Well, we now know why Obama didn't want you to read his Columbia Univ. Thesis

obama "hates" the constitution b/c his handlers/masters plan is to eventually suspend the constitution. obama is just following orders, like the retof the presidents did.
Originally Posted by kyrac2

i'm amazed at how people are quick to defend obama and bash anyone against him. the man has the right to question the president i'm glad he is instead of being like the majority and having blind devotion to a man. i really wonder how obama became the super hero that he is....when did he become untouchable?
No you got it wrong. I have absolutely no problem bashing Obama based on FACTS. But to talk about a College Thesis? Are you freaking kiddingme? When does a college thesis = an Obama Administration Policy. What is Bush's college thesis how to snort and smoke cocaine?

Now if you're going to post relevant facts attributed to this thesis than we have something to talk about. But if you want to talk about how this thesiscould of, would have, should have, maybe, if, then it's a waste of time because I am not down to discuss what if scenarios. What's done is done. Obama = US President so deal with it.

Unless someone wants to post the entire thesis so that we can analyze, evaluate, and strip it bare and then compare it to the administration's policy, thenthere is really nothing to discuss.
Because they knew idiot republicans would manipulate with it? this ain't rocket science bro, look at how you're reacting to it.

And i couldn't care less how it paints him - i'm just telling you how politics work. Obama ain't my guy, and neither is anybody from the left or right for that matter. I just think people are looking really dumb trying to still uncover all this evidence about Obama like it's going to get him impeached or something... move on with your lives, he's not the evil dictator you're trying to paint him to be.


College is a time of discovery, experimentation, and dabbling in various ideologies and views. There was about a year long span in college where I refused togo to church because once I began to read the bible for myself I felt church's and modern religion was for the weak minded and manipulated. Does that nowdisqualify me from going to church 12 years later now that I have come to know differently? Of course not!

I got an idea Burner, why don't you, Orly Taitz, Glenn Beck, the Tea Party, and all the other "Obama is Satan" conspiracy theorists do somethingconstructive and RUN FOR OFFICE! Quit talking about it be about it, since this dude is the devil himself, and you can do a better job PROVE IT, all of youtogether should have no problem getting him voted out in the next election. So until 2012...
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by maxb7ty

Originally Posted by kyrac2

i'm amazed at how people are quick to defend obama and bash anyone against him. the man has the right to question the president i'm glad he is instead of being like the majority and having blind devotion to a man. i really wonder how obama became the super hero that he is....when did he become untouchable?
The issue people are having with the OP has nothing to do with him being for or against Obama, if you actually read what J Burner is typing and you don't see what's wrong then you're just as lost as he is.

I bet you if I made this same exact post, but switched it up and praised Obama and the excerpt, NONE OF YOU would tell me it was irrelevant, outdated, or whatever else. The only reason you let the hate flow is because ****gasp**** I said something bad about Obama. Sundoobie even slipped the race card in there...
Think what you want my dude. Like Kobefan23 said there is some relevancy here but it's your logic andway of thinking people are laughing at.
Maybe some of us want that wealth redistributed. Check out the "New Age of Wal-Mart" on CNBC where employees can't afford their own healthcare.So who ends up paying for that healthcare that the employees can't afford? BTW, Wal-Mart is the US's largest employer.

As we move further into a nation of a few rich people and many more poor and unemployed people, the cries of "he wants to redistribute thewealth"will become a whisper and eventually disappear.
Well most, if not all, of the signers of the Constitution owned slaves so what does that tell you about the hypocrisy of that piece of paper they signed??
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by kyrac2

i'm amazed at how people are quick to defend obama and bash anyone against him. the man has the right to question the president i'm glad he is instead of being like the majority and having blind devotion to a man. i really wonder how obama became the super hero that he is....when did he become untouchable?
No you got it wrong. I have absolutely no problem bashing Obama based on FACTS. But to talk about a College Thesis? Are you freaking kidding me? When does a college thesis = an Obama Administration Policy. What is Bush's college thesis how to snort and smoke cocaine?

Now if you're going to post relevant facts attributed to this thesis than we have something to talk about. But if you want to talk about how this thesis could of, would have, should have, maybe, if, then it's a waste of time because I am not down to discuss what if scenarios. What's done is done. Obama = US President so deal with it.

Unless someone wants to post the entire thesis so that we can analyze, evaluate, and strip it bare and then compare it to the administration's policy, then there is really nothing to discuss.
we would but for some reason the media and obama won't let us have it....wonder why if it's so outdated
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by maxb7ty

Originally Posted by kyrac2

i'm amazed at how people are quick to defend obama and bash anyone against him. the man has the right to question the president i'm glad he is instead of being like the majority and having blind devotion to a man. i really wonder how obama became the super hero that he is....when did he become untouchable?
The issue people are having with the OP has nothing to do with him being for or against Obama, if you actually read what J Burner is typing and you don't see what's wrong then you're just as lost as he is.

