The CGI doesn’t bother me but I could’ve done without She Hulk twerking.
I felt like the first episode was the funniest.

But the three episodes as a whole have been consistent and enjoyable.

Loved the Wong cameo (and the fourth wall breaking when it was first introduced lol).

There’s definitely a lot of MCU connections/Easter eggs in the show.

I don’t mind the blemish free CGI. I think some of the animation or real/CGI mixing isn’t great. But it doesn’t detract from the experience.
Good episode but the catfishing as Meg was weird. Wonder if someone working on the show wanted to get with her and got that written for her.
That was the scene where the CGI didn’t look natural/blended with the real world. Also the way she walked was unnatural.

which is weird because she has this super tall chick as a stand-in, should have just had her in a mo-cap suit

wrecking crew was kind of funny though

I’ve looked past the cgi I watch in my phone while on treadmill so doesn’t bother me. Minus the Megan thee stallion gimmick, show has delivered. (For you triggered people: I listen to her music and think she’s talented)
which is weird because she has this super tall chick as a stand-in, should have just had her in a mo-cap suit

wrecking crew was kind of funny though

I thought they were CGI over the stand in. That scene definitely looked off.

Wrecking Crew looked like E Gamers instead of large muscle bound felons.
Nah, the CGI was terrible in this episode. Probably the worst of the first 3 to me. :frown:

I honestly don't believe they have a $25M budget for each episode, gotta be money laundering at this point. :lol:


Or we don’t know how much it actually costs to produce a TV show with blockbuster quality cgi.
Jameel jamil is a certified nut job
You know what they say about the crazy ones..

Seriously tho, what’s the deal with her? I see people talking about she’s annoying, crazy ect. Where is this coming from? All I know about her is that she’s tall and beautiful.

If Megan is in it, that means Dua Lipa is in the MCU too.

But sadly, that also means Jack Harlow is in it.
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