WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Just read the Wiki on Kang.

There's a lot going on in that origin story lol

I'm sure they'd streamline it for his first appearance, but yeah it's naturally going to become convoluted when time travel is at the very core of his character :lol: That doesn't even begin to take Immortus into account. Or Iron Lad. :rofl: Definitely blows the universe wide open in regards to alternate futures, realities, and the multiverse though.
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I'm sure they'd streamline it for his first appearance, but yeah it's naturally going to become convoluted when time travel is at the very core of his character
That doesn't even begin to take Immortus into account. Or Iron Lad.
Definitely blows the universe wide open in regards to alternate futures, realities, and the multiverse though.
Yeah, I'm so confused right now. 

So he's Nathaniel Richards from the 30th century. Huh? lol
Low key feel they purposely didn't say who bought Avengers Tower because it's going to be Reed Richards or even Victor Von Doom. I just feel it.

Marvel had to get something out of that deal with Fox.
I'm sure they'd streamline it for his first appearance, but yeah it's naturally going to become convoluted when time travel is at the very core of his character :lol: That doesn't even begin to take Immortus into account. Or Iron Lad. :rofl: Definitely blows the universe wide open in regards to alternate futures, realities, and the multiverse though.
Yeah, I'm so confused right now. 

So he's Nathaniel Richards from the 30th century. Huh? lol

That and so much more lol honestly, while I completely agree he's a suitable new villain for the MCU after Thanos is dealt with, I could easily see the higher ups deciding not to use Kang because of how complicated his history is. I still say that Ultron is always on the table to be brought back due to being an AI. You've also got other powerful beings like Korvac, Mephisto, and the Beyonder.
Negasonic and Ego

then what does he mean by...
Marvel got Ego and Fox got Negasonic...

Referring to Legion and the two other X-MEN based shows they have coming out that Marvel had to ok

Fox doesn't have to give up anything for it, they have the rights, it's just part of the deal that Marvel approves it whether to makes sure it it's crossing over with MCU or other legalities. Fox owns the tv rights to Xverse and F4verse and that is why even in tv form mutants were not allowed in AoS and they have to go the Inhumans route.

I think Fox just has to "make it" with Marvel because Marvel TV is still a separate division with Marvel Studios so there's probably some technicalities there but there was no trades going so Fox could go ahead with the shows, Fox already owns them.
Fox doesn't have to give up anything for it, they have the rights, it's just part of the deal that Marvel approves it whether to makes sure it it's crossing over with MCU or other legalities. Fox owns the tv rights to Xverse and F4verse and that is why even in tv form mutants were not allowed in AoS and they have to go the Inhumans route.

I think Fox just has to "make it" with Marvel because Marvel TV is still a separate division with Marvel Studios so there's probably some technicalities there but there was no trades going so Fox could go ahead with the shows, Fox already owns them.

Are you sure? I thought they couldn't make shows or animated cartoons without Marvel's say so? The shows were the spark of the supposed deal between Fox and Marvel.

Regardless, Fox is going to see HC numbers and start considering a partnership
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It's just for approval from what I understand, not that they'd have to give anything for it in exchange but it probably also have to do with complexities with tv shows separate from film.

Keep in mind that Marvel TV made Mutant X way back without Fox' permission and Marvel got sued for it because even the word "mutant" is off limits so Fox does hold some power there.
By the way, to kind of leave on a good note on the F4 and Marvel/Fox ordeal, if you guys want to do some research on it and update us feel free to do so.

F4 actually isn't owned solely by Fox. They are actually just producing it on behalf of Constantin Films. The somewhat good news, late last year is was reported that supposedly wanted to get rid of their film and sports division but it has been halted by the shareholders for the time being.

Now you can look at this as half full or half empty. Chances are there are provisions where if the film division is sold, Fox will have the first right of refusals or first right to buy but that could entail hundreds of millions and future full investments for the franchise. If Fox can't afford them, Disney/Marvel would probably be second in line to scoop them up so hope is never truly dead. I am not too familiar with the complexities of these contracts but if Disney wants to throw their weight around, just buy the whole Constantin Films and they'd get F4 along with Resident Evil, Shadowhunters and Muskeeters franchises along with a bunch of other German films (the company is German).

As a follow-up, by the way if the rights does go to Fox but the deal becomes similar to Universal and Hulks solo films then chances are the MCU can use the characters as long it isn't their own titled movie, Huma Torch shows up in Cap Marvel or Reed Richards shows up in Doc Strange 2 or maybe even Doom or Kang in Avengers 5.
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Which therefore proves my point that no one wants the F4 franchise for the actual Fantastic 4 team. They want it for the concepts that come with the team, which is also exactly what I stated from the start :lol:

I want the Fantastic Four. I would love to see how comic accurate Marvel would make the Thing and the Torch look. Hulk fighting the Thing is movie magic waiting to happen. And I feel like that's where Marvel is heading, to essentially interpret the silver age of Marvel comics on screen but with modern inspiration from the ultimate comics.

...and as far as deals, Marvel had it have gotten something for Fox recieveing the xmen tv rights.....
the men tv rights were already part of the deal they had when Marvel sold the movie rights

there's a reason Marvel hasn't tried to make an XMen/F4 tv (live-action or animated) show
the men tv rights were already part of the deal they had when Marvel sold the movie rights

there's a reason Marvel hasn't tried to make an XMen/F4 tv (live-action or animated) show

Not true. Marvel had the television rights for Xmen and Fox had been after them for some time. Fox coincidentally got the Xmen tv rights around the time the latest F4 film became universally panned and was making very little box office money.

Here is one of many articles from around 2015 highlighting how Fox was trying to get the rights from Marvel.

How did we end up like this in the first place? Was Marvel hurting for cash back in the late 90s and sold off the movie rights for certain characters?
the men tv rights were already part of the deal they had when Marvel sold the movie rights

there's a reason Marvel hasn't tried to make an XMen/F4 tv (live-action or animated) show

Not true. Marvel had the television rights for Xmen and Fox had been after them for some time. Fox coincidentally got the Xmen tv rights around the time the latest F4 film became universally panned and was making very little box office money.

Here is one of many articles from around 2015 highlighting how Fox was trying to get the rights from Marvel.


Marvel does have the tv rights after all but I don't think it's a trade off per say, the two just decided to work together on it.

I think what most of you guys are trying to falt out deny is that Feige has clearly said and in plain sight that there are nothing in the works between Marvel and Fox for F4.

We all want this to happen but something as big as this, if it is happening in IW has to have leaked by now because they'd have to cast and it's just a big deal overall.
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