WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Bruh I just want to see Aunt May. Spider is cool and all, but I grew tired of him. Aunt May can get that work long **** style
like for you guys who are ultra critical about some of these comic events/stories. what are you comparing it with???

i mean i know if you have that opinion you obviously read it. but what other Marvel stories do you put it up against. ???

it was a 6 book event. (and then add the side stories) what was particularly wrong with it. ???

im not fanboying because it was hero vs. hero, but the story made complete sense.. there was a good basis for why everything happened. it could've finished a little stronger but it didnt finish bad imo.

what would you have changed?
Can't believe people would pick team iron man
He ain't really been dope since im1
Cap has had the best solo movies outta the mcu
Matter of fact
The Ed Norton hulk movie
Is better than im2 and 3
No one brings up how dope that was
Maybe because the ang lee was so damn horrible
Either way I need liv Tyler and her lips back on the big screen

There have been many rumors surrounding major deaths that are set to occur in Captain America: Civil War, including a rumor that the directors shot multiple death scenes to throw rabid fans off the scent. Complicating matters even more, Civil War completed additional photography in January, allowing Marvel to further alter the nitty gritty details of the larger character arcs that will continue through the Infinity War Avengers movies.

Although at least one cut exists where Steve Rogers disappears with his Avengers to fight another day, sources close to the production confirm that (as of now) when Captain America: Civil War hits theaters, Crossbones will kill Steve Rogers by the end of the movie.

Another source close to the film told us that they have already fit Sebastian Stan for a Captain America costume. Like in the comics, Bucky Barnes takes on the mantle of Captain America after Steve Rogers is apparently killed. You would think the honor would go to Sam Wilson, the Falcon (and current Captain America in the comic series), but there’s Marvel movies have a penchant for characters who feel the need to make up for all the red in their ledgers.

Of course, no one stays dead forever in comics (unless you’re Quicksilver), and the Marvel Cinematic Universe is no exception. Under Disney and being a box office juggernaut factory, Marvel has the power to alter course as their films weave in and out of production, but according to our sources, the current plan is to keep Steve Rogers out of the first Infinity War entirely, letting characters like the Bucky Captain America and Spider-Man take the lead. Rogers would return, as you’d expect, for the grand climax.

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like for you guys who are ultra critical about some of these comic events/stories. what are you comparing it with???

i mean i know if you have that opinion you obviously read it. but what other Marvel stories do you put it up against. ???

it was a 6 book event. (and then add the side stories) what was particularly wrong with it. ???

im not fanboying because it was hero vs. hero, but the story made complete sense.. there was a good basis for why everything happened. it could've finished a little stronger but it didnt finish bad imo.

what would you have changed?

It was a Marvel event so I tend to compare it to other Marvel events, and every now and again DC events as well. So Fear Itself (**** was complete trash. Under no circumstances does anyone need to read this), AvX, Schism, House of M, Secret War, and those are just some of the recent ones. There's still stuff like the classic Secret Wars, Infinity Gauntlet (Plus Infinity War and really any event that Thanos has been involved in), Onslaught, Mutant Massacre, The Crossing (Terrible, just plain terrible), Dark Phoneix, Days of Future Past, Age of Apocalypse, etc. There've been a lot of Marvel events so needless to say we could go on for a while listing them.

For Civil War however, I thought that the initial argument between Captain America and Iron Man was solid. I thought that the idea of the superhero community (At the time, today i've long since grown weary of the idea) being split down the middle over an important issue was solid, but things very quickly went off the rails. Various arguments made during the event were just terrible. Captain America's out of touch with the American people because he's not a fan of Nascar and doesn't have a Myspace? (NOTE: These are treated as valid points against him in the comic). SHIELD's going to try arresting Captain America for not agreeing with Registration, before the law's even passed? What exactly are the specifics of the Registration Act itself? Poor coordination between the writing team bungled that. For one, the entire point of such an event is to have both sides make logical, sound arguments so there can be a real discussion on which is or isn't right. You should be able to really sympathize with both sides. I'd say that they failed at this and made it hard to agree with Tony's side at all. At the same time, Captain America's side has no visible plan to win the "war" and no way to win the "war" either during the event, which is why the Registration Act continues right on after the event is over and it took another event where Cap and the others basically saved the world to finally get it thrown out the window.

