Washington Wizards 2012-2013 Season Thread - Thanks for a great year!

Will the Washington Wizards make the playoffs this year?

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Tonight's game was horrible we still got that W tho I dozed off for 2 quarters of the game

:lol: it was tough because the Knicks Nets game was on same time basically and that game was actually more then watchable....as opposed to the Wiz. Glad we won in a low scoring affair.

I agree with everyone about the Harden deal obviously but whats done is done. The little bit of the game i watched last night Beal looked pretty good. I think he will turn out to be a great player (not an all-star but a good player) but its going to take 3-4 years for that. It looks like we are destined for a lottery pick again this year. Maybe we can land Shabazz or Nerlens.
So the rationale behind not making the deal was not wanting to pay the lux tax.....if the oak/ariza deal was never made, this team wouldn't have to pay the lux tax if they gave Harden a max deal, right?
Bottom line...the whole situation PERFECTLY sums up the Wizards FO. Incompetence and penny pinching. :smh:

EX-******-ACTLY!!!! This front office doesn't want to win NOR put a decent product on the court for their fans at all costs, you don't see LA or NY worried about some luxury tax, they deal with it when it happens. You'd think these idiots would realize having all the cap space in the world means nothing when you can't lure ANYBODY here, if you can snag a budding star via trade you do it. ESPECIALLY if all you're giving up is an unproven rookie

Wall-Harden-Nene woulda been a fine trio :smh:
Seriously.....If your money is short and you are worried about the luxury tax, why even own a Sports franchise and claim you want to win a title? You can put out a crappy product for years and make a return on your investment, but go back to the corporate world with all of that.

I seriously think the only way to make a difference is to do it yourself. I will have a front office job in the Wizards organization one day and help bring a title back to the District.
Both the Wizards and Lakers are 3-7 in their last 10 games. Ha.

The Wizards have the same or a better record in the last 10 games as:


One of the supposed pros to the Okafor-Ariza trade was to open up cap space in two years. Ummm, doesn't trading for Harden nab the Wizards that young star to pair with Wall and Nene instead of waiting two additiona years? :x :lol:

So the rationale behind not making the deal was not wanting to pay the lux tax.....if the oak/ariza deal was never made, this team wouldn't have to pay the lux tax if they gave Harden a max deal, right?

Bottom line...the whole situation PERFECTLY sums up the Wizards FO. Incompetence and penny pinching. :smh:
They still could have done this trade with the Okafor-Ariza trade being done first. Harden is in the last year of his rookie contract, so it wouldn't have effected the team's cap this season. Next year yeah they would have paid the tax, but just one more year until Okafor-Ariza were off the books and the Wizards would have locked up Harden and Wall by then. :smh:
They still could have done this trade with the Okafor-Ariza trade being done first. Harden is in the last year of his rookie contract, so it wouldn't have effected the team's cap this season. Next year yeah they would have paid the tax, but just one more year until Okafor-Ariza were off the books and the Wizards would have locked up Harden and Wall by then. :smh:

I really wished you would have said something else....the more details that come out about this non-trade, the more pissed I get.

I have no clue what the vision is for this organization. What's going on w/ Kevin Love right now is EXACTLY what Wall is going to do when his time comes. Wizards are by far the biggest mess in the NBA.

*On another board, someone said that Ernie Grunfeld has possibly had the worst run in the past year and a half as a GM in all sports. I can't think of anyone else off-hand who has had more personnel blunders than him. It's a damn shame he's still on board and that this team would rather penny pinch and sell false premises than field a competitive unit who actually has an upside. They REALLY test your faith as a fan. :smh:
We need a new owner. One that is not scared to make big moves, or spend big money. DAN SNYDER!!!!! 
I get a feeling that either the wizards are trying to do something huge for the future...or management is just a piece of ****, that doesnt care about anything, except makin money.
We need a new owner. One that is not scared to make big moves, or spend big money. DAN SNYDER!!!!!  :lol:

You can hate on Dan Snyder all you want (I know how did in the beginning with some of his moves and his persona), but I never questioned his desire to WIN. He made terrible personnel moves (cutting B. Mitch, trading for Deion, Bruce Smith, Archuletta, Haynesworth, renaming JKC Stadium to Fed Ex Field), but I never ever questioned his passion for the sport and that he truly wanted to deliver a championship to the fans of the ********. He just might have been foolish and over eager.

I can't say the same for the Wizards owner.
Regardless of what the "sources" are saying...I'm going to stick to my guns and refuse that Bradley Beal and Singleton were all it would have taken to get Harden.

I seriously doubt that.
Regardless of what the "sources" are saying...I'm going to stick to my guns and refuse that Bradley Beal and Singleton were all it would have taken to get Harden.

I seriously doubt that.

I agree with this. When the report came out initially i thought it was like 2 first round picks, (one would have been beal) Singleton, and Seraphin. And i was skeptic because 2 firsts was a lot and i thought Seraphin was a good young player (which he is looking like he is).

But i really hope everything checks out with Wall properly. I am starting to get nervous about his long term health. I hope this isn't a career type nagging injury.

Caught a lot of the game last night.....Websters dunk was nice....but harden is better then our whole team.
Funniest play of the night was when Crawford received the ball at the top of the key and dribbled around a screen to the far left corner and was trapped after he picked up his dribble. He was on one foot trying to find an open man to mass to and once he was unable......he just pivotted towards the hoop and launched a one footed fading away three ball. :lol:

HEROBALLLLLLLLL! He is the only dude willing to shoot the ball at all though so I can't even be mad at Gordon.

