Well, we now know why Obama didn't want you to read his Columbia Univ. Thesis

Tags: Barack Obama, capitalism, college, Columbia University, Constitution, President Obama, satire, thesis, wealth distribution

Right wingers are really grasping at straws. Jumpinginpools.blogspot.com is where they get their news.
Conservative Blogs Fall for Scam Post About Obama Paper on Constitution

Posted on Friday, October 23, 2009 2:32:03 PM by kristinn

Two months ago, the blog Jumping in Pools, which has been banned from FR for its chain-yanking postings of bogus news stories, posted a bogus story about Time magazine writer Joe Klein supposedly reporting on Barack Obama's writings at Columbia University about the Constitution.

Apparently without doing any research to see if Klein had actually written such an article, respected sites including American Thinker and Pajamas Media got all excited about the story and reported it today as if it were true.

They apparently hadn't noticed there was no source link at Jumping in Pools back to the supposed Joe Klein article. A search of the web produced no original source. A search of Time magazine for the term "Aristocracy Reborn", the supposed title of Obama's paper, returned this message: "Your search produced no results."


Originally Posted by cguy610

Conservative Blogs Fall for Scam Post About Obama Paper on Constitution

Posted on Friday, October 23, 2009 2:32:03 PM by kristinn

Two months ago, the blog Jumping in Pools, which has been banned from FR for its chain-yanking postings of bogus news stories, posted a bogus story about Time magazine writer Joe Klein supposedly reporting on Barack Obama's writings at Columbia University about the Constitution.

Apparently without doing any research to see if Klein had actually written such an article, respected sites including American Thinker and Pajamas Media got all excited about the story and reported it today as if it were true.

They apparently hadn't noticed there was no source link at Jumping in Pools back to the supposed Joe Klein article. A search of the web produced no original source. A search of Time magazine for the term "Aristocracy Reborn", the supposed title of Obama's paper, returned this message: "Your search produced no results."



OP is a sucka
Originally Posted by cguy610

Conservative Blogs Fall for Scam Post About Obama Paper on Constitution

Posted on Friday, October 23, 2009 2:32:03 PM by kristinn

Two months ago, the blog Jumping in Pools, which has been banned from FR for its chain-yanking postings of bogus news stories, posted a bogus story about Time magazine writer Joe Klein supposedly reporting on Barack Obama's writings at Columbia University about the Constitution.

Apparently without doing any research to see if Klein had actually written such an article, respected sites including American Thinker and Pajamas Media got all excited about the story and reported it today as if it were true.

They apparently hadn't noticed there was no source link at Jumping in Pools back to the supposed Joe Klein article. A search of the web produced no original source. A search of Time magazine for the term "Aristocracy Reborn", the supposed title of Obama's paper, returned this message: "Your search produced no results."



How pathetic. OP /yourself
Originally Posted by cguy610

Conservative Blogs Fall for Scam Post About Obama Paper on Constitution

Posted on Friday, October 23, 2009 2:32:03 PM by kristinn

Two months ago, the blog Jumping in Pools, which has been banned from FR for its chain-yanking postings of bogus news stories, posted a bogus story about Time magazine writer Joe Klein supposedly reporting on Barack Obama's writings at Columbia University about the Constitution.

Apparently without doing any research to see if Klein had actually written such an article, respected sites including American Thinker and Pajamas Media got all excited about the story and reported it today as if it were true.

They apparently hadn't noticed there was no source link at Jumping in Pools back to the supposed Joe Klein article. A search of the web produced no original source. A search of Time magazine for the term "Aristocracy Reborn", the supposed title of Obama's paper, returned this message: "Your search produced no results."



Oh snaps!
I really want some of my money distributed to some irresponsible person who will just waste it then ask for more handouts /end Sarcasm
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by cguy610

Conservative Blogs Fall for Scam Post About Obama Paper on Constitution

Posted on Friday, October 23, 2009 2:32:03 PM by kristinn

Two months ago, the blog Jumping in Pools, which has been banned from FR for its chain-yanking postings of bogus news stories, posted a bogus story about Time magazine writer Joe Klein supposedly reporting on Barack Obama's writings at Columbia University about the Constitution.

