Washington Wizards 2012-2013 Season Thread - Thanks for a great year!

Will the Washington Wizards make the playoffs this year?

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EVERYBODY's facial expressions in this pic pretty much sum up the season so far.
you guys will be fine once nene and john wall get back

Define "fine" we will get a top 5 pick instead of the num 1 pick?

Stupid NBA draft lottery. If we have 3 consecutive years of top 3 picks and can't put a decent team on the floor i quit.
I mean at least the game was close which is a good thing and a bad thing. It a good thing because they are competitive, but its a bad thing because Ted will think that we are "close" and wont make a move

Me and everyone I was watching the game with called that three. You could tell the Hawks weren't gonna let themselves lose to us.
Some teams have a will to win games. The Wizards have a will to lose. I haven't shaken my head in dismay and bewilderment this much since Michael Ruffin chucked a live ball 50 ft in the air at the end of regulation with time on the clock......only to have Mo Peterson catch it and heave it for a game tying shot. The wiz would lose in OT. A microcosm of this season.
Didn't catch the Bobcats game....but i saw the score afterward.

0-11 now? :smh:

We have San Antonio, then Portland, then new york, then Miami, Atlanta, Golden State, and New Orleans.

So maybe we can beat Atlanta....but if not then hopefully we beat New Orleans. I just don't want to be 0-17 going into that game.
Didn't catch the Bobcats game....but i saw the score afterward.
0-11 now? :smh:
We have San Antonio, then Portland, then new york, then Miami, Atlanta, Golden State, and New Orleans.
So maybe we can beat Atlanta....but if not then hopefully we beat New Orleans. I just don't want to be 0-17 going into that game.

Even when a team, the Bobcats, try to give the Wizards the game.......they still blow it. At the end of the first OT, Chris Singleton is fouled on a 3 point shot attempt with less than a second on the clock. They are down two points and if he hits all three FTs.....the game is over. He makes the first, misses the second and makes the third. This was after leading at the end of regulation as well before blowing that and allowing Charlotte to force the first OT. :smh:

It is comical at this point. At this point I'm sitting there watching and wondering in suspense how willl they figure out to lose this game tonight! I almost find myself getting discouraged when they have a lead and secretly hoping the lose in bewildering fashion......so I have at least the feeling of being entertained and perplexed at the same time.

0-11 is bad on paper, horrible.....but if you have had the miserable pleasure of watching theses losses, it is a combination of emotions that only a DC sports franchise can conjure up.

Moves by Ted&Ernie or should I say beavis and butthead

Ted either get rid of Ernie or Sell the team


When the trade was made, I defended it. I thought both Ariza and Okafor would have shown better. Goes to show what having faith in this organization will do to you. I try not to be all doom and gloom all the time because i keep hoping that one day they will turn things around. I was bamboozled. Completely. The saving grace is that these two will be gone in two years...however, 43 mil is a lot of money to eat for a player looking old (Okafor) and a player looking aloof (Ariza). As the days go by, you cant help to think about how different this roster could have looked had they just been smarter as far as going about their business.

No, this is not some Fireman Ed swan song or something along those lines...I'm going to stick with this team regardless, however, we are now 3 years into the "rebuild" and have seemingly gone nowhere - or arguably gotten WORSE. Something has to give.

The construction of the roster begins/ends with Ernie. Think about it. I can't fathom another profession in this world that would let you keep your job after 10 years of mediocrity. Grunfeld IS the Teflon Don. There is no rhyme or reason why he's still employed by this team.

Ted, and the powers that be, can in fact do something right in lieu of this 0-11 start. Dump Ernie ASAP. Get a new pair of eyes to oversee the roster and the future of this team. What did Einstein say? "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." That's the Wizards in a nutshell.
So you mean to tell me trading Caron Butler for Josh Howard wasn't a great idea?

Mike Miller and Randy Foye didn't hold it down in DC?

Gilbert for Rashard wasn't genius?

Where art thou Courtney Alexander?

Jerry Stackhouse is still playing in the League.....we traded Rip for him, so why don't we have either on the team?

Jan Vesley will be a dominant big man.....in table tennis.

Find the humor in this 0-11 start and appreciate the fact than you can take your family to see them play for less than it cost to see the new Bond flick. :smh:

I'm tempted to wear a brown paper bag to every home game and just get some sort of amusement out of the games.....my civic pride won't allow it though.
good luck vs the austin toros tonight
high chance pop sits tim tony and manu.

Tim, Tony and Manu on the bench will still find a way to score 40+ points on the Wizards. Their presence in the 20001 zip code will be enough to open up a 20 point lead in the first half.

The Wizards might as well just throw some pads on and grab a helmet and try to help the Skins beat the Giants next Monday night.
Anyone catch this article in the Times?   http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/nov/26/wizards-jan-vesely-failing-progress-live-first-rou/?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS
In his first four games as a starter, Vesely  averaged 3 points and 2.5 rebounds. Through the team’s first 11 games, Vesely  has been held scoreless four times, has more fouls (30) than points (29) and is 3 for 13 from the line.