I bet you if I made this same exact post, but switched it up and praised Obama and the excerpt, NONE OF YOU would tell me it was irrelevant, outdated, or whatever else. The only reason you let the hate flow is because ****gasp**** I said something bad about Obama. Sundoobie even slipped the race card in there...
It's from 30 years ago. Don't play yourself
Originally Posted by Kobefan23

It's amazing to see the lengths many of you will go to defend President Obama. Anyone that has a legitimate concern is labeled A) a hater B) racist C) rushing to judgment.

1) This is incredibly relevant/interesting b/c he has expressed SIMILAR views, albeit more restrained, on the campaign trail (See Joe Plumber convo), through his taxation policies, and through his comments about his criteria for SCOTUS justices.
2) This is even more important b/c there's a clear difference between enacting legislation to "redistribute wealth" and pursing such an objective through the court system. I would object to both, but arguing for an active court which redefines the meaning of "economic freedom" is a RADICAL idea.
3) Yes, it is important that the President agrees with the Constitution. Was that even a serious question? His oath is to uphold the principles of the Constitution.

I'm not going to rush to judgment and say that the President is going to enact such radical measures. But to say this topic is irrelevant and not worthy of discussion is laughable.
How was this ignored?

Props to you sir.

Everyone just needs to get along.
Can someone please explain to me what is so wrong with economic change? Economic systems change over time, this is historical fact. When a system is broken, itneeds to be changed. The only evolution from Capitalism would be varying forms of Socialism. Europe seems to understand it, but like everything else, Americadoesn't want to change. We're afraid of everything that's different and not our original idea and we think Socialism = Dictatorship when the twoare in fact on different planets.
Everyone has a right to voice an opinion of our president but the pure HATRED that many project toward him is downright ignorant and childish. Now that wehave a liberal African American as the president of the free world it is now perfectly "American" to bash him and point out all of his flaws as if hewere a leper. I truly believe the majority of conservatives can't stand the fact this African American man beat them at their own game of politics. Previous elections illustrate that the better politician wins the election, not the better "man." As for Obama's dissertation, so what if hedidn't believe in the constitution's stance on economic freedom...to tell you the truth, I'm currently in a course examining racism as a means ofeconomics and I would say that our founding father's were not speaking of a "economic freedom" available in contemporary times.
For those mentioning how long ago this thesis was/etc....I generally agree. But here's a 2001 Chicago radio interview where the President touches on manyof the same points:

Another thing--this isn't so much about how Obama may disagree with a certain aspect of the Constitution (the Amendments are a good example showing how itevolves), but rather his apparent disagreement with the role/relationship of gov't institutions/citizens. What he talks about in that interview REDEFINES1) the role/power of the courts, 2) the separation between the legislature/judicial branches (although he does mention how the Sep. of Powers would limit this,he does seem to be advocating for it), and 3) that economic freedoms INCLUDE what the goverment must do for you

All of these ideas are not constitutionally based, nor are they simple disagreements with the application of a clause for example. It seems President Obama isfrustrated that the welfare state can not be legally institutionalized, but rather legislators such as himself are limited in how much "change" theycan influence.
Originally Posted by selrahc123

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Why can't he be critical of it? Do you truely have to believe in something to do your job?

I think 90% of the free world would question that logic.

When you are the President, why yes, yes you do

So if he is confronted with an option he doesn't personally believe in, but it is the best option for his country, he should go with his heart?
we would but for some reason the media and obama won't let us have it....wonder why if it's so outdated

At this rate, can we have Obama's pre-school drawingstoo? How about when Obama was in Indonesia, I am sure some of his grade school homework could be analyzed. And what about when Obama was in Hawaii, maybe hissurfboard can be analyzed for any masonry symbols.
Gee, I wonder why the Obama camp didn't allow anyone to see this BEFORE the election. So here we have again, Obama, in his own words, advocating the redistribution of weatlh.
Facepalm. We should be glad that the President is considerate of these issues. People seem to be forgetting the plight of the world's poor(in other words, approx. 1/2 of the world population, depending on what numbers you use) when they say things like this. To quote Jeffrey Sachs, also ofColumbia:

"The World Bank made one basic blunder, which is to think that markets would solve problems of such severe circumstances. But history has shown you needto help people get above the survival threshold before the markets start functioning."

The President of the United States thinks that the constitution he's sworn to uphold is hypocritical. Apparantly, nobody informed him that economic freedom and [re]distribution of wealth are the exact opposites of each other, and can not exist in the same constitution. Apparantly, our "so called" founding fathers already knew that...which is why wealth redistribution is NOT in our constitution.
Definitely not necessarily true. Got to elaborate on what you mean by "economic freedom." For example:
-If you mean "economic freedom" as in the complete deregulation of markets in which wealth accumulated by individuals is not redistributed, thenyeah, they are opposites.
-If you mean "economic freedom" as in being free from economic coercion from individuals or institutions, then you're wrong, and the two termshave close associations.

Edit: and for the record, I didn't vote for Obama.
Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by Kobefan23

It's amazing to see the lengths many of you will go to defend President Obama. Anyone that has a legitimate concern is labeled A) a hater B) racist C) rushing to judgment.

