I'm questioning one thing now... Kang apparently beat the avengers several times, yet seems to get washed pretty easily

You mean to tell me he could have gone toe to toe with cap, Thor and iron man like Thanos did?
Lol lol lol lol

He had no tech. He’s just human with a million tricks from the future.

Imagine Dr strange without any of his wizardry.
I’ll try not to re-peat what anyone else said about the movie - but it’s definitely bottom tier MCU for me. Which isn’t a bad thing IMO - it’s still a decent movie and I think speaks highly to the MCU as a whole. Some of the jokes fell flat for me and felt a bit forced. Yes, I know it’s an Ant-Man movie with Paul Rudd but I thought the delivery of them jokes were better in Ant-Man 1 and 2.

Had to explain to the wife the whole concept of variants again. I had to do this in MoM and Spider-Man NWH. I wonder if other casuals are gonna have these same question marks moving forward.
Why can’t people critique what they paid for? How can someone review something they haven’t seen yet?

There are 2 issues that arise, though, and both of them are masqueraded as 'constructive criticism.'

If you continue to mostly express a negative opinion about a specific brand or even a person, you're not a fan. And that's fine, but the move is to walk away. Like if I were dating someone and I had a ton of negative opinions of her, it would be disingenuous to just paint that as 'What? I'm just trying to help you be the best version of yourself. Are you afraid of a little criticism?'

That's not 'just a little criticism.'

Second, people had negative opinions of this movie and almost all Marvel movies now before they even see it. Then after they see it they're like 'See? I knew it going to be bad. Should have just gave my ticket away. Shouldn't have even wasted my time.' No, you shouldn't have, going in like that.

That's not 'just a little criticism.'
If we wanna talk beating somebody cuz of plot Thanos giving the hands to the Hulk was pure nonsense. Comic Hulk would’ve ate all that and clapped Thanos’ face off.
Thats not true. Thanos has washed Hulk a few times in the comics. Thanos is an Eternal with a Deviant gene. Their version of mutants.


I'm questioning one thing now... Kang apparently beat the avengers several times, yet seems to get washed pretty easily

You mean to tell me he could have gone toe to toe with cap, Thor and iron man like Thanos did?
I’m trying to remember if there were stronger villains on Agents Of Shield.

Getting hands put on you by Antman and Wasp is not a good look for him.
Didn't they say he got all his tech back when his ship powered up.
Yes and
he was winning a battle vs like 1000 soldiers by himself. Then the genius ants ate his suit. And when he fought Lang he was just a human with 0 tech.

His suit alone prob is just the tiny part of his tech.
Yes and
he was winning a battle vs like 1000 soldiers by himself. Then the genius ants ate his suit. And when he fought Lang he was just a human with 0 tech.

His suit alone prob is just the tiny part of his tech.
I mean I get that, but most of these soldiers were not super heroes and were running away.

I'm sure he's powerful, but they made him out to be some crazy super powerful dude.

Just from the movie alone, makes me think he would get straight wiped on the floor with the og avengers.
Thats not true. Thanos has washed Hulk a few times in the comics. Thanos is an Eternal with a Deviant gene. Their version of mutants.


The second pic is Thanos with the gauntlet. That’s irrelevant.

The first pic is from a run where Thanos fought Hulk in a virtual reality :lol:

If we just posting pics I could post the Squirrel Girl one.

Thanos is an Eternal with the deviant gene. I already knew that but post some pics where Thanos on his own with no extra power ups fought the Hulk and won.

Now I know he has one shotted Hulk and beat him before but not those examples you was providing.
I'm questioning one thing now... Kang apparently beat the avengers several times, yet seems to get washed pretty easily

You mean to tell me he could have gone toe to toe with cap, Thor and iron man like Thanos did?
He wrecked entire timelines and was apparently the big bad Kang, but let Ants take him down.
Yes and
he was winning a battle vs like 1000 soldiers by himself. Then the genius ants ate his suit. And when he fought Lang he was just a human with 0 tech.

His suit alone prob is just the tiny part of his tech.

weird thought because dude was owning the "army" with ease but then it came to facing the antman family and he stopped using his op powers

cassie #teamkang too tho
Kang going to come byke with a vengeance. Hey at least they didn't nerf him like Gorr the God Butcher.
Also how did they open the portal so easily to save wasp and antman at the end... Thought that was only 2 way thing.

milfwasp probably already knew a shortcut

its weirder that they made cassie like genius level intellect now being able to create a door tot he quantum realm when scott is still a total dumdum (for the most part)
You should prob rewatch the scene. Subplot or not, MCU is not comics. She’s powered by an infinity stone. She was handling Thanos just like Wanda and Thanos had to detach the power stone from the gauntlet and hot her with it to even get away from her. I get it. There’s a number in here that don’t like her. Doesn’t change what happened on screen.
Again I guess Captain America is just as strong since Thanos punch was stopped by two hands.
So pretty much another Ant-Man movie.

Seems ppl thought this was gonna be Ragnarok or TWS levels of great

This is not the comics.

She had Thanos reeling cuz she is empowered by an infinity stone and is stronger/more powerful than him. That’s not plot, that’s the story.

Let’s not even pretend Thanos is all that strong on his own in the first place. Comics or MCU.

If we wanna talk beating somebody cuz of plot Thanos giving the hands to the Hulk was pure nonsense. Comic Hulk would’ve ate all that and clapped Thanos’ face off.
Thanos no question low diffing professor Hulk. She had Thanos reeling yet why didn't she take him out off the bat? Professor Hulk is much weaker than all green versions of hulk. Only one he might be stronger than is Joe Fixit.
I thought the movie was aiight. Probably slightly above average. I thought the action was good. I enjoyed Jonathan Majors’ performance (as well as Michelle Pfiefer’s).

So during the first mid credit scene, who was the third variant next to Immortus and Rama Tut?

Also looking forward to Loki Season 2.
I thought the movie was aiight. Probably slightly above average. I thought the action was good. I enjoyed Jonathan Majors’ performance (as well as Michelle Pfiefer’s).

So during the first mid credit scene, who was the third variant next to Immortus and Rama Tut?

Also looking forward to Loki Season 2.
Emergency Awesome said Scarlett Centurion
Thats not true. Thanos has washed Hulk a few times in the comics. Thanos is an Eternal with a Deviant gene. Their version of mutants.


Thank you and that isn't even Professor Hulk.


Yes and
he was winning a battle vs like 1000 soldiers by himself. Then the genius ants ate his suit. And when he fought Lang he was just a human with 0 tech.

His suit alone prob is just the tiny part of his tech.
JM was treating Ant-Man like he was sparring in Creed III
Thanos no question low diffing professor Hulk. She had Thanos reeling yet why didn't she take him out off the bat?
Her being stronger is just how it is.

Why she didn’t immediately kill Thanos is due to plot.

Same reason Wanda didn’t kill him.

No story if you want to ask those questions.

Professor Hulk is much weaker than all green versions of hulk. Only one he might be stronger than is Joe Fixit.
I don’t even like calling that MCU version Professor Hulk. Seems dumber and weaker.

I bet even Joe Fixit would beat him up.
How come there wasn’t a scene of Ant Man warning the Avengers?He had that one scene where he was freaking out after picking us the cake

So conjecture, are we headed to a war against an army of Kangs?

I felt like Kang was portrayed as a credible threat until the ant scene. Hank Pym swooped in with the cavalry.
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