What Happens to Returned Nike iD'ed Sneakers?

Jun 19, 2007
I'm not sure where to put this topic. But I once returned a pair of Air Max 95's I iD'ed a while back. I didn't like the way the design cameout as I was expecting something else, so I returned them to Niketown in person and they refunded my money.

Maybe about a month later, I saw my exact same pair on Ebay. Same design, same scolor blocking, same size, etc. So I was positive it was mine. I tiredcontacting the seller to ask how he got them, but he never replied.

So my question is what happens to returned iD'ed sneakers? Does Nike throw them away, donate them, sell them to someone who wants them, give them to theiremployees..? I am curious as to how this ebay seller was able to get my sneakers.

By the way, he was asking $125 for them, while they cost $150 to make at the time. So he either got them for free or cheaper than his asking price.
I'm pretty sure wholesaler's buy them and Nike usually sends Nike ID return's to the outlet's so the seller could of copped from there.
I'm sorry, but I should also mention that the ebay seller was from New York, which is where I'm from and returned the sneakers to the Niketown in NYC.
they get sent to outlets....nike cant do anythin with an ID....... so they honor the return and send them to outlets....
^ ive copped like 5 or 6 nike ids at nike outlet and good models 2 air max 95s , air max 1 , 1 kobe(not that great of a colorway but a 1 of a kind) a pair ofnike dunks and thats all i remember there still expensive when at outlets and all these were at different stores/occasions
Yep, Nike outlets. I've also seen them at a store that's kind of like Marshall's around my way who gets in mainly past season Nikes.
yes they do go to outlets... but if you return them at a Niketown, an employee can purchase them right there from the NT. and use their discount... that mightbe why the person did not want to answer your question.
yeah the couple times i've returned id's to niketown, they put them on the shelf there and tried to sell them for full price ($150) and I assume theydid, as they disappeared quick.
Be on the look out for a pair of Nike iD Kobe IV's. Finals Game 3 edition, with "CHARLOTTE" on the collar.
Originally Posted by Genius44

yes they do go to outlets... but if you return them at a Niketown, an employee can purchase them right there from the NT. and use their discount... that might be why the person did not want to answer your question.

Ahh I see. So that does probably explain how this person got them. Thanks.
Originally Posted by air max 87

they get sent to outlets....nike cant do anythin with an ID....... so they honor the return and send them to outlets....
i seen a couple at my local clearance factory store. kobe iv's
Before they get sent anywhere, employees are given a chance to purchase these for a very discounted price. I think its 50 or 65% off. That is probably thereason why dude was selling them for 125.00. He probably dropped only $60.00 for them.
They sometimes will show up on Ebay.
Searching Ebay, today, for AM90's I came across this item http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290338957843&_trksid=p2759.l1259
I'm the original owner/designer of these shoes, 52009 is the date they were designed.
I returned them to Nike due to horrible materials and inferior quality.
Here's an original photo that I took when I got them:

Here's a photo of them on today's(8/25/09) Ebay auction;

I sent the seller the following message via Ebay:

"Dear adamjonesnike,

This is the most interesting thing I've seen on Ebay for a long time.
I'm the original owner/designer of these shoes!
I returned them because of poor materials!
This is way funny!"

I'm waiting for his reply!
Will post it if I ever get one!
Check out his other auctions, who knows you might come across something that used to be yours!
What a small world!
Originally Posted by KingJay718

Be on the look out for a pair of Nike iD Kobe IV's. Finals Game 3 edition, with "CHARLOTTE" on the collar.


PROPH on the back of my ID's
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