right… doing a 10 second search and now im tracking you

ok dude

this is like your tenth goodbye

leave already


or start your own marvel thread, hell start your own forum: MARVEL THREAD: NO HATE, JUST LOVE

so you can everyone who says anything negative about marvel

Oh this is what the edgy kids do on NT to make themselves seem funny. They add a


Got it.

Anyway I was gonna leave until you wrote a whole essay about me specifically because I’m calling out the hate culture towards Marvel on the internet. Then my man went another step to look at my post since 2017.

Rfx I get it, this is bread and butter in life. I won’t call out the pettiness of people towards Marvel movies anymore.

Your feelings shall not be hurt anymore.

Oh yeah, before I forget

Oh this is what the edgy kids do on NT to make themselves seem funny. They add a


Got it.

Anyway I was gonna leave until you wrote a whole essay about me specifically because I’m calling out the hate culture towards Marvel on the internet. Then my man went another step to look at my post since 2017.

Rfx I get it, this is bread and butter in life. I won’t call out the pettiness of people towards Marvel movies anymore.

Your feelings shall not be hurt anymore.

Oh yeah, before I forget


you really are dense, you’re the one seems hurt every time someone says something you dont like about marvel

and I put the laugh emoji because im literally laughing how idiotic you sound and you got being an edgy kid from that?


nice try trying to flip the script though and trying to become the victim

i mean how am i being hurt when i welcome all opinions? hate it or love it, i welcome it while you really just whine that people want to say something bad about marvel

think about it dude but then again it really is sounding like you cant read so just got to keep it moving
Because he’s not THE big bad. He’s a variant.
Gonna be hard for ppl to grasp for a bit.

Gonna take a few more variant Kang deaths or something.

They should just imagine if it was Thanos instead of Ronan in Guardians v1 but that Thanos was just a clone. Same for Avengers with a Thanos clone instead of Loki.

Not the original who isn’t going to engage until Infinity War.

So for Kang a bunch of variants are just the prelude/warm up to the main event.
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Theory: the reason they went so hard on the Possibility Storm scene (including cooking up a name for the phenomenon and saying it repeatedly) is that it's a setup for the return of this movie's Kang.

Phase 5 will be spent dealing with the Council of Kangs by various methods, odds are some of them get defeated. But the Kang from this film is The Conqueror.

He got sucked into the multiverse engine at the end, and right now he's stuck in there with infinite copies of himself.

When this happened to Scott, it was chaos for a moment, but then they all found common ground (getting back to Cassie) and worked together. But Kang isn't Scott.

He's trapped in there fighting infinite versions of himself, because that's what he does. It's literally what got him exiled in the first place.

Even the ants are foreshadowing--he's not just stuck inside a multiverse engine, he's stuck inside a multiverse engine inside the quantum realm. The ants experienced thousands of years in an hour or so.

He's going to pop out of that battery in four years, having spent billions of years fighting infinite copies of himself, infinite Kangs. He'll walk through what remains of the Council like they're nothing and we'll get a dark ending on the level of Infinity War.

we gon see a kang wit a baskin robbins get up too?
Kang doin this all to be with the woman meant for him, like every man does.

Especially one as fine as Revona.
Now that you mention it it’s crazy to think about. Mans can move through universes and blow up civilizations but deep down he’s just a really really really smart guy with awesome toys.
Yeah, he was strong in the movie compared to everyone else but people kept hyping him up to already be stronger than thanos. So far crazy wanda bae showed she was the strongest in the mcu.
I know y’all don’t like Captain Marvel but she held her own and had Thanos reeling in Endgame at one point too and that was him having the gauntlet on. He was pinned and had to remover the power stone and hit her with it in order to get away.

Power/strength wise it’s her and Wanda.
Saw AM3 last night, enjoyed the movie. Ant man has been the only series that consistently hits the comedy notes for me. Towards the end, I did start to believe that there would be a death just from the way Kang was giving that work. Ants seemed like a cop out but whatever.

At the end of the day, the source material is a fantasy story, I try to avoid applying logic to these stories when I consume. It helps me enjoy so much more.
people got different tastes

simple as that

they dont have to like what you like

why is this a hard concept to understand?
I get that but man off the bat I can think of quite a few movies worse. Thor 2, Captain Marvel. Meh nevermind.
For better or worse, that’s where this movie rates for me. I enjoyed it more than any MCU project post-No Way Home so that’s good. But there’s really nothing in the movie I care to ever just watch again just for fun.

