Who's to say Clint didn't return the mitt after the fact?

Or that it even mattered enough to create a branching point. Mitt is missing. They order a new one on Amazon.

Ya'll really want to know something that didn't make sense? Why did Clint's wife still have cell service after Hulk snapped everyone back?
There can be different branches of time but they can all be exactly the same. The point was to keep them the same
I’m probably going to be the only person in the past 1,000 pages to go off topic but



Sony won't even put Venom and Spidey in the same universe. Disney 100% would if they had control.
Sony won't even put Venom and Spidey in the same universe. Disney 100% would if they had control.
Higher chance we lose Spidey back to Sony than that happening imo

But guys didn’t Disney purchase Fox from...

OH I get it, venom is Sony. Damn thought it was the X-men for a second

venom vs carnage vs Spider-Man

Imagine venom in infinity war,, dude would call thanos a ***** :rofl:
Going to watch this movie 3 more ******* times this week lmfaooooo

One with my boy and his girl, one with my homegirl, and one with this shorty I’m trying to bag from my old job
How did Thanos get through the quantum realm if Nebula only had one Pym particle with her and she had to use it?
She didnt use it.

2014 Nebula took it from her and Thanos had his ppl use it on the entire ship.
I'm going to assume, since I never had read the comics that IW and EG were based on stories from the comics. Atleast very close to what happens in the comics.

What happens next? Who is their next threat?
Nothing like the comics.

The snap is glossed over. Thats not the problem. Its Thanos having ultimate power. All of the cosmic entities join the fight. Scale is actually even bigger than that last hr of Endgame. Also anybody can use the gauntlet in the comics.

In the comics, it was a trilogy. After Thanos next was Magus; the evil version of Warlock. Then to end it there was the good side of Warlock that was a female, forget her name, and even though she was "good" she had a ****** up way of getting rid of "evil".
Namor gonna be the first Asian superhero in the MCU?!

Mbaku was there right there next to cap, hulk and thor as they charge..looking like part of the big 6 :lol:.. If anyone wondering where he was
Yes the rules were as long as a Stone in itself doesn’t Leave the timeline then it wouldn’t create a branch right?

We’re just so used to the butterfly effect time travel stuff that we keep thinking certain changes create new branches

New branches could still be a possibility.

Usually the time travelling rules in other movies say that if you change something in the past everything changes and the present can no longer exist as it is/was

In this case, it's a possibility that every point to which they traveled back and altered something can be a different branch created, regardless of Rogers taking back the stones, and still allow for the present timeline to still be intact.

This. It's been a few days and my mind is still a bit blown lol but if i remember correctly Banner was trying to explain that theres no butterfly effect, the future does not change FOR THEM if they go back in time. If you look at time as linear, then time travel to the past is already accounted for in the future. That is, that timeline already accounts for whatever happens/effects of the time travel.

But like the Ancient One explains, branches/parallel timelines can happen at the point of any changes. So for example in BTTF it was already destined that Marty-prime went back in time and got his folks to hook up. If he went back in time and failed, then from that point there would be a branch out to where him mom married Biff and his "dad" was still a loser and there would be another Marty-B. But Marty-prime would be the same.

I hope this makes sense lol. And I hope I got the gist of what Banner says I was supposed to watch it again last night but had an emergency. This week I'm going to a random 11 AM showing for sure.
I think it’s just kinda weird how he stayed in the main timeline
You just gotta remind yourself that time traveling to the past doesn't mean you can actually change the past.

They would have a point if Cap went back to the 1940s and said I'm alive everybody. No he layed low, stayed out of the public eye and got a life as a family man. Thats how he was able to stay in the main timeline.
They even established their rules early on. They specifically explained that its not like any of the movies they mentioned and how it works for them. Just short of staring at us through the camera and telling us directly :lol:

Yes the rules were as long as a Stone in itself doesn’t Leave the timeline then it wouldn’t create a branch right?

We’re just so used to the butterfly effect time travel stuff that we keep thinking certain changes create new branches

New branches could still be a possibility.

Usually the time travelling rules in other movies say that if you change something in the past everything changes and the present can no longer exist as it is/was

In this case, it's a possibility that every point to which they traveled back and altered something can be a different branch created, regardless of Rogers taking back the stones, and still allow for the present timeline to still be intact.

It’s the same explanation given in Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super.

When Trunks goes back to the future, nothings changed. Although they stop the androids and Cell, he still has to kill the androids in his future. He was basically trying to save the fate of his past self and family/friends from having to live the life he has had to.

Then in Super they explain it again, more thoroughly. That’s why there’s many time rings. It’s their version of “time branches”. When a new timeline is formed from time travel, a ring appeared for that new reality/timeline.

So in DBZ there’s the timeline/reality where Goku died from the heart attack, Vegeta dies first against the androids and where Gohan dies protecting Trunks. Then there’s the timeline where Trunks goes back, gets the remote to turn off the androids, goes back and shuts them down, but Cell kills him to go back in time. Then there’s the timeline where Trunks goes back to the future after helping to defeat Perfect Cell and kills the androids himself.

The main timeline/reality followed in DBZ is technically multiple timelines intertwined. We just see it from this timelines POV. As far as we know, the original DBZ timeline we knew was split the moment Trunks came back. Meaning technically Trunks timeline is the true timeline.
Endgame was a huge letdown, 4/8 for me. Don't know how people are watching it multiple times.

Not even close to Infinity War IMO
Who's to say Clint didn't return the mitt after the fact?

Or that it even mattered enough to create a branching point. Mitt is missing. They order a new one on Amazon.

Ya'll really want to know something that didn't make sense? Why did Clint's wife still have cell service after Hulk snapped everyone back?
Nah what after the fact? They repeated so many times they only have enough Pym particles for one round trip. He never could return it.

Who said the cell towers were down? Black Widow was having virtual calls with ppl all around the world and galaxy :lol:
Mbaku was there right there next to cap, hulk and thor as they charge..looking like part of the big 6 :lol:.. If anyone wondering where he was

I’m going to throw it on real quick cause in 4 viewings I still haven’t seen him. I wasn’t looking during the charging part. I was tryna see if BP was out in front dippin
I’m going to throw it on real quick cause in 4 viewings I still haven’t seen him. I wasn’t looking during the charging part. I was tryna see if BP was out in front dippin
Slow it down when everybody comes through the portals.

M'Baku is clearly scene as they enter and he's running right with Cap, Thor, Bucky, etc. He even lets out a yell before he attacks.

The Howard the Duck cameo was the one that slipped by me. He's short but him carrying that gun it becomes more visible :lol:
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