. 

x double at Al too
Bro my pops has had dudes with AIDS spit on him, is it justified if pulled out his weapon and executed dude afterwards?
AIDs cant be spread through saliva

try again
My pops has been in law enforcement for over 20 years in the heat of the moment you don't know what's good or he has cuts in his month.
I couldn't be a cop cause spitting is the filthiest thing ever..I would've let that gun sing some holy tunes 

and I think it doesn't spread through saliva unless they have open sores in their mouth....which you have no way of telling 
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Yea, $15,000 seemed outrageous to me. And before anyone asks, yes the officer waited for the lady to come back out to confront her, Apparently Al charged Trayvon Martin's family 10 racks too.
a lot of the replies on page one are ridiculous. makes me not even want to **** with this site. clown *** n_s forreal
As an advocate for African-American relations (smart alecks see definition here), I reluctantly hate to oust any black man but Al Sharpton really registers as a huckster with me. He hasn't even obtain ANY type of degree works that legitimizes his profession (what ever that may be). and apparently funds never make it to their destination when passed through his offices of "NAN".

Shaq even graduated from Barry University with a Ph.D

Shooting wasn't warranted, but she shouldn't have been stealing.
And at all of you saying who cares, the merchandise is insured. It still costs money. You mean to tell me it's ok to steal since it's insured.
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