haven't watched AM3 yet so couldn't judge. so far, Thor: L&T is bad. people thought that Doctor Strange: MoM was bad, but that one is a masterpiece compared to what Taika did with L&T.
haven't watched AM3 yet so couldn't judge. so far, Thor: L&T is bad. people thought that Doctor Strange: MoM was bad, but that one is a masterpiece compared to what Taika did with L&T.
Oh **** I forgot about L&T LOL!
Just got back.

I really liked this. I went to the last showing of the night so it was onky like 7 people there.

Nowhere near as bad as yall say.

Janet alluded to
******* Bill Murrays character.

But she DEF
****** Kang

Im not looking forward to Captain America or The Marvels at all tho.

The Marvels better be dealing with Kang too to get me hyped.
Just got back.

I really liked this. I went to the last showing of the night so it was onky like 7 people there.

Nowhere near as bad as yall say.

Janet alluded to
****ing Bill Murrays character.

But she DEF
****ed Kang

Im not looking forward to Captain America or The Marvels at all tho.

The Marvels better be dealing with Kang too to get me hyped.

Cap is dealing with Hogan, Nash and Hall, im sold.
Poor MCU outing. Can’t rate it higher than a 50% on whichever scale y’all want to use.

Cassie with her obnoxious overly white chompers is utterly unlikeable. Scott’s a doofus. Hope has no character. Janet’s a ***** and Hank just showed up to cash a check. Hordes of CGI characters running around with no import or weight, worrying about how many holes they have.

JM as Kang was the movie’s only saving grace (and he was great).

This movie had no reason to be made, absent introducing Kang, which could have been done effectively anywhere else. One of the worst to date,
Jentorra was sexy.

Dem abs
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I feel like every Marvel movie since civil war there has been rumors and anticipation of majors death and they never happen.

Part of my gripe with the MCU lately, there really hasn’t felt like anything is at stake, this was Kangs first real intro, the WARRIOR Kang and the only casualty was a dude with a lightbulb on his head? You wanna drive the point home of Kang being a FORCE, have him kill off some of the major cast, you had plenty to chose from here I think Janet and Hank were both expandable at this point and if you really wanted for Kang to make an impact, specially on Scotts character and the audience, have him kill off Hope…she has easily been the highlight of these movies through out…something like this would have made this movie better
Part of my gripe with the MCU lately, there really hasn’t felt like anything is at stake, this was Kangs first real intro, the WARRIOR Kang and the only casualty was a dude with a lightbulb on his head? You wanna drive the point home of Kang being a FORCE, have him kill off some of the major cast, you had plenty to chose from here I think Janet and Hank were both expandable at this point and if you really wanted for Kang to make an impact, specially on Scotts character and the audience, have him kill off Hope…she has easily been the highlight of these movies through out…something like this would have made this movie better

Didn’t you just have a baby? Haha gotta admire the MCU commitment!

Congrats again though Steezy!
Part of my gripe with the MCU lately, there really hasn’t felt like anything is at stake, this was Kangs first real intro, the WARRIOR Kang and the only casualty was a dude with a lightbulb on his head? You wanna drive the point home of Kang being a FORCE, have him kill off some of the major cast, you had plenty to chose from here I think Janet and Hank were both expandable at this point and if you really wanted for Kang to make an impact, specially on Scotts character and the audience, have him kill off Hope…she has easily been the highlight of these movies through out…something like this would have made this movie better
yeah I’m with you. Majors killed as Kang and there were times he spoke and I was frozen in my seat. Really felt his power and thought one of the core characters were going to be offed (RIP to variant Cyclops). Even if they didn’t kill anyone off, having Wasp and Ant Man getting left there, without a way back once the portal close, even would’ve been an oh damn moment.
Didn’t you just have a baby? Haha gotta admire the MCU commitment!

Congrats again though Steezy!

Caught this the night before the birth….had to, otherwise wasn’t gonna get a chance to catch it till it probably hit streaming 🤣 although with how mediocre it was, I could have
yeah I’m with you. Majors killed as Kang and there were times he spoke and I was frozen in my seat. Really felt his power and thought one of the core characters were going to be offed (RIP to variant Cyclops). Even if they didn’t kill anyone off, having Wasp and Ant Man getting left there, without a way back once the portal close, even would’ve been an oh damn moment.

Yup! Even THAT change would have made the movie better, Cassie alone, navigating her new role while her dad and mentor (wasp) were both left stranded in the QR…once that portal opened up, I was disappointed
Speculation that it's Kang Prime or the one that will eventually interact with the variant that is to become Ironlad
It’s Scarlet Centurion even though, cosmetically, his look is nothing like his comic look.

Wasn’t really a fan of his design nor the Immortus blue face with the cheap Halloween paint
I saw the movie yesterday afternoon. Maybe I’m just in the mindset that I’m mostly just in awe that we get comic book movies of this caliber.

Sure, not every movie will be perfect. I’m not even into comics like some of the crew on here. Never read them as a kid, but always thought the concepts of these characters were cool.

Overall I thought the movie was great. Didn’t leave me at the end feeling unsatisfied.

Don’t get me wrong, there are movies in the MCU that could have been better.

I do agree that they could have maybe killed someone, even if it was just Hank Pym. I didn’t want him to get killed off, but he, & we, had the least to lose with that one. The story shown of Kang was pretty dope! It sets the stage up for a lot of good stories to come. Loki Season 2 gonna be interesting.
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