I took a quiz on twitter and it auto generated an mcu ranking thread for me...

It has my favorite movies ranked as follows:

1. Infinity War
2. Homecoming
3. Gotg vol 2
4. Black Panther
5. Iron Man
6. Avengers: Age of Ultron
7. Captain America: Civil War
8. Thor: Ragnarok
9. Gotg
10. Captain America Winter Soldier
11. The Avengers
12.Ant Man
13. CA: TFA
14. The Incredible Hulk
15. Thor
16. Doctor Strange
17. Iron Man 2
18. Thor: TDW


I would not have came up with that ranking on my own...although I will admit that the bottom 6 sounds right.

Do you have a link for this quiz?
The artwork of the steelbooks look dope.. If they were in 4k, it would've been preordered.

Probably a lot of other ppl are thinking similarly, because they are sitting..
This isn't possible. The more resources the more people that will come it doesn't solve the problem.. He'd have to keep doing that over time.
Lol he'd also have to keep killing ppl as they repopulate over time.. Whether he kills ppl or double resources, the population will increase either way..
That's fine also. I think it would take a couple thousand years to repopulate people though. More time than it would take for even the hlf now to use up all the resources
Thanos logic was partially flawed though. While decreasing population created more available resources, overshoot (Malthusian) theory states that the more resources that are available, the faster a population will grow due to food availability, until they eventually exceed their resources again within a few generations. So eventually he'd have to repeat the process.
And is he guaranteeing proper distribution?

Generational wealth is still generational right?

So for those who were "1%" and lucky to survive the snap aren't they boosted by 50% of ppl being gone?
Lol he'd also have to keep killing ppl as they repopulate over time.. Whether he kills ppl or double resources, the population will increase either way..

not necessarily

doubling resources and people becomes glutton and even more wasteful

killing half the population and letting them know the reason and they'll be more aware and likely be more cautious and do something about it (likely something drastic, maybe this is the prequel to the Purge?)
Best Buy seems to have the steelbooks on lock. That target one will be regular or come with a some sort of mini book or something.
not necessarily

doubling resources and people becomes glutton and even more wasteful

killing half the population and letting them know the reason and they'll be more aware and likely be more cautious and do something about it (likely something drastic, maybe this is the prequel to the Purge?)
Well if you wanna get thoughtful about this.. Just killing or doubling resources doesn't account for distribution of wealth... The same percentage of ppl could still be suffering either which way Thanos chooses to go
but you aren't considering that in times of tragedy, people do become more compassionate and bring people together

doubling resources isn't a tragedy so there is will be no change for the better, if anything the rich might just take advantage of the abundance of resources

having half of the population disappear is a huge tragedy that will lead to better things, it's not going be perfect but you have a better chance of people working together this way
Yea I agree tragedy can bring ppl together, but not sure how it's going to matter if the ppl in control lack compassion (as we can see in dictatorships etc)
but you aren't considering that in times of tragedy, people do become more compassionate and bring people together

For a short period of time. Everyone was "american" during/after 9/11 now they're back to hating black people/muslims/"illegal immigrants" again. Dirtbags eventually go back to being dirtbags
I'm collecting the steelbooks because I just want to have the 4k movies in steelbook form but I still wish the artwork was a little better
btw I do think it's also fine if it doesn't last long, Thanos' plan doesn't have to be perfect really and that could be an arc in itself in the books if they want

but think of Watchmen how Ozymandias made Dr Manhattan the villain the whole world could hate to unite them all, it was implied that everything will be exposed and it will all fall apart eventually but for the meantime there was peace and it is up to you to think up of the events to follow

which option is better? the Thanos route was the best possibility and if population control is the main issue that he wants to resolve, his choice was better and it will cause more regulations and rules on controlling population than just increasing resources

increasing resources doesn't even open up awareness at all, Thanos choice will at least open peoples eyes to the issue
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