Back to the Act itself, books that were arguing for it would have it treated as something everyone with superpowers needed to sign up for, but would also make clear that they then didn't have to use their powers for anything afterwards. It was basically something people needed to fight crime. They'd be trained in the use of their powers so that no one would be hurt, but that would be the end of it. Exactly what they'd do with their powers was mostly up to them. The implication was then that many chose to fight crime because they'd made friends with the people they trained with and wanted to be heroes themselves. Books arguing against the Registration would then show the complete opposite. SHIELD was actively kidnapping and forcing people to use their powers, whether they wanted to fight crime or not. Hell, Luke Cage didn't fight the Act at first. He made it clear he wasn't going to use his powers at all from then on and would be staying out of things. So what happens? SHIELD soldiers show up on his doorstep as soon as the Act is passed and attack him. Another book had kids given 3 options: Go to jail, get their powers taken, or join up with the Initiative to train and fight. This is all compounded by the fact that at no point during the course of the event do they actually list the Registration Act, or more simply show it to readers, in print. You just have people talking about it and things being done apparently in the name of or against it. In terms of the act that led to Registration being passed in the first place, the Stamford Incident, I was personally never able to get over my dislike for it. I think it would have made far more sense had that been caused by a more credible team. Any iteration of the Avengers, The Defenders (Especially were Hulk on the team), even the X-Men who constantly suffer from hate directed at them by the public. As it is, you have the New Warriors causing **** to go down for higher ratings and while it is indeed a suitably tragic event, it's countered by years worth of actions by higher profile heroes saving the world constantly. It's honestly the type of thing that when you think about it doesn't make sense and there are other events during Marvel history that would make for better reasons to have the public suddenly turn on heroes, like the creation of Ultron for example.

The truly funny thing is that this is going on as the same time as Annihilation, a much better event taking place in the far reaches of space, where all life in the galaxy was in danger of being slaughtered. That, in comparison, makes everyone on Earth look like an idiot that is wasting time. I believe (Might have been in a What-If issue) that Nova, one of the heroes that was actually involved, would later talk to both Captain America and Iron Man and basically point out how idiotic they were being when there was something far more important going on.

Were you to ask me to make a list of "Must Read" Marvel events, Civil War would be on it. That's not because I think it's the best event of all time though or even because I like it all that much. It's because it's an event that changes the status quo significantly so you literally have to read it to understand what's going on. The fallout from it lasted for years and I generally enjoyed more than the event itself (Though Dark Reign is another idea that I thought had solid beginnings, but wasn't implemented as well as it could have been). It's like House of M in that way. If you're reading X-Men after a certain point, you need to know about House of M, because it's one of the biggest changes to the status quo in the franchise's history and everything after it constantly references it. Same with Civil War.
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Can't believe people would pick team iron man
He ain't really been dope since im1
Cap has had the best solo movies outta the mcu
Matter of fact
The Ed Norton hulk movie
Is better than im2 and 3
No one brings up how dope that was
Maybe because the ang lee was so damn horrible
Either way I need liv Tyler and her lips back on the big screen

You're drunk
I kinda agree and disagree with Jays.

CW is just fine story wise. It's a really great event which is another thing. Saying the story isn't all that good isn't saying much when you look at the rest of the Marvel events in the 2000s. The 90s ones weren't special (pretty bad minus like 2-3). What's left to look at is Starlin's events and the best one is IG if we're being honest.
More CW rumors via geek.com

Exclusive: The big death in Captain America: Civil War

ccording to Geek.com, it will be Steve Rogers who dies at the end of Captain America: Civil War and it will be Crossbones who delivers the fatal strike.

They add that there are currently two cuts of the film's ending and while one features Chris Evans' Steve Rogers disappearing into the night alongside his fellow Avengers, the other, which they have confirmed to be the current theatrical ending, will feature Frank Grillo's Crossbones killing Captain America (whether or not it's under his own volition and/or if he has any accomplices is yet-to-be seen). Regardless, it will be an extremely close adaptation of the Fallen Son storyline, which coincidentally was also the film's original subtitle.

With Cap dead... what's this mean for Avengers: Infinity War?

Well, just like in the comics, it sounds like it'll be the Winter Soldier who becomes the next Captain America. Geek has learned that Sebastian Stan, who plays the time-defying assassin, has already been fitted for his own Captain America suit, which more or less suggests that he will be the one who takes his best friend's mantle in the upcoming Infinity War... well at least for one-half of it.

Marvel's current plan is apparently to leave Evans' Steve Rogers completely out of Avengers: Infinity War - Part 1, in order to shift the focus to Tom Holland's Spider-Man and to Stan's Bucky, and then resurrect Rogers during the film's grand finale. It's unclear how exactly Marvel plans on accomplishing this feat yet, but the best and most obvious guess would likely be through one of the Infinity Stones, with the yet-to-be seen Soul Stone and Time Stones being the most likely candidates to play a part in the revival of the First Avenger.
^ ^ ^

I'm really not buying itat this point especially the part where they want the focus on Spidey, at the end of the day it is still a Sony property and I don't think they'll focus their arcs on a character that will have a solo film made by another studio, just sounds crazy to prioritize a character that they do not own over characters that they do have the full rights to.
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