Washington Wizards 2012-2013 Season Thread - Thanks for a great year!

Will the Washington Wizards make the playoffs this year?

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The team as constructed today.......:x

Jordan Crawford is a rich man's Joe Crawford.

John Wall needs to make a serious impact on this team.


I forgott Nene was out as well. He will most definitely be a difference maker as well but some of these other pieces just dont do it for me.
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I don't get how some of yall are giving up on beal after ONE GAME???!!!???

I am not giving up on him per say. I just never thought he was going to be an impact player like so many said. He has potential to be a great shooter....but if John isn't driving and kicking he isn't going to flourish. People were trying to compare Beal to young Ray Allen and Dwayne Wade pre-draft. But dude wasn't that athletic.

I really hope he is good but I don't see him being a legit "down 2 with 10 seconds left, iso Beal" type player like people thought. But he is super young and i am pulling for him. I just wish we had some Vet's on the team that could help him grow.
I don't get how some of yall are giving up on beal after ONE GAME???!!!???


Nobody should be giving ANY sort of individual analysis on a rookie after their first game.

That is ridiculous.

Kyrie Irving went 2 of 12 for 6 points in his first NBA game last year.
I am definitely not giving up on Beal, he is a bright spot of promise for the future. I was never high on Jordan Crawford and his crackhead style of play. He is just that frantic jitterbug style of play guy that is too much helter skelter for my liking.

Beal's 1st NBA game was opening night on the road in Cleveland, that's a tough spot for a rookie. Let him get his feet wet and play in front of the home crowd. He is still really young.

I know we all enjoy taking our shots at the Wizards and being a fan of a terrible franchise who has been accustomed to losing for so long can be tough.

Let us at least cheer for another season where one can get into a game for less than 50 cents.
relax with the giving up on Beal claims, I just said he played scared out there which he did. He'll be fine once that rotation gets worked out
Aj price's 4th qt performance killed the momentum. But I feel once they start playing together more they would be 500 or over. And Beal needs time to grow and learn to not get picke so easily.
The worst thing about last night was the COMPLETE lack of intensity. I guess they were tired from the back-to-ba.. oh wait. That's all on Wittman.

I hate Crawford so much. He wouldn't get more than 10mpg on most teams.

Beal will be straight. His shot was just off.
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That is what sports people do. I saw some many Tweets saying, "Harden proved tonight that he was worth all of that $." Really?

The Harden **** is so stupid. Dude was a max player before he inked his deal w/ Houston. :smh:

As far as the Wizards, I can't wait for Saturday night. I'm interested to see what kinds of adjustments Beal is going to make in his game. Instead of settling for jumpers early, I'd like to see him take it hard to the rack.
Eh, I don't know if he is a max player. But then again, max is relative and not absolute looking at who other "max" players are out there currently.

If this was my Association Mode, if you aren't Top 10 you aren't max but I am a tough customer.
Eh, I don't know if he is a max player. But then again, max is relative and not absolute looking at who other "max" players are out there currently.
If this was my Association Mode, if you aren't Top 10 you aren't max but I am a tough customer.

In this current CBA - he's a max player. After seeing what the market value is for guys like Jrue Holliday, Demar Derozan, etc., I think Harden's 80 mil is more than justified.
I disagree. He hasn't proven that he is capable of being worth that money in his new role. But again, I am a pessimistic dude so hey. Prove to me first.
Social media, technology, and the internet has given too many people platforms to express their prisoner's of the moment mentality on things.

Folks make the most terrible assumptions off such limited sample sizes. Everything these days is about projecting, "analyzing," and estimating someone's or some team's value.

I wouldn't have been mad if the Wizards made a play for Harden. Dude is still really young.
Let's take this over to the NBA thread....got questions for the both of u (DC/Jesus)
Well nobody should accuse me of giving up on Beal just because of one game; I never thought he was any good in the first place :lol:
Well nobody should accuse me of giving up on Beal just because of one game; I never thought he was any good in the first place :lol:


This is what i am saying...

I am not going to pass any true judgement on our team until John Wall is back. No I don't think we are going to make the playoffs but i think we will be better then last year (not saying much i know). But at the end of the year last year we looked serviceable in some games with Nene healthy. He is a great passing center and that should help us. Seraphin was coming along well last year too.

So until we are some what more healthy i will not write this season completely off yet :lol:
Well nobody should accuse me of giving up on Beal just because of one game; I never thought he was any good in the first place :lol:

Who would have rathered the Wizards draft? Beal is no Courtney Alexander.

I wonder why new players and incoming players from trades constantly get injured......Josh Howard, Nene, Rashard Lewis. Shoot, Bibby basically refused to suit up for the squad.
Nene/Wall are going to make a HUGE difference for this Wizards team.

Tough loss tonight...would have loved to have gotten the W, but it was a good effort nonetheless.

A couple of notes:

-Trevor Booker, AJ Price, Bradley Beal, and Trevor Ariza have no business starting. Plug in Seraphin, Pargo, Crawford, and Webster.

-As far as Beal - dude has ZERO confidence in his game right now. Might sound drastic since we're only 2 games in, but I'd let him get his feet wet in the D-league for a couple of games. He's completely overmatched right now.

-Kevin Seraphin = BOSS.

-Pleased w/ Jordan Crawford. Hopefully his ankle isn't "too" bad. I have no idea who is going to pick up the scoring slack if he's hurt. As polarizing as he is, he's been our best player through the first 2 games of the season.

-Vesely...I've been real tough on him, but damn is he an active defender.
We have a D grade team out there. I don't even care to give evaluations because I'm not expecting much.

Look at the roster for christ sakes. It's not even arguable that without Wall/Nene out there...that is the worst collection of talent. The WORST. Worse than Charlotte.

PR team stay takin L's


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Wizards look like they picked up 10 dudes from Run N Shoot to come ball. S*** is pathetic.

Yeah the promotions office is always coming up with something. All you can eat 400 level tickets or Guys Night out. This chick Laura with big **** comes up with it, or she used to at least when I was there.
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