Walmart security guard shoots 'shoplifting' mother dead in parking lot as she tries to escape with t

if you were right here sitting in this living room with me i'd blow your brains out homie

Ahhh you, sir, seem to be the type not to mess with. Yes yes YOU have the right to hate cops.

Cries because lady got shot over shoplifting, threatens to shoot me.

View media item 165208You don't even deserve your race card

Reported btw. Snitches don't get stitches over the internet :wink:
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You know how invested our society is in maintaining the existing racial hierarchy when people are stigmatized for merely acknowledging its existence.  

Is race the single most salient aspect of this incident?  I don't know, but it's certainly part of the equation.

Who's considered "dangerous?"  

I don't think anyone's eager to live in a country where off-duty police officers / Walmart security / self-appointed neighborhood watch captains act as judge, jury, and executioner.  We want those charged with public safety to protect life, not to decide who's worthy of it.  

If an unarmed shoplifter is making a getaway, instead of pulling out a gun you could just as easily pull out a camera.  Take a picture of the license plate.  Make the arrest peacefully and at least grant the accused the right to due process.  

This type of Clint Eastwood/Charles Bronson "justice" makes "an eye for an eye" seem civilized.

The true test of a society is how it treats its most vulnerable members - and that absolutely includes those placed at the mercy of our criminal justice system.  
Even if your life is in imminent danger from a moving vehicle is killing the driver really going to save you?
And even if his life had been in danger, to fatally shoot the driver of a moving vehicle that contains children is downright cowardly.  Law enforcement officials accept a certain amount of personal risk.  What about those two young children - or anyone else who could've been placed into the path of an out of control vehicle?  

This guy put his personal safety (which may or may not have been at serious risk) and Walmart's property ahead of the lives and property of everyone else at the scene.  

The grand irony is that the very people screaming "race card" are the ones who seem to see the world in black and white. 

This isn't a movie.  Real life is far too complicated to employ a simplistic, if not primitive, John Wayne "bang bang!  Good guys shoot all the bad guys!" mentality.
she didn't get shot at because she stole
she got shot at because she tried to run the deputy over.
according to this article anyway.
And again just get rid of all guns...cops or no cops and we wouldn't have this problem. Possessing a gun should be an automatic ten year jail sentence. I'm not against owning a gun. I just think they should be kept at a range. The only people in the country that need to have guns is the swat team.

Tasers and pepper spray. Don't need anything more deadly than that.
straight OD
now what if the car crashed and killed the children also 

Obviously she was wrong for shoplifting

but out of all the damn decisions you could have made

you choose to shoot
Last time I checked killing the driver of a car while it's in motion does not put the car in park....................................
And again just get rid of all guns...cops or no cops and we wouldn't have this problem. Possessing a gun should be an automatic ten year jail sentence. I'm not against owning a gun. I just think they should be kept at a range. The only people in the country that need to have guns is the swat team.
Tasers and pepper spray. Don't need anything more deadly than that.

repped :smokin
And again just get rid of all guns...cops or no cops and we wouldn't have this problem. Possessing a gun should be an automatic ten year jail sentence. I'm not against owning a gun. I just think they should be kept at a range. The only people in the country that need to have guns is the swat team.

Tasers and pepper spray. Don't need anything more deadly than that.

Yea this could work theoretically but the army would still have guns and the criminals who need guns would smuggle them in from abroad, which would establish a very lucrative black market. Then the govt can also troll us and be like "surprise, marshal law!"
didnt know walmart allowed their security guards to carry heat...tragedy story tho.  violence never solves anything
My biggest issue is that Police Officers are entrusted with firearms because they are trained when and when not to use it, right? The Cop seemed to have many situations where he could have/should have de-escalated the situation and it ended with him shooting and killing a passenger of a car looking to and successfully speed off.

We'll just have the wait for the video evidence to come out because right now we aren't getting a full unbiased story.
It's a matter of waiting for all the facts to come out. Who's to say the officer couldn't have gotten out of the way? Who's to say that she wasn't trying to run him over. Who's to say the kids weren't visible or that he was trying to protect other citizens and not just his own life?

That being said, the cop may have just been trigger happy? Plus police don't play down south.

We'll see happens when they release the security film.

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It's funny how these types of threads spark controversy and arguments on NT, 10+ pages every time.
That cop was dead wrong and had no business shooting that woman.

But that woman was dead wrong for every single thing she did in that situation.

She did not deserve to die. She did not deserve to get shot. But I'm really not as outraged about this as some of y'all act like we should be.

Who here has tried to zoom away when you have a cop in uniform at your door, especially if they're trying to open it?

How do you initiate a police chase with kids in your car? I'm not even saying she tried to run him over. She tried to escape the law with 2 kids in the car.

Oh yeah, because she had been caught and brought on charges before, and knew she had no business in any Walmart.

So in order not to get caught again, she's down for getting chased by the cops with her kids in the car.

Her getting shot was not cool. But "not cool" is as far as my emotional response to this goes when you look at the whole story.
no no...i got ya loud and clear. its pennies to walmart so take what you like. Jesus. and lets not have the whole walmart/sweatshop/illegal practices argument. were in a forum called NIKEtalk.
lol true it is.... no one is saying we should advocate free range theivary.... but at the end of the day.... a person who made an unethical decision...(allegedly) was killed by a person trying to protect property of a group of people who business is based on unethical decisions...