“He’s got to become more of a basketball player on the floor and not a one-dimensional player,” Wittman  said. “You can’t allow teams to not guard you. You’ve got to put yourself in the same position when that happens to do something positive from an offensive standpoint.”

Read more: Wizards' Jan Vesely struggles beyond practice - Washington Times  http://www.washingtontimes.com/news..._source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS#ixzz2DOMdvLG4  
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Can someone explain why we haven't just sent this bum to the d-league yet?  Why is he STARTING!?  If you have guys in the lineup who haven't earned their playing time, it sends a terrible message to the rest of the squad.  That's just basic.  

Vesley hasn't done anything to earn his base scale rookie contract, much less the starting job.  Right now, this guy is NOT an NBA player.  I wouldn't select him fifth in a pick up game.  

Moves by Ted&Ernie or should I say beavis and butthead

Ted either get rid of Ernie or Sell the team

When the trade was made, I defended it. I thought both Ariza and Okafor would have shown better. Goes to show what having faith in this organization will do to you. I try not to be all doom and gloom all the time because i keep hoping that one day they will turn things around. I was bamboozled. Completely. The saving grace is that these two will be gone in two years...however, 43 mil is a lot of money to eat for a player looking old (Okafor) and a player looking aloof (Ariza). As the days go by, you cant help to think about how different this roster could have looked had they just been smarter as far as going about their business.

No, this is not some Fireman Ed swan song or something along those lines...I'm going to stick with this team regardless, however, we are now 3 years into the "rebuild" and have seemingly gone nowhere - or arguably gotten WORSE. Something has to give.

The construction of the roster begins/ends with Ernie. Think about it. I can't fathom another profession in this world that would let you keep your job after 10 years of mediocrity. Grunfeld IS the Teflon Don. There is no rhyme or reason why he's still employed by this team.

Ted, and the powers that be, can in fact do something right in lieu of this 0-11 start. Dump Ernie ASAP. Get a new pair of eyes to oversee the roster and the future of this team. What did Einstein say? "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." That's the Wizards in a nutshell.
I initially came out against both the Okafor AND the Nene deals for financial reasons.  I just didn't think those contracts made any sense and my chief concern at the time was that we'd be locking ourself into a very expensive and inflexible state of mediocrity.  We weren't stockpiling the type of assets required to make GOOD trades and build a winning team.  

In hindsight, perhaps I was too optimistic.  

Outside of John Wall, there isn't one player on this team who ANYONE would trade for - and even if you include John Wall there's nobody on this team whom we could exchange for a franchise-caliber player.  That leaves us reliant on the draft, and goodness knows that hasn't been kind to us. 

Say what you want about how it's too early to judge Beal - and that's fair - but it's hard to look at the impact Lillard, Waiters, and even Barnes have had and not feel a little jealous.  

Seriously, 32% from the floor?  And this is your shooter?  

I know they drafted the guy because he supposedly has such great mechanics, but what good have they done him?  If you had a prospect who shot 45% with poor mechanics, you then say to yourself, "wow, I wonder how good he'd be if he worked with our coaching staff.  The guy clearly has a great, instinctive feel for the ball, but he just needs to be taught."  Where does Beal go from here?  What does he fix?  He shot a poor percentage in college, too, so this isn't an anomaly.   

Reggie Miller had an ugly looking shot.  It seemed to find the basket.  I think we'd all rather have a guy who makes ugly than misses pretty.   

He's putting up 11 points per game, but only because we're giving him a ton of shots.  Give 80% of the players in the D-league 20 shots a game and they'll put up a dozen points.  Some of them might actually get to the line, too.

Beal's also playing small, and that's making him a real liability at the 2.  If and when Wall gets back, I can see them trying to match him up against opposing SGs to prevent Beal from being abused in the post.  

I know the draft is more luck than science sometimes and most teams would've made the same call at #3, but we're beyond the law of averages here in DC.  Seraphin seems to be the only guy who's actually improving from year to year, and he's still very much a project player.

This is tough to watch.  The team desperately needs to dump Wittman and hire Nate McMillan.  Randy's in over his head.  We need someone to come in and steady the ship, someone the players will respect

We're beyond blaming injuries.  This is a results-oriented business and management must be held accountable for the product they've placed on the floor.
Portland will be their first win of the month, Blazers are terrible. A coach who is running the starters into the ground and not developing the bench :smh:
You have a better chance of winning that 450 million dollar powerball than the Wizards have of winning against the Blazers on Wednesday.

If you think Portland is bad.....you my friend have not watched the Wizards this season.

tickets are .80 cents on Stubhub. What else can you buy for .80 cents? Wizards tickets are depreciating at a faster rate than Enron stock was after the scandal. :smh:

I tried to give a spare ticket away out front of the Verizon Center to the Bucks game a couple weeks ago and some young kid just crumbled it up and threw it on the ground......Part of me wanted to throw him through the window, but the other part of me couldn't even be mad, because I understood why. That was a new low.
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