99.9 percent sure this will happen in IW

Tony is in trouble.

Cap pulls him out of the frying pan without his shied.

Tony will be humbled and say, You can have your shield back. Thanks for the help.

And to add to the awesomeness (or corniness) depending on how you look at it : this is when we'll finally hear both Cap and Tony say 'AVENGERS ASSEMBLE'
ummmm everything about tony as a character has been about him changing into a better person and not being stubborn towards new information or the events that have happened

cap is the one who is still stuck in being the same person he was before he went into the ice.. doesn't change (other than his vitamin S cocktail, thanks to howard stark.. funny he didn't mention that to antman when hank Pym had something to say about him.. or stark flying him to go save his BFF from capture).. doesn't adapt.. hell all dude does is talk about the supposed values that existed way back when (completely forgetting everything else that existed during that time)

 hell, the baseball game playing during the ending of first avenger was 1941.. was when blacks couldn't play major league baseball
99.9 percent sure this will happen in IW

Tony is in trouble.

Cap pulls him out of the frying pan without his shied.

Tony will be humbled and say, You can have your shield back. Thanks for the help.

And to add to the awesomeness (or corniness) depending on how you look at it : this is when we'll finally hear both Cap and Tony say 'AVENGERS ASSEMBLE'
Wanna bet on that?

1000 reps. Avy and sig wager.

Money [emoji]128176[/emoji]

Pick ya poison that L is forthcoming either way. Russos don't employ such poor writing.
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ummmm everything about tony as a character has been about him changing into a better person and not being stubborn towards new information or the events that have happened

cap is the one who is still stuck in being the same person he was before he went into the ice.. doesn't change (other than his vitamin S cocktail, thanks to howard stark.. funny he didn't mention that to antman when hank Pym had something to say about him.. or stark flying him to go save his BFF from capture).. doesn't adapt.. hell all dude does is talk about the supposed values that existed way back when (completely forgetting everything else that existed during that time)

 hell, the baseball game playing during the ending of first avenger was 1941.. was when blacks couldn't play major league baseball :stoneface:

The worst part about all of this is how Captain Brokeback parades around like he was a veteran who did multiple tours. He lives and dies by a code that he was only allowed to follow for about a month or two. He's style that little boy with an unrealistic fantasy about the military.
 Originally Posted by amel223  

99.9 percent sure this will happen in IW

Tony is in trouble.

Cap pulls him out of the frying pan without his shied.

Tony will be humbled and say, You can have your shield back. Thanks for the help.

And to add to the awesomeness (or corniness) depending on how you look at it : this is when we'll finally hear both Cap and Tony say 'AVENGERS ASSEMBLE'

Wanna bet on that?

1000 reps. Avy and sig wager.

Money [emoji]128176[/emoji]

Pick ya poison that L is forthcoming either way. Russos don't employ such poor writing.
The worst part about all of this is how Captain Brokeback parades around like he was a veteran who did multiple tours. He lives and dies by a code that he was only allowed to follow for about a month or two. He's style that little boy with an unrealistic fantasy about the military.
cap should really focus his efforts on dealing with the many issues that exist within the military.. and then the country's treatment of vets once they have returned home

all the issues women face.. all the issues faced by homosexuals.. or hell, all the vets dealing with PTSD and trying to readjust to society after what they have experienced

only person dude cares about and is looking out for issssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Sebastian Stan is a handsome dude

No surprise he got the finest yambs in Hollywood
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Captain America isn't interested in dealing with real problems :lol:

View media item 2158215

As Cyclops points out to him, son never did a damn thing for the Mutants and the massve amount of persecution they suffered from. Wasn't there when Asteroid M fell from the sky, when Sentinels nearly nuked Genosha to hell and back, or any number of other times their population has been under attack. Dude fought in WWII yet can never be bothered to look into the affairs of Veterans not receiving suitable compensation or coverage from the government. Wants Falcoln to be Captain America, but can't take some time to speak out on police brutality. More than happy to talk about how great things were in his day, but ignores the beatings numerous people in the LGBT community had to suffer through :smh: Steve Rogers, Scumbag of the Year.

99.9 percent sure this will happen in IW

Tony is in trouble.

Cap pulls him out of the frying pan without his shied.

