What do you think when you see a white dude in an Obama shirt?

uh...democart, perhaps?

In the bay area, I've seen multiple races with the shirts, pins, bumper stickers...you name it
does it matter? it should be a good thing. if you want to see obama in office you better hope he gets that white vote. for sure.
i wonder if he knows that obama is half white, and isnt going to be the first half black president weve had ...
I'd think it totally awesome.. Now, a redneck wearing an Obama shirt at a Nascar event? That'd take balls!
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

i wonder if he knows that obama is half white, and isnt going to be the first half black president weve had ...

What does that matter?
I rode up an escalator and was behind this woman who had a pin on her purse that said "YES, I am another middle aged white woman voting for Obama"Thought it was cool and that was it
Most white dudes I see rocking Obama shirts in So Cal are young folks. I can only hope they can talk some sense to some of their parents.
@ this question... ignorance and immaturity. You must be like 15?
Race will, unfortunately, still exist quite rampantly.
This is a joke.

Be intelligent.

I love how people can never put the race card away, yet it's always the same people using it that want it put away in their favor.

On an intellectual note, may the best candidate win.

On the flip, that would be "neither".
i think OMG a democrat....no seriously that's all i think. don't too much care race isn't a factor
Its obvious your one of the fools voting (if you are even voting, I hope your like 14 to ask such a stupid question) for Obama because he is black. Youdon't think the person may like Obama's values and policies, you just look straight at race. You ask "are you cool with it" lol you have the"since he is black, he is exclusive to blacks" mind state. I truly hope your 14 years old.
OP, you do know that the guy who did the "hope" design campaign is shepherd fairey, right?...he's a "white dude."
Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

My opinion is that it is cool
and it shows unification of different races all coming out to support Obama.

I wouldn't say "cool". But good to see that whites, along with other races aside from black, are open to diversity in our nation.
Originally Posted by undefinedinc

Its obvious your one of the fools voting (if you are even voting, I hope your like 14 to ask such a stupid question) for Obama because he is black. You don't think the person may like Obama's values and policies, you just look straight at race. You ask "are you cool with it" lol you have the "since he is black, he is exclusive to blacks" mind state. I truly hope your 14 years old.

I am actually 26 and yes I will be voting for Obama based on the issues. I don't agree with everything he supports but on the major issues he offers realsolutions(war,taxes,social security,energy independence and health care).

I asked this question on NT because I know there are some more racist people on here and I wondered if I was gonna get strange responses like "he's arace trator" or " he only wears that for selfish motives". I know some people out there have the he's black so he is exclusive for blacksattitude and this was kind of gauging how many people feel that way. No offence or ignorance was meant by my post.
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

i never seen a white person in a obama shirt.

You aint never been to Cleveland!!!plus we seem to forget about Obama is mixed half white half black,and with the economy the way it is who gives a fuk aboutrace if the white guy gets elected we are all screwed for anouther 4 years!!!!!and yes im white......OBAMA 08 VOTE PEOPLE WE DO NEED CHANGE...
Originally Posted by TRUFANCE

Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

My opinion is that it is cool

You're not suppose to choose a candidate because it's cool...smh
You are taking that out of context. I am cool with white dudes wearing Obama shirts.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

i don't think anything, because race isn't the first thing that pops into my head when it comes to the election (or anything for that matter).

I think he supports Obama and that's it.
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