It's a different landscape. Movies back then aren't as frontloaded but had more legs. Movies these days have big openings but have a small window to make money because after a few weeks audiences are on to something new.
Putting aside whether folks like the story or not, it was a beautiful movie. I knew nothing about it beforehand and was asked by a friend who is a movie buff to go. Anytime a writer/director/producer can create a totally new world and execute it to the level Avatar was it will do numbers. It's not easy to make someone sitting in the theater go "Wow" for a few moments because what is on the screen looked better than what we imagined in our head.
3D and IMAX were huge for avatar, the novelty of the whole thing THEN made it part of the whole experience and helped to boost the ticket sales numbers

Technically, it's hard to really tell which film should be the biggest of all time because that should probably be done by just the number of tickets sold (so total admissions to the film) and not how it is done which is by the amount of money made
3D and IMAX were huge for avatar, the novelty of the whole thing THEN made it part of the whole experience and helped to boost the ticket sales numbers

Technically, it's hard to really tell which film should be the biggest of all time because that should probably be done by just the number of tickets sold (so total admissions to the film) and not how it is done which is by the amount of money made
There are versions of all time charts adjusted for inflation

When you adjust for inflation all records set by older movies are pretty much untouched...

Ppl don't go to the movies as much as they used to
should we consider that moviepass kind of f'd up IWs box office by limiting to one viewing per account?

imagine how many times BP was seen multiple times with the moviepass and how much each of those multiple viewing contributed to the BO
Lol that too. I know of a few nters that are using moviepass to buy tickets to other movies and sneaking into IW. If that's happening everywhere that can cut into domestic box office
Besides some of the reasonings posted, Avatar was huge because there was literally nothing else to see that entire half of the year. 0 competition.
Yay, Infinity War did what it was supposed to do and made more than its 2012 first installment!! Congrats to Feige and Marvel for striking gold again. This film isn’t my cup of tea in the least and it hurts me that I don’t like this film but there are many that did and at the end of the day it’s Mahvel baby! Happy for their success.

Anywho, the leaker who leaked IW around Nov of 2017 that many people chose to dismiss because it sounded so odd and in matching ironic fashion was pretty much sans a few things that may have been left on the editing room floor, the movie most love today has apparently leaked A4. Please, if you’re a crybaby don’t click the spoiler. This is for discussion purposes.

For reference, his IW leak from Nov ‘17:


A4 leak:

-"Iron Man reassembles the Avengers and decides to build his own Infinity Gauntlet to undo everything that Thanos did. They recruit Ant-Man to help them travel through time and space using the Quantum Real to retrieve the Infinity Stones from different time periods. Thanos finds out about their plans and becomes hellbent on stopping them.

-The movie revolves around the relationship between Captain America and Iron Man.

-At one point, Captain America and Thor fight Thanos. Timeline alterations have restored Mjolnir, and Cap wields it against Thanos to allow the others to escape, and is killed holding Thanos off.

-At one point, Hawkeye must protect the unfinished Stark Gauntlet from Thanos' minions. He plays an "instrumental" role in Thanos' defeat.

-Thor's subplot centers on him assembling an army to challenge Thanos. Captain Marvel joins him.

-Hulk's subplot centers on Banner and Hulk finally merging to become Professor Hulk. He is the one that ultimately wields the Stark Gauntlet against Thanos, losing his arm in the process.

-Nebula's subplot centers on her efforts to redeem herself. At one point, she fights her murderous past self.

-Several MCU movies are revisited and retconned (probably not permanently), such as the Avengers retrieving the Power Stone creating a timeline where the Guardians of the Galaxy never came together.

-There's a pivotal scene between Doctor Strange and a fully CGI character being shot on a secret location, with a skeleton crew, and which takes up a sizeable portion of the budget.

-Only two of the original Avengers (Cap, Stark, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye and Black Widow) meant to survive the movie. Cap dies.

-The title was AVENGERS: INFINITY GAUNTLET at one point, but it might be changed after Zoe Saldana accidentally leaked it."

