WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Top 10 marvel? Maybe. Top 10 CBM?? Hell nah.

In no order these movies are miles ahead IMO:
Cap First Avenger
Cap CW
Iron Man 1
Guardians 1
Avengers 1
Batman Begins
Dark Knight
Wonder Woman
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First avenger
Naaa I'm give you the other ones.

Could have at least put SM2

1. The Dark Knight
2. Captain America: Civial War
3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
4. Guardians of the Galaxy 2
5. Iron Man
6. Logan
7. Deadpool
8. Avengers
9. Dr. Strange
10. Ant Man
11. Guardians of the Galaxy
12. Age of Ultron
13. Captain America: The First Avenger
14. The Watchmen
15.The Dark Knight Rises.
:lol: @ the last 3 being in a top anything.

Top 10 marvel? Maybe. Top 10 CBM?? Hell nah.

In no order these movies are miles ahead IMO:
Cap First Avenger
Cap CW
Iron Man 1
Guardians 1
Avengers 1
Batman Begins
Dark Knight
Wonder Woman
First Avenger again? :lol:
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I like TFA as well, but man.

I didn't like that he was suddenly a experienced fighter and strategic. That would of helped the film.
If we go to the top 20 movies, Batman Begins is one of those movies to knock Spiderman outside of the top 20. OF course the biggest negative nancy in Master Zik Master Zik would disagree no matter what I say. Contrarian just for the sake of it.
Just noticed Gambino character is the called the Prowler when they Caren found him in the database. I love little nods like that
Just noticed Gambino character is the called the Prowler when they Caren found him in the database. I love little nods like that

That was actually pretty widely assumed. They wouldn't cast Donald for a bit role like that. He'll be back.

My weird nitpick with Donald in this is the weird psuedo-Atlanta trying to sound hood accent he put on. I love the guy but we know he doesn't talk like that lol. He had the funniest lines in the movie too.

Also the accent was out of place in a Queens setting lol; I've lived in NY forever and never heard nobody talk like that unless his character is an out of towner :lol:

But I'm excited to see him in the sequel, hopefully in costume

Speaking of accents Holland NAILED the Queens accent. No British slips like in Civil War
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Just noticed Gambino character is the called the Prowler when they Caren found him in the database. I love little nods like that

That was actually pretty widely assumed. They wouldn't cast Donald for a bit role like that. He'll be back.

My BIGGEST issue with Donald in this is the weird psuedo-Atlanta trying to sound hood accent he put on. I love the guy but we know he doesn't talk like that lol

Also it was out of place in a Queens setting lol

But I'm excited to see him in the sequel, hopefully in costume

That's dope I was able to avoid a lot of the casting detail rumors and roles prior to release so I was happy to be surprised by that in the theater just like finding out who MJ was came as a surprise for me too.
Yeah, I don't know how this isn't a top 10 MCU film, especially if this is the 16th film. I'd put this above:

Captain America: The First Avenger
Iron Man 2
Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Doctor Strange
The Incredible Hulk
Marvel has 16 movies and at least 4 of them can be considered mediocre at best.

So how is Homecoming not in the top 10 for the MCU? What 2 lower-tier Marvel movies are better so that this isn't on the list? :lol:
What's even better is that after Thor and Black Panther release, this Spiderman will also fall even further on the charts. It'll be Iron Man 2 and 3 level.
What the heck??
Name 15 better comic movies then Spider-Man.

I might go tomorrow morning.

Also RIP Joan Lee :frown: I hope my dude doesn't go out because of a broken heart. She held it with maybe the biggest nerd ever for decades. A real one.

It's eventual now, that's how it usually goes.
Now you acting silly. Spider-Man is at 94 on RT. That is the best rated hero film tied with a couple other, but it will fall even lower :rofl: :rofl:

Maybe Thor because it will have hulk, Loki, maybe strange Hela and now Surtur.

No on BP. Unless coogler pulls some magic
Son didn't even really provide any context to his "review", don't know why y'all are engaging.

"Saw Spiderman, eh, vulture was cool, 7/10" ain't exactly a review.
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As a black man I need BP to be better than Homecoming.

Ragnarok looks cool but it's not really on my radar like that. It's not like the Cap or IM trilogy where they were 2 for 3. This is the conclusion of a story arc that didn't amount to much in the first place.

Immortal frat boy Thor from the skits and Dr. Strange could have been magic. But Marvel figured that out too late
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Black Panther will most likely end up in the top 5 Comic book movies ever. Film will epitomize black excellence, Black Panther stole the show in Civil War, now we get a movie about him? Black Panther I already can feel I'll be going multiple times to watch in theaters, so I'll pay for the IMAX ticket multiple times.
movie was great,
seeing that Black Panther preview on the big screen :pimp:
:lol: I was tripping out because there were so many Sony previews and I couldn't figure out why until the opening started

Nacho :pimp: glad this dude is getting some shine

I really don't have any complaints I do think this is better than Spiderman 2, just because I never thought in a million years we'd get IM and SM in the same movie and have it be legit
- I'm really glad they addressed why they were watching CA fitness challenges after the events of CW
- This movie made me want an IM 4 soooo bad, face lit up not just with Tony's appearances, but Happy and then Pepper
- :wow: :pimp: at Tony putting that Ferry back together in like 10 seconds, shows that Avenger is a standard in quality of superhero man
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