Washington Wizards 2012-2013 Season Thread - Thanks for a great year!

Will the Washington Wizards make the playoffs this year?

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:lol: :rofl:
I think its a slight increase? Livingston is taller then pargo? lol

Hmmm......who they going to sign next?


I liked Shaun Livingston, but man.......


I think we all saw the devasting affects knee injuries could have after Gil's failed comeback attempts.
Beal is 6 games in and is 19. He's had ups and downs, but to say he's not the shooter you thought he would be after this small of a sample is a bit premature, IMO.
Well Beal did shoot 33% from 3 in college so I am not quite sure he gonna get much better. I mean they were calling the guy the next Ray Allen
Well Beal did shoot 33% from 3 in college so I am not quite sure he gonna get much better. I mean they were calling the guy the next Ray Allen

No, they said he had shooting mechanics SIMILAR to Ray. No one said he's going to be the next Ray Allen. Kinda silly to think that a kid who has as nice looking of a stroke can't improve on his 3pt %. Again, he's 19 and 7 games into his career. Ups/Downs were to be expected.
Worry about something else??? Our #3 pick who was known as a shooter went 1-11 the other night. That is something to worry about. But i am willing to see where he is at in March
I've watched Ray hoop for a long long time.

Even going back to his Conneticut days, I wasn't fond of the comparison. That is a lofty lofty expectation or name to toss around at a 19 year old rookie. People hear Ray Allen and you better be automatic when open or shooting in the high 40% viscinity.

I'll reserve any/all judgement until after John Wall and Bradley have some months to bond and play together. Let's discuss this in April.
Worry about something else??? Our #3 pick who was known as a shooter went 1-11 the other night. That is something to worry about. But i am willing to see where he is at in March

Again...he's 8 games into his career and is 19. He looked lost in his first two games...made an adjustment and has played better.

Since you like the Ray Allen comparison, check this out (from first 7 games):

Code: Select all
1st 7 Beal Allen
MPG 28.7 28.9
FGA 14.0 14.3
2FG% .311 .482
3FA 5.9 4.3
3FG% .333 .292
eFG .391 .469
FTA 3.8 4.8
FT% .952 .778
REB 3.9 3.7
AST 2.3 1.8
STL 1.3 1.8
BLK .4 0.0
TOV 2.0 2.1
PF 2.3 3.2
PTS 14.5 17.1

Big difference between the two through the first 7 games of their careers: Beal's 2pt shooting. That difference amounts to 8 made field goals -- 1.1 additional made buckets per game. In other words, if Beal made one more 2pt shot per game, he'd basically be where Ray Allen was after the first 7 games of Allen's career.

This is from Nivek on RealGM.

But yea....we should be worried.

Give it time.
Ray was also 21 when he entered the league.

93-94 UConn 34 735 158 310 33 82 80 101 155 46 53 47 7 38 429
94-95 UConn 32 1051 255 521 85 191 80 110 218 53 75 64 16 61 675
95-96 UConn 35 1215 292 618 115 247 119 147 228 46 117 82 18 60 818
TOTALS 101 3001 705 1449 233 520 279 358 601 145 245 193 41 159 1922

93-94 UConn 21.6 51.0 40.2 79.2 4.6 1.6 1.4 0.2 1.1 12.6
94-95 UConn 32.8 48.9 44.5 72.7 6.8 2.3 2.0 0.5 1.9 21.1
95-96 UConn 34.7 47.2 46.6 81.0 6.5 3.3 2.3 0.5 1.7 23.4
TOTALS 29.7 48.7 44.8 77.9 6.0 2.4 1.9 0.4 1.6 19.0

He had a couple more years of college experience than Bradley too.

If Beals turns out to be anything like Walter.....I'm cool with that.
Ray was also 21 when he entered the league.
93-94 UConn 34 735 158 310 33 82 80 101 155 46 53 47 7 38 429
94-95 UConn 32 1051 255 521 85 191 80 110 218 53 75 64 16 61 675
95-96 UConn 35 1215 292 618 115 247 119 147 228 46 117 82 18 60 818
TOTALS 101 3001 705 1449 233 520 279 358 601 145 245 193 41 159 1922
93-94 UConn 21.6 51.0 40.2 79.2 4.6 1.6 1.4 0.2 1.1 12.6
94-95 UConn 32.8 48.9 44.5 72.7 6.8 2.3 2.0 0.5 1.9 21.1
95-96 UConn 34.7 47.2 46.6 81.0 6.5 3.3 2.3 0.5 1.7 23.4
TOTALS 29.7 48.7 44.8 77.9 6.0 2.4 1.9 0.4 1.6 19.0
He had a couple more years of college experience than Bradley too.
If Beals turns out to be anything like Walter.....I'm cool with that.

That, too.

Ray is a better shooter - has been even at the same age as beal 18/19 years old. Mechanics-wise, I totally can understand why the comparisons are made. Other than that, NO. Honestly, I see Beal who puts up shooting %'s closer to Eric Gordon.
Again...he's 8 games into his career and is 19. He looked lost in his first two games...made an adjustment and has played better.
Since you like the Ray Allen comparison, check this out (from first 7 games):
This is from Nivek on RealGM.
But yea....we should be worried.
Give it time.
Well I guess I'm tired of always having to wait for Wizards players to develop ya know we have 7 top ten picks on the team and not a single win this year lol. My problem is more with Ted this is year 3 of this massive rebuild, and it seems like nothing has been rebuilt. 
Down 5 with 2 to go.....looks like 0-9. Spend all that energy to erase a 20 point deficit again only to fall short. This is like deja vu watching them play each game. Fall down big early, linger around, make a comeback, fizzle out late. :smh:
At this rate we're going to be mathematically eliminated from the playoffs before John Wall even sets foot on the court.
wasn't the theme last year new traditions???

New traditions, but it is the same old song.

Meth is right......no sense in John Wall rushing back to a team that might be 0-16 by the time he suits up. :smh:

We get 82 games of pre-season quality basketball. The Verizon Center is a ghost town and I thought last year was bad.

 @ the thread title.

I root for DMV teams in general because most of my extended family is there, but man this is rough 

Hope for the best, but expect the worst......I guess. Hang in there fellas!
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So at the beginning of the game we did the usual. Mid range jumpers....crawford fade aways....get down by 19 points. But when we turned up the defensive intensity we almost looked serviceable when we cut the lead down.
But it seriously seems like we come out...try to jog through the game realize we are getting killed....don't want to be embarrassed that bad so pick it up...then at the end of the game its like we are ok with losing...as long as the score is kinda close.
Yeah if someone were to just look at the box scores of the Wizard games, they would be like "Oh s*** the Wizards lose another close one.....tough break." In actuality it is the same story each game. They get down by so much so early......the other team packs it in somewhat and the Wizards mount a comeback and never take the lead or control of the game. The game ends after a few mistakes in the final minutes and it's another loss.

You can buy a ticket and almost wander around anywhere to sit. It is that damn bad.
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