Well, we now know why Obama didn't want you to read his Columbia Univ. Thesis

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

So uh... where's OP?
In his lair plotting his next great thread against Obama
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by cguy610

Conservative Blogs Fall for Scam Post About Obama Paper on Constitution

Posted on Friday, October 23, 2009 2:32:03 PM by kristinn

Two months ago, the blog Jumping in Pools, which has been banned from FR for its chain-yanking postings of bogus news stories, posted a bogus story about Time magazine writer Joe Klein supposedly reporting on Barack Obama's writings at Columbia University about the Constitution.

Apparently without doing any research to see if Klein had actually written such an article, respected sites including American Thinker and Pajamas Media got all excited about the story and reported it today as if it were true.

They apparently hadn't noticed there was no source link at Jumping in Pools back to the supposed Joe Klein article. A search of the web produced no original source. A search of Time magazine for the term "Aristocracy Reborn", the supposed title of Obama's paper, returned this message: "Your search produced no results."


How pathetic. OP /yourself


Originally Posted by J Burner

Gee, I wonder why the Obama camp didn't allow anyone to see this BEFORE the election. So here we have again, Obama, in his own words, advocating the redistribution of weatlh. The President of the United States thinks that the constitution he's sworn to uphold is hypocritical. Apparantly, nobody informed him that economic freedom and distribution of wealth are the exact opposites of each other, and can not exist in the same constitution. Apparantly, our "so called" founding fathers already knew that...which is why wealth redistribution is NOT in our constitution.

For more info, just google Joe Klein and Aristocracy Reborn. Apparantly, Mr. Klein has had these documents for at least a year, and didn't think the public needed to see them prior to the election...Just more evidence that the media is out to protect Obama at every turn.

cguy610 wrote:
Conservative Blogs Fall for Scam Post About Obama Paper on Constitution

Posted on Friday, October 23, 2009 2:32:03 PM by kristinn

Two months ago, the blog Jumping in Pools, which has been banned from FR for its chain-yanking postings of bogus news stories, posted a bogus story about Time magazine writer Joe Klein supposedly reporting on Barack Obama's writings at Columbia University about the Constitution.

Apparently without doing any research to see if Klein had actually written such an article, respected sites including American Thinker and Pajamas Media got all excited about the story and reported it today as if it were true.

They apparently hadn't noticed there was no source link at Jumping in Pools back to the supposed Joe Klein article. A search of the web produced no original source. A search of Time magazine for the term "Aristocracy Reborn", the supposed title of Obama's paper, returned this message: "Your search produced no results."



SEE YA J-BURNER no more political threadsfor this guy

Originally Posted by maxb7ty

Originally Posted by J Burner

Here we go with the assumption that if I don't like Obama, I must love Bush. Bush was an idiot, I didn't vote for him either. Thanks. What I will like to point out is the irony that ya'll found Bush's college days relevent when he was in office. Yet again, another example of the Obama double standard.
After this I'm done. I really can't do this anymore.

But are you seriously going to compare a thesis statement to abusing cocaine, and then have the audacity to proclaim that one pointing the finger at an individual consuming illegal narcotics opposed to an individuals college paper is some sort of double standard?

Wow... just wow.


Originally Posted by spsfinest212



Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

i bet the views you held in college are the same ones you hold now...
woooord... that should close the thread right there...
LATER UPDATE: It gets even better -- according to the PolitiFact article that called out the Jumping in Pools blogger, Matthew Avitabile, for making up outlandish Obama stories:

Avitabile, a Republican who had previously poked fun at Obama with a tongue-in-cheek article that said scientists had determined that he was "genetically superior," is thankful for all the traffic it generated for his blog Jumping in Pools. In the past he was lucky to get 1,000 hits on a story, but this one got more than 50,000. Yet he's disappointed that so many people published his work without verifying it.

"Out of the 50,000 who looked at it, only three had the good sense to contact me and see if it was true," he told us (PolitiFact was one of the three).

Avitabile described himself as a moderate Republican - "I'm pro-gay rights, pro-wind energy" - but said he was surprised that so many in his party had such negative feelings about Obama.

"People wanted to believe this about the president so bad, that he would really go toward a dictatorship so much that they would go with it without checking it," he said.


Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by kdawg

Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

i bet the views you held in college are the same ones you hold now...
Seriously, I wrote a thesis in college and I wouldn't want anyone to see it now - because it's embarrassing how little I knew about the subject. When you're 21 you think you know everything. With the benefit of a decade of hindsight it's amazing how differently you see things.

Good points, but if that is the case, again, why would they take so much effort to hide it from the public? All he had to do was say exactly what you just said. But he hasn't done anything to show that his views are any different now than they were then.
again - because look at how people (like you) just run with stuff. "oh gawd, he didn't completely believe in the constitution? he's a terrorist!"

if you have to take more than 2 seconds to explain something to the general public, they've lost interest already. Fox News will still probably run for weeks on this thing alone.. imagining if they had it before the election is frightening, they probably would've pushed to had him extradited or something.

you're dealing with a bunch of people who's job it is to make others look bad... you don't give them an angle, EVER if you can help it.

i'm not sure why you're confused about this..
Exactly what I came in here to say.

....read the last few pages....rofl.
I knew it...not only is Jburner m.i.a but the dudes who came in here earlierdefending him are m.i.a.
One more time...


"mmm...this %*+# taste so good..."

(bookmark this and bring this %*+# back whenever J Burner contributes to a political post
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