Nene missing two free throws and then getting called for a bogus offensive foul sealed the game for Houston in the final couple minutes.
You can hate on Dan Snyder all you want (I know how did in the beginning with some of his moves and his persona), but I never questioned his desire to WIN. He made terrible personnel moves (cutting B. Mitch, trading for Deion, Bruce Smith, Archuletta, Haynesworth, renaming JKC Stadium to Fed Ex Field), but I never ever questioned his passion for the sport and that he truly wanted to deliver a championship to the fans of the ********. He just might have been foolish and over eager.
I can't say the same for the Wizards owner.
Oh I agree we knew Snyder wanted to win. He just didn't know how to do it at first. Also he aint scared to spend money and make big moves. I would love if he bought the Wizards. Someone has to tell Ted scared money dont make money. Also we would not have to read Ted's blog and all his bs lies
Ted's pockets have to be taking a hit with no hockey in DC this season and the horror comedy known as the Wizards.

Trying to run a Basketball franchise with a formula derived from the Caps ain't cutting it.
Ted's pockets have to be taking a hit with no hockey in DC this season and the horror comedy known as the Wizards.
Trying to run a Basketball franchise with a formula derived from the Caps ain't cutting it.
I never understood why Ted gets so much credit for buiding the Caps. He drafted Alexander Ovechkin thats what happened.... remember the year before Ted bought the Caps the Caps were in the Finals. The Caps have not been out of the second round since he bouth them. 
I never understood why Ted gets so much credit for buiding the Caps. He drafted Alexander Ovechkin thats what happened.... remember the year before Ted bought the Caps the Caps were in the Finals. The Caps have not been out of the second round since he bouth them. 

People associate the Capitals success with Ovechkin (even though this past season and their playoff run showed that clearly he is not responsible) and Ted drafted him as the darling of the District.

Good point though, back in the Peter Bondra days the Caps were a solid team. Ted just came in and took all the gusto.

This Ted could do a better job with the Wiz:

I was at the Miami game and to see our team ball the way they played that night does give me some hope.  We have made some horrible moves in the past but i don't doubt that washington is trying to build a team to be a real contender, it's also on the players too, even if we have the money, in the league today, its becoming a league of super teams where big time stars dont want to do it on their own and come play on a team that right now doesn't seem to see a championship picture for awhile.  Hopefully when wall gets back we'll get some more wins, theres alot we need to fix
I was at the Miami game and to see our team ball the way they played that night does give me some hope.  We have made some horrible moves in the past but i don't doubt that washington is trying to build a team to be a real contender, it's also on the players too, even if we have the money, in the league today, its becoming a league of super teams where big time stars dont want to do it on their own and come play on a team that right now doesn't seem to see a championship picture for awhile.  Hopefully when wall gets back we'll get some more wins, theres alot we need to fix

let me know when Ted gets rid of Ernie then I will believe that he is serious about winning.
I have to say, Beal has been putting in work lately. It looks like he's ready to start taking on a bigger role.

Excited to see how he progresses after Wall comes back.
People associate the Capitals success with Ovechkin (even though this past season and their playoff run showed that clearly he is not responsible) and Ted drafted him as the darling of the District.
Good point though, back in the Peter Bondra days the Caps were a solid team. Ted just came in and took all the gusto.
This Ted could do a better job with the Wiz:
Man Ted just gets better and better. He would piss down your back and tell you its raining


Best quote from the article/blog post

"As I look at box scores from around the league, I see many games that can be considered blowouts, but our team has been very competitive and we have had plenty of fourth-quarter opportunities. We have lost, as an example, 11 games by seven or fewer points. Our record is our record – I’m not denying that – but we are building a strong foundation of a team that is dedicated, plays committed team defense and has high character."

Our strong foundation is 3-18
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"As I look at box scores from around the league, I see many games that can be considered blowouts, but our team has been very competitive and we have had plenty of fourth-quarter opportunities. We have lost, as an example, 11 games by seven or fewer points. Our record is our record – I’m not denying that – but we are building a strong foundation of a team that is dedicated, plays committed team defense and has high character."
And I'm sorry... but Bradley Beal's FG% is AWFUL.  Forget comparing him to Harden, which is just a dream scenario now, or even "late bloomer" Evan Turner.  Both shot substantially better during their rookie seasons.  This is Adam Morrison territory.

I like that he's finally getting to the line a bit, but 19 points on 6-18 shooting is not what I'd call winning basketball.  

Here's hoping that he might one day lead the league in character
Yeah his FG% is pretty bad, but I'm sure it will improve as the season goes on. It's not like he's Wall, he's doing everything right from a technical standpoint but a lot of his shots are in and out. I actually like him taking more shots, rather see the rook get some burn than ol 'MJ' Crawford jacking up 25-footers.

Won't call him Morrison yet, Ammo played 4? years of college ball and still couldn't shoot whereas Beal is only 19 and barely into his rookie season. Honestly I'm probably just grasping for any type of positive improvement at all with this team. But if Bradley can develop into a solid starter by the end of the season that would be encouragement.

It pains me to see all these players the Wizards passed up on just lighting it up. Instead of the Foye/Mike Miller fiasco and then friggin Vesely, we could have a 24-yo Steph Curry (who has been absolutely lighting it up) and a 22-yo Klay Thompson right now. The ineptitude is just depressing..
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