Apparently without doing any research to see if Klein had actually written such an article, respected sites including American Thinker and Pajamas Media got all excited about the story and reported it today as if it were true.

They apparently hadn't noticed there was no source link at Jumping in Pools back to the supposed Joe Klein article. A search of the web produced no original source. A search of Time magazine for the term "Aristocracy Reborn", the supposed title of Obama's paper, returned this message: "Your search produced no results."


How pathetic. OP /yourself

Originally Posted by cguy610

Conservative Blogs Fall for Scam Post About Obama Paper on Constitution

Posted on Friday, October 23, 2009 2:32:03 PM by kristinn

Two months ago, the blog Jumping in Pools, which has been banned from FR for its chain-yanking postings of bogus news stories, posted a bogus story about Time magazine writer Joe Klein supposedly reporting on Barack Obama's writings at Columbia University about the Constitution.

Apparently without doing any research to see if Klein had actually written such an article, respected sites including American Thinker and Pajamas Media got all excited about the story and reported it today as if it were true.

They apparently hadn't noticed there was no source link at Jumping in Pools back to the supposed Joe Klein article. A search of the web produced no original source. A search of Time magazine for the term "Aristocracy Reborn", the supposed title of Obama's paper, returned this message: "Your search produced no results."



Game. Set. Match. I highly doubt we'll see the OP make a return to this thread.
I think its hard to decide whether or not this should be taken seriously. On one hand, I wrote things in college that I knew about and researched and feltstrongly about. On the other hand, I wrote alot of things just to get a grade and pass the class.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

I think its hard to decide whether or not this should be taken seriously. On one hand, I wrote things in college that I knew about and researched and felt strongly about. On the other hand, I wrote alot of things just to get a grade and pass the class.
Son, you're uber late to the party
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

I just think people are looking really dumb trying to still uncover all this evidence about Obama like it's going to get him impeached or something... move on with your lives, he's not the evil dictator you're trying to paint him to be.


Conservative Blogs Fall for Scam Post About Obama Paper on Constitution

Ooooooooooooooooooh snap
J Burner and Steve Phillips are cryin intheir beer and trading stories in the FAIL lounge on 25th and Nixon right about now.
A search of Time magazine for the term "Aristocracy Reborn", the supposed title of Obama's paper, returned this message: "Your search produced no results."

Precisely. I went searching and found nothing! Scanned thru all of Joe Klein's articles and stillnothing. I knew something was up.


How easy is it to MANIPULATE these Obama haters? Pour a little gasoline and wham, it spreads like wildfire. These people believe in just about any rumor orhalf truths that bashes Obama. Like I said previously... PATHETIC!!!

J. Burner, you showed your true colors to everyone here. Instead of thinking independently and out of the box, you're merely going with the grain ofhateful and bitter right wingers who are trying their best to discredit Obama regardless of fact.
hey, lets read the thesis papers of bush, cheney, palin or mccain


none of them have ever written one....

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by maxb7ty

No son. He's telling you the President doesn't have to believe in everything in the constitution. Hell I wouldn't shake the hand of a man who did.
Well then, he would be absolutely wrong. Do you think anyone would get elected President by saying "I don't really believe everything in the Constitution, I just like parts of it." No chance in hell, and you know it.
That is why we have political parties. And yes, a Democrat and Republican has won the election once in the past 100 years if you haven'tnoticed. And yes, I'm pretty sure they've all changed the Constitution with amendments.

Nothing wrong with not liking Obama, but hating him because he didn't post his college paper is stupid. 99% of the people on here would never post any oftheir personal papers if it meant it would affect the outcome on if they got a job or not. Unless you're the 1% that is too cocky about themselves. Askingfor his college paper is almost the same thing as an English teacher grading your essay on a overhead and giving you an F in front of the class. Except thistime, your paper would be graded by the entire nation.

*Waits for the next attack by J Burner*
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