Tony will be humbled and say, You can have your shield back. Thanks for the help.

And to add to the awesomeness (or corniness) depending on how you look at it : this is when we'll finally hear both Cap and Tony say 'AVENGERS ASSEMBLE'

ummmm everything about tony as a character has been about him changing into a better person and not being stubborn towards new information or the events that have happened

cap is the one who is still stuck in being the same person he was before he went into the ice.. doesn't change (other than his vitamin S cocktail, thanks to howard stark.. funny he didn't mention that to antman when hank Pym had something to say about him.. or stark flying him to go save his BFF from capture).. doesn't adapt.. hell all dude does is talk about the supposed values that existed way back when (completely forgetting everything else that existed during that time)

 hell, the baseball game playing during the ending of first avenger was 1941.. was when blacks couldn't play major league baseball :stoneface:

View media item 2158213
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someone needs to suggest to cap to write "league of their own" on his little list..

shhhh would blow his mind.. "soul of the game" might be asking too much, his vitamin S enhanced heart might not be able to take it
Sebastian Stan is a handsome dude

No surprise he got the finest yambs in Hollywood
Chris Evans?


I see :lol: Meh, I don't know about finest yambs in Hollywood.

How are the Accords gonna play out in IW?

Gov't gotta give them permission to fight Thanos?
No. Things are gonna go back to how they use to be when SHIELD was running things.

There was always gov or international oversight of some kind. Cap:TWS ruined that with the Hydra kill a bunch of ppl reveal.

Steve was too stupid to realize SHIELD was needed (or something like it). All Fury could do was reestablish it on the low after losing the public and political support.
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Sebastian Stan's hit list:

- Margarita Levieva

- Leighton Meester

- Jennifer Morrison

- Chris Evans

Mostly all cute CWGs
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99.9 percent sure this will happen in IW

Tony is in trouble.

Cap pulls him out of the frying pan without his shied.

Tony will be humbled and say, You can have your shield back. Thanks for the help.

And to add to the awesomeness (or corniness) depending on how you look at it : this is when we'll finally hear both Cap and Tony say 'AVENGERS ASSEMBLE'
Wanna bet on that?

1000 reps. Avy and sig wager.

Money [emoji]128176[/emoji]

Pick ya poison that L is forthcoming either way. Russos don't employ such poor writing.

One of those options and he has to acknowledge how great Hayley Atwell's chest game is. :nerd:

Speaking of Agent Chest Gawdess Carter, are they gonna put Agent Carter on netflix? I didn't watch the second season. aos is on there so I figure they'd eventually put ac too.
Speaking of Agent Chest Gawdess Carter, are they gonna put Agent Carter on netflix? I didn't watch the second season. aos is on there so I figure they'd eventually put ac too.
It was considered but nothing official yet.

Probably after they get this Defenders season out and then announce the next rounds of Marvel shows.
Avy and sig wager.

The sig is 'I like Double D's'

I'll do any avy as long as it doesn't get me banned for 6 months

For you, if I win. You have to cosign everything I say in a thread we're both in for three months. And rep it.
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Avy and sig wager.

The sig is 'I like Double D's'

I'll do any avy as long as it doesn't get me banned for 6 months

For you, if I win. You have to cosign everything I say in a thread we're both in for a month. And rep it.
Amel gonna go in every female-related thread and claim her titty meat is too big.
Avy and sig wager.

The sig is 'I like Double D's'

For you, if I win. You have to cosign everything I say in a thread we're both in for a month. And rep it.
Nah, if I win you change ya avy to a Tony Stark image of my choosing (hopefully team IM puts together a good ps image/gif by then) for a month (31 days) and a sig of my choosing (it'll involve scumbag Steve being an inferior hero to IM and others and how Tony is right, double Ds being the best breast size among other things) for a month.

I'm fine with cosigning everything you say in a thread for a month. Just one thread though. You choose the thread.

To be clear this is what I'm saying won't happen:

99.9 percent sure this will happen in IW

Tony is in trouble.

Cap pulls him out of the frying pan without his shied.

Tony will be humbled and say, You can have your shield back. Thanks for the help.
Tony saved by Cap, given back his SHIELD by Tony after being humbled and thanking him for his help.

That's not happening.
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