So lets say a cop cross tried to raid a drug house.... And a person inside the house felt their life was in danger and they shot and killed the officer...then it is ok right.... I mean i know your gonna say ok well the cop is so called serving justice... but just because he is delusional or is a so called good cop he still is comming in to stop/prevent steal something that doesnt belong to him...

And you might say am i really comparing a drug lord etc... to walmart..... ask yourself and really think about it... in terms of ethics and how the effect ppl in general and society.. who practices more unethical/evil tactics... and affect more ppl?

plus not to mention his job is a police officer, and with that job there well theoretically it is understood that there is a presummed risk involved. and even still your job is to protect and serve... and even when firing a weapon it is as a means to sedate or cease the alleged culprit... this guy went str8 for the kill period...

his goal was to kill her..period and at the very least he broke the so called police moral code...there were tons of alternate options he could have choose to stop the perp, or better yet they have far to much security in which they could have went out and had her arrested etc.... all of which in theory as a cop he swore, he would do...

the problem is ppl are looking at this as a one race issue (lets not act like we are all oblvious to the elephant in the room) two as if someone was trying to steal from them and how they would handle it.... but the thing is we are just citizens... and cops etc.. took a oath and they swore to a different set of moral codes then us....

problem is and has been for quite awhile is really isnt a difference in terms of morality and ethics between any blow joe on the street with a gun and a cop with a gun...
Bruh.....none of this has anything to do with the many poor decisions this woman piled on top of one another that day.

She didn't get shot for being a desperate poor person in the grips of a capitalist society.

She got shot for being a complete idiot. That entire day she did thing after thing that she knew was dead wrong and had been caught doing before. And she did it with her kids at her side, making sure they were in danger if anything happened.

This woman got shot because she made stupid decision after stupid decision and ran into the wrong crazy person who happened to have a badge and a gun.
she didn't get shot at because she stole
she got shot at because she tried to run the deputy over.
according to this article anyway.
she got shot at because she was black....period

according to the history of this country and just living long enough and not living in a bubble,,,,

please in this plethra of knowledge on the internet show me any incident where a white women was stealing and she was shot with the intention to kill..

even if we go with the so called she tried to run him over (although he was on the side of the car and she was going in reverse)... im pretty sure in the history of the world surely a white women has stolen something and tried to break free elude law enforcement.
she didn't get shot at because she stole

she got shot at because she tried to run the deputy over.

according to this article anyway.
she got shot at because she was black....period
according to the history of this country and just living long enough and not living in a bubble,,,,

please in this plethra of knowledge on the internet show me any incident where a white women was stealing and she was shot with the intention to kill..
even if we go with the so called she tried to run him over (although he was on the side of the car and she was going in reverse)... im pretty sure in the history of the world surely a white women has stolen something and tried to break free elude law enforcement.

Her being black was the least of the reasons why she was shot.

The cop was obviously crazy. The woman was obviously crazy. When you get two crazy people in a situation this volatile making all the wrong moves, something like this is bound to happen no matter the race of those involved.
these threads go nowhere fast...why do they even come up? what's the point?
like I feel like I'm watching a parody of NT. the same thing LITERALLY always
happens in these threads and it's like no one sees it. y'all just keep arguing in
circles with the same people, on the same forum, expecting their outlooks on life
to change because of the argumentative essays you write in here. :rofl:

my opinion: cop overreacted Lady: ain't paul.....just a ***** that steal...stop stealin.
my whole stance on this was that its pretty messed up when a security guard at walmart can shoot and kill you for stealing....

and i mentioned an incident where i was fired at, to back my claims that certain cops are trigger happy...

this cop wasnt mowed down or chased HE got in between the car door and he shot in a walmart parking lot...

but ya know unless youve had incidents with the cops you wouldnt understand why this is troublesome..

and before you say well dont commit crimes blah blah...if you think you need to commit a crime to run into a trigger happy cop then it's not even worth discussing an issue like this with you.
She shouldn't have been shoplifting. She put herself at risk because she tried to escape. Consequences come. 
Doesn't help that she tried to run the cop over.
Don't know how you guys are painting the cop as the bad guy. 

Who brings children along in a crime? She was shot and they still fled to apartments and not the hospital. 

using your kids to shoplift is very common in areas of rachetness and tom foolery. with that being said, she really endangered her kids' lives.

When did Wal-Mart security get guns?

as per my comment above, hood areas or stores that see the ratchetness daily will have sheriffs or police officers who pack heat. word to the old navy in The Gallery and apple store in Philadelphia. the **** that goes on in these stores..:x def need a armed dude at the door for these places.


Dude killed her for probably $100 worth of stuff

yea killing someone for stealing clothing does seem excessive. but this ***** was stupid as **** to try and pull this off with an armed officer in the store. i mean seriously, when did you ever hear of running from police ending well? i don't really feel sorry for her. she died cuz she dumb. feel sorry for her kids tho..:smh:
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