We're just gonna gloss over the fact that Tony was in an unfair fight and took on both of them like a G?
Tony is in a suit that took on Thor's hammer.
a legion of other iron suits.

and im suppose to have sympathy cuz he fought against slightly stronger humans.... naw
Quit making it seem like Tony took back his shield, guys.

If Cap wanted to keep the shield there was nothing Tony could've done about it :lol:
We're just gonna gloss over the fact that Tony was in an unfair fight and took on both of them like a G?
Tony is in a suit that took on Thor's hammer.
a legion of other iron suits.

and im suppose to have sympathy cuz he fought against slightly stronger humans.... naw

Sympathy? No sympathy needed. I don't think "slighty stronger" is able to pull helicopters. Y'all just gonna depower Cap to make the fight look fair. :smh:
:lol: @ a little help

Scumbags the type to sucker a punch a dude when ya friend is losing in a fair one.

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We're just gonna gloss over the fact that Tony was in an unfair fight and took on both of them like a G?
Tony is in a suit that took on Thor's hammer.
a legion of other iron suits.

and im suppose to have sympathy cuz he fought against slightly stronger humans.... naw

Tony got nerf'd

Only suits worse than the civil war suit: mark 1 and mark 42

Then you factor in tony perfected the mark42 tech for age of ultron and was calling his suit at will.. also obviously had veronica at his beck and call

Again, iron man 3 he calls his suit from that kids shed to whever the hell he was playing macgyver.. and age of ultron he's taking on ultron and hulk.. blowing up landmasses

Hell IM1 he had guided missles

Had him depending on that glove and a suit he had to push a button to get into
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Smh yall sounding the same way batman fans sound now. .... (well if he only had.....xyz...and prep)
Get out of here.

Cap and bucky washed him. Mainly cap at the end.
Even Cap knows he couldn't take Tony. He sent that letter to him begging for forgiveness cause he know Tony gonna put hands, feet, steel, repulsers, missiles, red and gold paint, oil and everything else on dude. Cap and Buckhead or whatever his name is, was catching that fade until Scumbag Steve hit him with the Rick Flair low blow behind the refs back. Can't wait til Infinity when Tony tosses him to Thanos in the opening credits and he gets washed for the flawless victory. Never trust a guy who spells Rodgers with no D. Means he's a p**** #teamironman4life
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An actual shot of the fight from the special edition BluRay. Scumbag Steve Flair begging Iron Sting to forgive him for even thinking he could see him. Begging for that *** whoopin to end. Then Arm Anderson (yes, Arm) comes through with the brass knuckles.
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Smh yall sounding the same way batman fans sound now. .... (well if he only had.....xyz...and prep)
Get out of here.

Cap and bucky washed him. Mainly cap at the end.

Tony was literally asking Cap to give up so he didn't have to kill him then his mans pulled a sneak attack.

Steve "washed" Tony like Ned "washed" Ser Arthur Dayne.

Dudes was washed and done :lol:
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I swear to God if I go to best buy next week and the only steelbook I see are ones with Tony's face ...
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Smh yall sounding the same way batman fans sound now. .... (well if he only had.....xyz...and prep)
Get out of here.

Where the hell you getting this logic?

By now we should all know tony 'wings it' or he is already packing overwhelming force

He ain't ducking in a cave doing home work

Dude makes split second decisions and saves the damn planet.. Or cap's precious New York

Never forget cap wanted to close the portal.. Tony was quick to say no since he had to deal with a damn nuke
Tony got nerf'd

Only suits worse than the civil war suit: mark 1 and mark 42

Then you factor in tony perfected the mark42 tech for age of ultron and was calling his suit at will.. also obviously had veronica at his beck and call

Again, iron man 3 he calls his suit from that kids shed to whever the hell he was playing macgyver.. and age of ultron he's taking on ultron and hulk.. blowing up landmasses

Hell IM1 he had guided missles

Had him depending on that glove and a suit he had to push a button to get into

The Mark 42 :smh: **** was trash from the start of the film to the very end. Tony could literally have just put on any of his armors from the Marks 3 to 7 and performed better in them than he was in the 42. Such a disappointment.

