imagine me going to watch whatever nonsense DC puts out and then go complain after every movie in the DCEU thread.

Oh wait I wouldn’t do that at all because I don’t watch things I know I won’t like.

You guys should try that some day.
Visuals were good, Majors killed it but overall just ok...6/8 (rounded up cause of the mid credit scene alone)
imagine me going to watch whatever nonsense DC puts out and then go complain after every movie in the DCEU thread.

Oh wait I wouldn’t do that at all because I don’t watch things I know I won’t like.

You guys should try that some day.

yah instead you say "DC Sucks" on the marvel thread despite not watching it

that makes a lot of sense

people dont watch to complain, people watch and then discuss here, bad or good - it really is baffling what goes on in your head that this is something you cannot comprehend... like WOW

but you dumb blind, look at all the others who liked the movie but you wanna pick and choose so you can whine

you wanna be damn positive like your bro Winston? just discuss what you like with the people who also liked it but you chose to be a little whiny child while telling others to be an adult

you're also a goddamn liar because you do go the dc thread and bring your whining there too... then again you dont seem to understand the internet so you probably assume no one can see your other posts or it get auto deleted :lol:



I just don’t understand the purpose of wasting your time on ENTERTAINMENT that you won’t find entertaining.

There are so many mediums of art and entertainment but I constantly see people just bashing things nonstop. Do things that you enjoy, life is short. The internet has become too toxic in certain places and I swear it wasn’t like this before.

It’s just all over the internet not just NT. Life is supposed to be filled with good things. It baffles me when I see these YouTube pages like “OMG Marvel sucks, blah blah blah, captain marvel is stupid”

Lol like why is this even a thing?

Anyway, NT Marvel just wanted to rant. See y’all during Guardians 3 and I’m pretty sure I will enjoy it and then I will see the same people come in here on opening night to complain about how much the movie sucked even though you wasted 3 hours of your life consuming entertainment that you know you won’t like.

Rfx went back to 2017 and 2018 to go back to the last time I went into the DC thread…

2017 and 2018

Damn I wish I could cap numbers

Anyway, I was doing it obviously as a troll because I was marvel 100%.

So you’re saying the people who come in here and complain are not marvel fans but DC trolls? Got it.

Anyway, later man.
I just don’t understand the purpose of wasting your time on ENTERTAINMENT that you won’t find entertaining.

people watch movies not knowing its going to be bad, everyone here hopes its not just good but great

people are fans and want to support what they love

do you even track everyone here and what they like and hate from film to film, show to show? there's a good chance its up and down, some loved Thor4 and hate AM3, others vice versa


Rfx went back to 2017 and 2018 to go back to the last time I went into the DC thread…

2017 and 2018

Damn I wish I could cap numbers

Anyway, I was doing it obviously as a troll because I was marvel 100%.

So you’re saying the people who come in here and complain are not marvel fans but DC trolls? Got it.

Anyway, later man.

dude your last post was in 2022 and just said "DC SUCKS" and then bounced but you said you didnt do that and you did and just to troll

again, reading comprehension is taking a huge hit tonight because thats what you got from it

saddest thing ive read on here really

damn :smh:
My man rfx tracking me since I joined NT in 2003 and when I use to go on hood talk. It ain’t that serious my guy.

See y’all for Guardians 3
right… doing a 10 second search and now im tracking you

ok dude

this is like your tenth goodbye

leave already


or start your own marvel thread, hell start your own forum: MARVEL THREAD: NO HATE, JUST LOVE

so you can everyone who says anything negative about marvel
imagine me going to watch whatever nonsense DC puts out and then go complain after every movie in the DCEU thread.

Oh wait I wouldn’t do that at all because I don’t watch things I know I won’t like.

You guys should try that some day.
You can’t know if you’ll like something unless you watch it. It’s very rare I dislike a marvel movie, but I won’t lie the past movies after NWH were +\- average w/ almost no rewatch value. Tbh, I took back a lot of my initial reactions for movies like MOM, love and thunder, Wakanda forever.

I’d say they only enjoyable content I’ve seen the past year was she hulk, and black panther second. And y’all are gonna grill me but black panther was just ok :/. I understand the ensemble films were and are the apex of the MCU experience, but that doesn’t mean the quality had to drop on solo arcs.

They totally screwed Kang’s intro to theater viewer.
Pretty good movie, not sure where the criticism for this movie comes from.

Majors was great as Kang, looking forward to building him up even more.
Thought the Scott-Hope relationship was under-baked.
Didn't expect MODOK to be so funny. His turn was too sudden.
The bootleg Star Wars cantina scene wasn't good.
I thought Scott and Hope were gonna be stuck in the Quantum Realm. :lol:
Decent movie.

Suffers from what most superhero movies suffer from - no major consequences outside of Kang variants getting together in an end credits scene.

Yes I understand it is setting something up, but can't always be a carrot at the end of the stick.
Because he’s not THE big bad. He’s a variant.
Supposedly he’s killed avengers before, wild to me they let him say that line and he still got bodied by Hope. Idk i’m just bummed after the hype, yeah there is a lead up happening but this was not it.
I’m still peeved
Kang lost to ants bruh. Antman and the fam saw absolutely NO consequences whatsoever. This dude is supposed to be the big bad? Mfer jobbed to a MID-TIER avenger. Dude was the LA Chargers of MCU villains, all hype :angry:
He was in the quantum realm without his tech. At the end of the day he’s just human. He’s not an eternal or whatever Thanos was. He’s just human. Without his tech he’s nothing .
He was in the quantum realm without his tech. At the end of the day he’s just human. He’s not an eternal or whatever Thanos was. He’s just human. Without his tech he’s nothing .

Now that you mention it it’s crazy to think about. Mans can move through universes and blow up civilizations but deep down he’s just a really really really smart guy with awesome toys.
Theory: the reason they went so hard on the Possibility Storm scene (including cooking up a name for the phenomenon and saying it repeatedly) is that it's a setup for the return of this movie's Kang.

Phase 5 will be spent dealing with the Council of Kangs by various methods, odds are some of them get defeated. But the Kang from this film is The Conqueror.

He got sucked into the multiverse engine at the end, and right now he's stuck in there with infinite copies of himself.

When this happened to Scott, it was chaos for a moment, but then they all found common ground (getting back to Cassie) and worked together. But Kang isn't Scott.

He's trapped in there fighting infinite versions of himself, because that's what he does. It's literally what got him exiled in the first place.

Even the ants are foreshadowing--he's not just stuck inside a multiverse engine, he's stuck inside a multiverse engine inside the quantum realm. The ants experienced thousands of years in an hour or so.

He's going to pop out of that battery in four years, having spent billions of years fighting infinite copies of himself, infinite Kangs. He'll walk through what remains of the Council like they're nothing and we'll get a dark ending on the level of Infinity War.
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