Sounds very...eh
I remember going into Avatar not knowing anything about it. Still love it even though I totally get the criticisms
That “IW leak” from Nov ‘17 is 50% right at best

?? Minus the Valkyrie minor appearance which I believe may have been left on the cutting room floor since the Russo’s went out their way to confirm she was alive, every single point in that leak happened in the film.
Yay, Infinity War did what it was supposed to do and made more than its 2012 first installment!! Congrats to Feige and Marvel for striking gold again. This film isn’t my cup of tea in the least and it hurts me that I don’t like this film but there are many that did and at the end of the day it’s Mahvel baby! Happy for their success.

Anywho, the leaker who leaked IW around Nov of 2017 that many people chose to dismiss because it sounded so odd and in matching ironic fashion was pretty much sans a few things that may have been left on the editing room floor, the movie most love today has apparently leaked A4. Please, if you’re a crybaby don’t click the spoiler. This is for discussion purposes.

For reference, his IW leak from Nov ‘17:


A4 leak:

-"Iron Man reassembles the Avengers and decides to build his own Infinity Gauntlet to undo everything that Thanos did. They recruit Ant-Man to help them travel through time and space using the Quantum Real to retrieve the Infinity Stones from different time periods. Thanos finds out about their plans and becomes hellbent on stopping them.

-The movie revolves around the relationship between Captain America and Iron Man.

-At one point, Captain America and Thor fight Thanos. Timeline alterations have restored Mjolnir, and Cap wields it against Thanos to allow the others to escape, and is killed holding Thanos off.

-At one point, Hawkeye must protect the unfinished Stark Gauntlet from Thanos' minions. He plays an "instrumental" role in Thanos' defeat.

-Thor's subplot centers on him assembling an army to challenge Thanos. Captain Marvel joins him.

-Hulk's subplot centers on Banner and Hulk finally merging to become Professor Hulk. He is the one that ultimately wields the Stark Gauntlet against Thanos, losing his arm in the process.

-Nebula's subplot centers on her efforts to redeem herself. At one point, she fights her murderous past self.

-Several MCU movies are revisited and retconned (probably not permanently), such as the Avengers retrieving the Power Stone creating a timeline where the Guardians of the Galaxy never came together.

-There's a pivotal scene between Doctor Strange and a fully CGI character being shot on a secret location, with a skeleton crew, and which takes up a sizeable portion of the budget.

-Only two of the original Avengers (Cap, Stark, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye and Black Widow) meant to survive the movie. Cap dies.

-The title was AVENGERS: INFINITY GAUNTLET at one point, but it might be changed after Zoe Saldana accidentally leaked it."

Sounds very...eh
this movie was great! dont know why you hating. its not like thanos died of exhaustion at the end

be thankful rian johnson didnt direct it
Loki being na adviser and Thor wearing an eyepatch the whole film are all wrong. Thor was cast into space, he survived the explosion. There was no sign of other asgardians at all. Antman is not in the movie at all. It says Steve and his crew sent Vision to Wakanda and came back later but they all came with them. And it said Steve kills Corvus after Corvus kills Vision and continues to beat everyone who tries to stop them which never happened.

Everything else can be concluded from the leaked footage.

Plenty of details in that leaks are wrong and were just guesses from the leak footage and numerous lego sets/toy pics.
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Thanos knew tony cuz of the soul stone
Who said Thanos knew Tony cuz of the soul stone?
The time stone being with strage the whole time makes much of the a head scratcher. Literally millions of ways the movie could of ended within 5’mins. They didn’t even throw in a convenient catch all like they did with Ultron not destroying most of the planet via internet becuase...... reasons

Not a complaint, just say’n
It was Jarvis blocking Ultron from getting nuke codes via the internet not cuz of reasons.
?? Minus the Valkyrie minor appearance which I believe may have been left on the cutting room floor since the Russo’s went out their way to confirm she was alive, every single point in that leak happened in the film.

Rogers is never called Nomad, in fact he’s called Cap numerous times in the film

Cap, BW, and Falcon don’t send Vision to Wakanda, they go with him

They don’t return to Wakanda when Thanos’ army invades, they’re already there

Cap doesn’t kill Corvus and Corvus doesn’t kill Vision

Loki gives up the space stone for Thor’s life, not the Asgardian refugees

Thor isn’t cast into space by Thanos, he’s left on the ship

The Guardians arrived because of the distress signal the Asgardian ship sent out, they weren’t following Thanos’ trail of destruction

I could keep going but that’s enough
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