Only thing that's clear is that T'Challa chose to take in two highly skilled soldiers in order to make them indebted to him, so that he can call on them for a favor at any time. Furthermore, y'all want him to build Bucky a new Vibranium arm? Sure, let him go ahead. Better believe he'll have a safeguard in place to shut that ***** down whenever he wants. :lol:

Brothers watch out for each other.

T'Challa gonna hook Bucky up with the new arm + Cap with the new shield. A truly compassionate guy

While making sure that he controls both the new arm and new shield so that he can knock Cap and Bucky around even easier next time.

That's being a fake friend then.

We really talking being a fake friend in regard to cap of all people?!

I mean cap couldn't hide the secret from T'challa about who killed his dad

team cap can still hold this L

Still.. Then been holdin' that.. They still reppin team 100+ year old virgin
So i'm guessing the interior is fire proof. He steal that car from f&f?
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Really decided not to go with the motorcycle I see :smh:

Hopefully it means they have a bigger plan with Johnny Blaze.

Hopefully. Anyone think there's a chance of a Ghost Rider show down the line? Punisher started off as just appearing in Season 2 of Daredevil, but once they saw how great the reception was they had no problem setting his own series up. Maybe the same could happen with Ghost Rider. Or maybe a film somewhere in Phase 4 after this business with Thanos is wrapped up. Don't know a lot about the Ghost Rider franchise beyond Johnny Blaze, but there's got to be enough material for either a series or a new film, especially when there are multiple Ghost Riders.

And they'll need to start going deeper into the supernatural side of things after Doc Strange anyways.
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They should've had Nic Cage cameo as Johnny Blaze 
They can put the new Ghost Rider on AOS. Don't eem care. Johnny Blaze and/or Danny Ketch should get redeemed in a movie reboot. :pimp:
rip ghostrider

should have used him on one of the netflix series

punisher is ******* bad *** hope he gets his own series
I think ppl (at least at Marvel) know there's not much to a GR show on Netflix so they let AoS have the character.

Not that there isn't material there just that whole satanic demon occult **** ain't nowhere as popular as it use to be on top of the flashy draw of a flaming skull on a motorcycle.

GR was the one property I didn't see working on Netflix. Either make movies or nothing.

I saw AoS cgi budget with Lash and Mr. Hyde. Not much faith there :lol:
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GR was the one property I didn't see working on Netflix. Either make movies or nothing.

I saw AoS cgi budget with Lash and Mr. Hyde. Not much faith there :lol:

Real talk. The more CG required, the more it should be a movie. At least it isn't Johnny or Danny on AOS. It still leaves the option for an MCU film in the future. If there wasnt even a sliver of hope for a Ghost Rider film reboot, I think we would of seen one of the older guys on AOS.
Marvel is not looking to embrace another straight white male in their movies. Don't expect to see Johnny or Danny in a lead role any time soon, if ever again.

Like if they did do another movie they'd make it the Hispanic chick or around that time they'll have some other new GR to prop up or maybe they do a group thing and call the movie Ghost Riders (collecting the 5 we know about) then have a Ghost Racers movie and so on.

To me what's also working against those early GRs is it's not like their comics aged well. Besides half the time its the gloomy scary spirit of vengeance doing all of the badass ****.
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Definitely don't think we're going to see a Ghost Rider film soon at all. I was just echoing your statement on certain characters power sets needing something better than TV budgets and effects. And they didn't waste Johnny or Danny on AOS. It leaves the option to use them even if they don't.
Have to wait and see what they do with dr strange, but right now I can't see him in the MCU

But who knows after that movie

Hell could see the same ppl doing it or pushing to do it if that film does well
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