RFX found some amazing pics of her. She is smash and pass in the rest of her pics. She aint aging well at all especially for an asian.
The said they wanted an asain, so they couldn't get a full Asian they had to get a half asain half European

OK marvel.
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^^And boobs too big. EZPASS

They can probably just add Punisher in there?

I am no expert but is Jessica Jones even actually a member of the Defenders? I know the other 3 were a member at some point for sure but I wasn't sure about JJ so i don't really see a reason why not do the same with Punisher?

Or just toss in Spiderman in there just for the hell of it, at least he was a member at least for time there.
None of them were ever apart of the Defenders. Regardless as a street level team what I'm scoffing at is how easy it is to say they'll be cool with the guy who is killing all criminals on the team. That makes no sense to me.

No way they putting Spidey on netflix long term. Cameo for Defenders at the most.

It should be pretty easy to do IF

Maybe they're too attached to making everything in their world dark and gritty

I'd say that's a load of bs
It should be easy. Don't see the problem.

Just get homey that directed The Raid movies or the fight choreographer and just add a little aura over his fist when he punches somebody.

Also given the current state of plicing and over criminalization in America, the Punisher just murdering criminals without due process seems like something you can only get away with in a comic and not on screen.
Eh, this has never been a problem for Hollywood media.

It's as simple as making it clear The Punisher is not a hero.
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They're going to introduce Danny Rand in Luke Cage's series, i'm like 100% sure of that at this point but still don't know about his show.

Defenders is supposed to be another series, right? I could see them canning his show and just making his story the main character arc of the series
Defenders is supposed to be another series, right? I could see them canning his show and just making his story the main character arc of the series

That, would be very cool, actually. Actually makes sense.

That'll give them time to air Punisher and still be able to make a series about the four of them.
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If that's the case we'd at least be hearing heavy rumors of who was cast as Rand given shooting for Luke Cage isn't far away at all now.
If that's the case we'd at least be hearing heavy rumors of who was cast as Rand given shooting for Luke Cage isn't far away at all now.

from a interview with Loeb in July when asked when we'll find out who's playing him.

Hopefully soon. It’s always a little extra complex with Marvel in announcing things.

They've shown they can do this stuff on the low because i don't remember hearing any Punisher rumors before he was cast. Most the speculation online was they were casting Bullseye.

Could also be they want to wait until Jessica Jones airs before they give any more press releases.. i don't know
Anyone want to see Raimi work in the MCU?
 But Raimi also regrets the way his own run with the Spider-Man character ended, and expressed interest in making another Spider-Man someday. “I messed up on the third one,” Raimi said. “I think they’re so complete now, Marvel. They probably don’t need me anymore. But if they needed me? I’d love to. It’s great to be wanted.”
I remember there being a lot of talk about the mass and density problem with Pym particles in the MCU

most of the stuff is what you guys were already talking about but the last 3 minutes or so is crazy lol
Ruffalo on the solo Hulk film

"Actually, it feels even further away. It's not Marvel's property, it's Universal's property. I don't know. It seems really problematic. I've been around long enough to be OK with it. There's only so much that's in my power and I'm not going to agonize over what is not in my power. I definitely try to limit that to my kids and the things that really matter to me. I'd love to do it, it'd be really fun. There's a lot still to do with the character. I always try to think about different places we could go with him."

On Banner separating from the Hulk

"When you get off of the planet Earth, you can start playing with that stuff a little bit. I'm angling for it. I don't know if it'll happen now, but at some point, I'd like to see it happen. When I was doing Age of Ultron — doing the Scarlet Witch acid trip scenes — it really took me a long time to figure out what the Hulk would be afraid of. And then I realized, it was Banner. That relationship is what we're all so into, but we've never seen them in the same scene together — you're either one or the other, or somewhere in between. But I always imagined that that could be pretty exciting if we could pull it off. In the Marvel Universe, there is some precedence for it. I remember as a kid, seeing a few of the comics that'd have this multidimensional thing, so there's a lot of ways to do it ... if we could find the right context to use it."

Ruffalo on what he knows about Ragnarok

"I don't know what the story is yet, but it'll be (Loki) and Thor, and then I'll be in there here and there. But I don't know any of the particulars quite yet. I've talked to Taika a little bit and I like where it's headed. ... Chris (Hemsworth) and I have a really good time together, we goof off and play around when Tom Hiddleston is around. So it'll be a lot of funny back-and-forth, especially with Taika, he does that really well. It'll have that kind of antagonistic Odd Couple-thing going on."
Another Iron Fist rumor from the same guys before:

Marvel will be turning Iron Fist into a Netflix exclusive feature film. This will give Marvel extra time and a larger budget for this project. The Punisher will replace Iron Fist as one of the four Defenders.
I remember there being a lot of talk about the mass and density problem with Pym particles in the MCU

most of the stuff is what you guys were already talking about but the last 3 minutes or so is crazy lol

That's nuts. This video gave me more respect for the character than the movie did. Then it ruined my newfound respect for him in the last 30 seconds
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Honestly I didnt wanna say it earlier but I dont see how anyone could take those rumors seriously. To me it just seemed like they were pulling it out of their *****. Hopefully those nerds get them to shut up
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Honestly I didnt wanna say it earlier but I dont see how anyone could take those rumors seriously. To me it just seemed like they were pulling it out of their *****. Hopefully those nerds get them to shut up
It's from a site that started in like July with 150 Twitter followers. It's obvious what they're doing and it's working lol
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I bet those rumors of somehow making IF Asian and naming him Shang-Chi really piss those guys off :lol:

It's so stupid, which is why I never took the rumors that seriously. It's always been about something that is months away. They probably realized it's better click bait than trying to say the Inhumans movie is cancelled since that's literally years away.

Hopefully there isn't a solo Hulk movie with Ruffalo. I didn't even want to post what he said just to avoid a bunch of yall talking about Planet Hulk movies and WWH :smh: :lol: Pretty clear though Ruffalo doesn't know anything at this point.
As far as what Ragnarok is going to be about I figured it was clear he was talking out of his ***.

As far as Universal owning solo Hulk rights or distribution or w/e that's been all but confirmed. I'm betting when he first got the job that some time after Avengers and the Hulk hype being at it's highest he probably asked about it himself and found out the truth and then was pretty disappointed when he realized it probably wasn't going to change any time soon if ever (ever as in as long as he's around).
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That's my Spidey
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