I don’t even care enough to discuss anything within a spoiler except MODOK was so bad, I can accept him for what he is here. And this Kang has the best costume of the multiverse Kang’s. All the other ones looked too silly for me to take seriously.
Exactly movie was good, not expecting a Great movie when going to see Ant-Man movie. I don't think I even own any of the Ant-Man movies on disc. Might buy the set once series is over.
I know y’all don’t like Captain Marvel but she held her own and had Thanos reeling in Endgame at one point too and that was him having the gauntlet on. He was pinned and had to remover the power stone and hit her with it in order to get away.

Power/strength wise it’s her and Wanda.
Actually no she had Thanos "reeling" because of plot. She is nowhere near strong enough to beat Thanos in the comics. Just like she thinks she is stronger than Thor, everyone in the MCU cast laugh at her women empowerment movement. Naw she trash. Following that logic Steve is as strong as her because he stopped Thanos punch with two hands.
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Yeah, he was strong in the movie compared to everyone else but people kept hyping him up to already be stronger than thanos. So far crazy wanda bae showed she was the strongest in the mcu.
Wanda is strongest because she is a multiversal threat, she just hasn't unlocked or realized her potential. MCU needs to bring the powers along slow otherwise series would be pointless. He isn't stronger than Thanos not by a long shot he is more deadly than Thanos because he commands time. Don't know how old you are but there is a scene in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure that explains Kang perfectly. Bill & Ted are locked in jail, they think in there mind we need the key to et out of jail. They reach in there pocket and have the keys to get out of the jail cell. The only thing is they have to make sure they go back in time at a later date and give there youngerselves the keys.

This kang had high tech equipment but he wasn't at full strength because he didn't have his time travel abilities.
I get that but man off the bat I can think of quite a few movies worse. Thor 2, Captain Marvel. Meh nevermind.

Exactly movie was good, not expecting a Great movie when going to see Ant-Man movie. I don't think I even own any of the Ant-Man movies on disc. Might buy the set once series is over.

Actually no she had Thanos "reeling" because of plot. She is nowhere near strong enough to beat Thanos in the comics. Just like she thinks she is stronger than Thor, everyone in the MCU cast laugh at her women empowerment movement. Naw she trash. Following that logic Steve is as strong as her because he stopped Thanos punch with two hands.
You should prob rewatch the scene. Subplot or not, MCU is not comics. She’s powered by an infinity stone. She was handling Thanos just like Wanda and Thanos had to detach the power stone from the gauntlet and hot her with it to even get away from her. I get it. There’s a number in here that don’t like her. Doesn’t change what happened on screen.
Yo the last 4-5 Marvel movies you didn’t like, let me guess next one you’re there opening night and you’re gonna complain.

Yo I hate the internet now

I’m I supposed to say I love it simply because I’m a fan of the genre, long before it hit the big screens? This idea that we can’t be critical of something we have loved since kids is wild to me…and to answer your question, yes I’ll watch the next show or movie that’s coming and if it sucks I will have my opinion and if it’s good too…da hell
After sleeping on it, I liked the movie EVEN MORE than I initially did:

I’m excited to see Kang again. He will have more development and I can’t wait to see it.

Can’t wait to watch it again on Disney Plus. Very entertaining film
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Ant man was decent. Not bad, not great
So pretty much another Ant-Man movie.

Seems ppl thought this was gonna be Ragnarok or TWS levels of great
Actually no she had Thanos "reeling" because of plot. She is nowhere near strong enough to beat Thanos in the comics.
This is not the comics.

She had Thanos reeling cuz she is empowered by an infinity stone and is stronger/more powerful than him. That’s not plot, that’s the story.

Let’s not even pretend Thanos is all that strong on his own in the first place. Comics or MCU.

If we wanna talk beating somebody cuz of plot Thanos giving the hands to the Hulk was pure nonsense. Comic Hulk would’ve ate all that and clapped Thanos’ face off.
I'm questioning one thing now... Kang apparently beat the avengers several times, yet seems to get washed pretty easily

You mean to tell me he could have gone toe to toe with cap, Thor and iron man like Thanos did?
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