1) This is incredibly relevant/interesting b/c he has expressed SIMILAR views, albeit more restrained, on the campaign trail (See Joe Plumber convo), through his taxation policies, and through his comments about his criteria for SCOTUS justices.
2) This is even more important b/c there's a clear difference between enacting legislation to "redistribute wealth" and pursing such an objective through the court system. I would object to both, but arguing for an active court which redefines the meaning of "economic freedom" is a RADICAL idea.
3) Yes, it is important that the President agrees with the Constitution. Was that even a serious question? His oath is to uphold the principles of the Constitution.

I'm not going to rush to judgment and say that the President is going to enact such radical measures. But to say this topic is irrelevant and not worthy of discussion is laughable.
How was this ignored?

Props to you sir.

Everyone just needs to get along.
i don't know how i missed this either
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

we would but for some reason the media and obama won't let us have it....wonder why if it's so outdated
At this rate, can we have Obama's pre-school drawings too? How about when Obama was in Indonesia, I am sure some of his grade school homework could be analyzed. And what about when Obama was in Hawaii, maybe his surfboard can be analyzed for any masonry symbols.

how about we do this give him a clean slate. i believe it was the spring of 2007 when he announced his candidacy so how about that. so from hereon nothing before 2007 can be brought up! you'd like that i bet
Originally Posted by kyrac2

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

we would but for some reason the media and obama won't let us have it....wonder why if it's so outdated
At this rate, can we have Obama's pre-school drawings too? How about when Obama was in Indonesia, I am sure some of his grade school homework could be analyzed. And what about when Obama was in Hawaii, maybe his surfboard can be analyzed for any masonry symbols.
how about we do this give him a clean slate. i believe it was the spring of 2007 when he announced his candidacy so how about that. so from here on nothing before 2007 can be brought up! you'd like that i bet

I'd say getting C's in college and running a few businesses into the ground on your path to becoming President is much worse than being aMarxist.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by kyrac2

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

we would but for some reason the media and obama won't let us have it....wonder why if it's so outdated
At this rate, can we have Obama's pre-school drawings too? How about when Obama was in Indonesia, I am sure some of his grade school homework could be analyzed. And what about when Obama was in Hawaii, maybe his surfboard can be analyzed for any masonry symbols.
how about we do this give him a clean slate. i believe it was the spring of 2007 when he announced his candidacy so how about that. so from here on nothing before 2007 can be brought up! you'd like that i bet
I'd say getting C's in college and running a few businesses into the ground on your path to becoming President is much worse than being a Marxist.

why do people assume because one is critical of obama that they were for bush and every republican president before him?
Originally Posted by kyrac2

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by kyrac2

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

we would but for some reason the media and obama won't let us have it....wonder why if it's so outdated
At this rate, can we have Obama's pre-school drawings too? How about when Obama was in Indonesia, I am sure some of his grade school homework could be analyzed. And what about when Obama was in Hawaii, maybe his surfboard can be analyzed for any masonry symbols.
how about we do this give him a clean slate. i believe it was the spring of 2007 when he announced his candidacy so how about that. so from here on nothing before 2007 can be brought up! you'd like that i bet
I'd say getting C's in college and running a few businesses into the ground on your path to becoming President is much worse than being a Marxist.
why do people assume because one is critical of obama that they were for bush and every republican president before him?

Why is it that people say this constantly? Is it that they don't subscribe to an American political ideology, or they just don't know enough toformulate a valid opinion on any political matter?
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by kyrac2

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by kyrac2

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

we would but for some reason the media and obama won't let us have it....wonder why if it's so outdated
At this rate, can we have Obama's pre-school drawings too? How about when Obama was in Indonesia, I am sure some of his grade school homework could be analyzed. And what about when Obama was in Hawaii, maybe his surfboard can be analyzed for any masonry symbols.
how about we do this give him a clean slate. i believe it was the spring of 2007 when he announced his candidacy so how about that. so from here on nothing before 2007 can be brought up! you'd like that i bet
I'd say getting C's in college and running a few businesses into the ground on your path to becoming President is much worse than being a Marxist.
why do people assume because one is critical of obama that they were for bush and every republican president before him?

Why is it that people say this constantly? Is it that they don't subscribe to an American political ideology, or they just don't know enough to formulate a valid opinion on any political matter?

why? because it's true. somehow if you say anything that can be taken as criticism toward OUR president then you must be an evil republican. granted he's done a lot in the WORLD and i applaud him on that but i thought he was president of the UNITED STATES.
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by selrahc123

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Why can't he be critical of it? Do you truely have to believe in something to do your job?

I think 90% of the free world would question that logic.

When you are the President, why yes, yes you do

So if he is confronted with an option he doesn't personally believe in, but it is the best option for his country, he should go with his heart?
Be glad we live in Canada

Canada>>>>> America PERIOD.
A black man has a better chance in Canada then America thats a FACT.
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Eh, something like that needs to be entirely read, not just an excerpt, at least IMO.


when I read the word "excerpt" I dismissed this...you can tak a piece of anything and make it look however you want. Let me read the entire thing, then make my decision

and I agree...I think more people need to be critical of the status quo in this country...its the only way to effect change
Just like the Jeremiah Wright situation. Can we see the whole thesis in it's entirety and the context that the excerpt was written in. Hell for all we knowit could be a quote.
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