But yes, the Mark 46 Tony was using in Civil War wasn't his best suit. That entire business with needing his plane to suit up was a downgrade from the tec he was working with in Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron, first time he's ever gone backwards in terms of his suit designs. Not to mention the sheer amount of firepower we've seen his previous suits throw out.

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Though it also wasn't terrible and physically looked phenomonal.

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The glove, separate from the armor, was also a nice piece of tec that I wouldn't mind seeing again.
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It Sounds Like Marvel Definitely Has Live-Action Plans For Kamala Khan's MS. MARVEL

In an interview with CBR, Marvel Chief Operating Officer Joe Quesada explains that the readers do inform some of the big decisions in terms of which characters wind up being utilized for the screen, and assures fans that we will be seeing Ms. Marvel "in other media" at some point in the future.

“Our readers are the Johnny Appleseeds. They tell us something is resonating, something is hitting a core, and that’s something we should try to cultivate. Another great example of this: Ms. Marvel. If we had put this book out ten years ago, it probably would never have succeeded. Not only did we find the audience, but we had the right people on the book and we had the right editor on the book, the right creators on the book. And now we have a character that’s very recognizable — very, very quickly.

That doesn’t happen a lot. Who knows where Ms. Marvel’s going to end up. You can be sure that, somewhere down the road, she will be a part of the future of Marvel in other media.”
I'm calling it right now. They're probably casting an Indian to play a Pakistani American and there'll be outrage.
Even Cap knows he couldn't take Tony. He sent that letter to him begging for forgiveness cause he know Tony gonna put hands, feet, steel, repulsers, missiles, red and gold paint, oil and everything else on dude. Cap and Buckhead or whatever his name is, was catching that fade until Scumbag Steve hit him with the Rick Flair low blow behind the refs back. Can't wait til Infinity when Tony tosses him to Thanos in the opening credits and he gets washed for the flawless victory. Never trust a guy who spells Rodgers with no D. Means he's a p**** #teamironman4life

Letter basically said,
"sorry the way things went down, you still my bro though, and I know if someone kills the power in your suit, like I did, you'll be dead, here's a direct line to me when that happens"

Even IM fans know Tony gonna pick up the phone and call in a Cap, with no shield(since Tony has that) to help him out
That's like Tony calling Thor with no hammer, and for some reason Tony would have the Hammer
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They should show Tony about to get washed in IW and Cap coming in to save the day

Something something America something something brothers 4 lyfe
99.9 percent sure this will happen in IW

Tony is in trouble.

Cap pulls him out of the frying pan without his shied.

Tony will be humbled and say, You can have your shield back. Thanks for the help.

And to add to the awesomeness (or corniness) depending on how you look at it : this is when we'll finally hear both Cap and Tony say 'AVENGERS ASSEMBLE'
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Tony got nerf'd

Only suits worse than the civil war suit: mark 1 and mark 42

Then you factor in tony perfected the mark42 tech for age of ultron and was calling his suit at will.. also obviously had veronica at his beck and call

Again, iron man 3 he calls his suit from that kids shed to whever the hell he was playing macgyver.. and age of ultron he's taking on ultron and hulk.. blowing up landmasses

Hell IM1 he had guided missles

Had him depending on that glove and a suit he had to push a button to get into
The Mark 42
**** was trash from the start of the film to the very end. Tony could literally have just put on any of his armors from the Marks 3 to 7 and performed better in them than he was in the 42. Such a disappointment.

But yes, the Mark 46 Tony was using in Civil War wasn't his best suit. That entire business with needing his plane to suit up was a downgrade from the tec he was working with in Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron, first time he's ever gone backwards in terms of his suit designs. Not to mention the sheer amount of firepower we've seen his previous suits throw out.

Though it also wasn't terrible and physically looked phenomonal.

The glove, separate from the armor, was also a nice piece of tec that I wouldn't mind seeing again.
his best to date was the ending of age of ultron (not including veronica.. and technically veronica is an addon for his suits, so that's just a really nice upgrade if needed) .. or what he was using throughout age of ultron


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Was actually on the edge of My seat when he was about to say it...was so upset when they cut it
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