What advice would you give to the teenagers of today?

Save money.

In all things big or small, do them with integrity and to the best of your ability.
1. Try ecstacy atleast once in in your teenage years. Its an awesome experience.
2. Might not be the best advice but not going to college isnt the end of the world and a degree guarantees nothing. I work with people with degrees and one of my co workers has a masters. I make more than all of them. A degree and education are beneficial but dont think having one locks you into financial stability for the rest of your life. Its more about who you know now. 

3. When you meet a significant other you really feel you love and when the relationship goes south it isnt the end of the world. Might feel like that at the moment but eventually youll find someone more compatible and better all around. Try not to get too emotionally attached at a young age if youre social. 

4. Get a job as soon as you can if you can juggle that and school. I think everyone should work atleast one retail job in their life time. Its one of the best feelings in the world to make your own $ and get that first official check. Plus youll treat retail workers with more respect when you see what they go through everyday with difficult people who have never worked retail in their life.
i'm not even that old but...

-Find your passion...find people with that same passion
-Don't forget about your parents...might be the last time you'll see them often (college and after)
-Enjoy your generation.....tweet....watch LeBron...stop watching clips of MJ on youtube actin like you seen him play...listen to katy perry....read twilight and stuff....stop following retro trends....make your own trends....
-Go to a CC and transfer ....it's not a big deal ....unless you're doin grad school.....
-Learn how to be alone....stop relying on others for your sanity
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Successful people with degrees are going to tell you to go to school. Successful people without them are going to tell you its a waste of time. Make your decision.
This right here
stop wasting your time on maintaining your "swag" image.

do something productive that you cant buy like aesthetics or street smarts.

never stop learning. whether its books, school or hotwiring cars. if you excercise your brain to always find the best possible answer, youll be the one making !%%* for these avg mongos and making millions when youre older.

get your heart broken early if you want to be alpha.
Professional/Technical school>>>>>>>>MOST 4 yr degrees.

In today's world school cost a lot more than its actually worth. If you cant make at least 70k a yr with your 4 yr degree (Engineering and Nursing are really the only 2, accounting if your lucky) then Id say get specialized in something instead.

Oh and do not trust these women. I repeat DO NOT TRUST THESE WOMEN. The tides have turned and women are out here eating of dudes and taking advantage of them not only in they wallet. We don't call the shots no more. They def have been liberated.
High school is more important than you think. Maintaining at least a solid grade average will make getting into school easier.

Don't get caught up wishing you had what others had. There's always a few cats that just manage to be doin' it even though they only like 17. If your not at that level yet, don't worry. Just enjoy what you have and it'll come in due time with some hard work. You might end up missing things around you trying to catch up to others.

Simping ain't the way. If you can't get her without having to do unreasonable over the top things, then just keep it moving.
I'm only going to be 21 in a few days, but I've learnt to find something you love doing and work your bones off to become the best you can at it.
Originally Posted by YG716

 Oh and do not trust these women. I repeat DO NOT TRUST THESE WOMEN. The tides have turned and women are out here eating of dudes and taking advantage of them not only in they wallet. We don't call the shots no more. They def have been liberated.

Ohhhh yeahhhhh? 

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Successful people with degrees are going to tell you to go to school. Successful people without them are going to tell you its a waste of time. Make your decision.

Before you attempt on "loving" someone else make sure you love yourself unconditionally.

95% of the people you are around will have nothing to do with your life in 5 years. Be as cool,lame,crazy, weird, awesome as you want to be as long as you are being you.

Don't buy things you really can't afford just to have them.

The most beautiful things come from pain. Embrace your hardships and continuously grow.

Don't take advice from anyone that hasn't done what you want to do.

Don't let your parents kill your dreams or dictate your future. You don't owe them anything despite how they may make you feel. They came together and made you on their terms. Live your life on yours.

I like this.. 
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by YG716

 Oh and do not trust these women. I repeat DO NOT TRUST THESE WOMEN. The tides have turned and women are out here eating of dudes and taking advantage of them not only in they wallet. We don't call the shots no more. They def have been liberated.

Ohhhh yeahhhhh? 


Women can stop playing the victim role. Dudes out here taking just as many L's too. You'll never hear about it because dudes cant be out in public looking like a fool and we hate to admit when we wrong 

I got a ton of girl friends I just chop it up with. Some are my ex's and we keep it cool. They all have said that most if not all of their friends have cheated in a relationship.

And child support.... If you have kids and feel he obligated to pay child support thats cool but please understand that man should have just as many rights with child as you do. Not just weekends and every other holiday. I think its even more important if the kid is a boy.  Just wrap it up youngsters and avoid this situation at all cost
do you. and the rest will follow. if what you like happens to be the trend, so be it. if it isn't, who cares.

carpe diem. but that doesn't mean you shouldn't plan for the future.

and I second the multiple posts about never stop learning. learning doesn't stop at school and it def doesn't stop when you graduate. there's always something to learn and something to improve about yourself.
Something I heard the president of Morehouse say yesterday:

Be well read

Be well spoken

Be well dresses (professionally)

Be well traveled

Be well balanced
YG716 wrote:.

Oh and do not trust these women. I repeat DO NOT TRUST THESE WOMEN. The tides have turned and women are out here eating of dudes and taking advantage of them not only in they wallet. We don't call the shots no more. They def have been liberated.

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

YG716 wrote:.

Oh and do not trust these women. I repeat DO NOT TRUST THESE WOMEN. The tides have turned and women are out here eating of dudes and taking advantage of them not only in they wallet. We don't call the shots no more. They def have been liberated.



Nah not at all. I don't pay child support nor do I have kids so lady's can get it how they live. Young men just need to know women not out here being taken advantage of no more. Don't be naive and end up in a situation you regret cause of a female.
develop your intellect...try and follow your own curriculum versus what they are teaching you in class everyday...
Pick a second or third language and become fluent. Mandarin, French, German, Spanish ect..Maybe not school, but education is the key to success.Travel.
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