What has happened to black families vol 72% illegitimacy rate

Originally Posted by kilojules64

The comments made about women as a whole in threads like this make me so happy to have ended up how I did.
I don't know if it was nurture (my mom is a black woman, immigrated here from Brazil, fell in love with who she wanted to and then was strong enough to leave him when he objected to her life goals) or nature but *&^% if I'm looking for a man to "lead me due to my indecisive nature". This isn't completely relevant since she isn't/I'm not African American, though, assuming that is the context of the thread.

I don't believe that women are indecisive by nature but i do believe women want to be led. I'll have to get my thoughts together before I type out why.
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I have a question tho. Can a woman honestly raise a boy to be a man? Why/why not?
although i had 2 older brothers, and my dad was around till i was about 8...i would say yes. Its definitely not easy nor likely to occur in most boys, but yes. My Mom did it, 3 in total. I'll admit, both of my brothers F!!!d up and didnt fare out as well as i did, but that was do to our own choices and following what we know is right and wrong. But yes a woman can.
I think it's possible, but it's very difficult. I feel as if a boy needs a man, if not a dad than an uncle or cousin to look up to. Thats one problem right there, when your cousin or uncle is slanging to make ends meet you follow in their footsteps.
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

 As far as you talking to the white gentleman....He called you a joke because your answer was a joke, regardless of where he's from.. show me numbers that homosexuality a leading reason why.. Education gaps, incarceration rates.. yes I can go with those.. but homosexuality ? seriously? You're a clown.
THIS... but I'm Asian.

I have called this guy Deuce King out multiple times for making some ridiculously homophobic remarks on here, so it's not really a surprise. Homosexuality is NOT something hurting black families. You don't need to be black to know that. Being on the DL with a family is a much bigger problem and it's people like Deuce King who force people into that lifestyle.
At work, PFL. Interesting topic, but off top there are many factors that contribute to this. I think I'll have to read the article and the entire thread to give a proper response.
Excuses for black women won't change a thing.. and pointing to homosexuals as stated before as a reason black women can't find a good man is a sad excuse

I'm convinced you can't comprehend, read, and or both.  Which makes you pathetic and sad as a black man from one to another, if you even consider yourself that.  I'm not making excuses, I'm stating facts.  Also, I never stated homosexuality as a reason why a black women couldn't find a good man, I said homosexuality is one reason why black women can't find a good black man.   

As I said before the issue is one that involves us all..therefore solutions and comments should be provided from all angles
Solutions and comments is one thing, complete write-offs of one's opinion is another.  That what you and your buddy tried to do.  I'm not faulting you though, you simply don't know any better.

show me numbers that homosexuality a leading reason why..

If and when the U.S. Census Bureau does a study and provides the total number of black men that I identify themselves as gay, I will be sure to provide that information to you.  In the meantime, if you have been following this thread since I posted 3 people (who are black by the way
)  have already agreed with my point about homosexuality and the ill's of having a black man wearing a dress on television.  You can use that as a basis for now.  Now you might not agree with that or try to dismiss it yourself, because maybe your not in touch with the black community like you think you are or the way you need to be.  I'll leave you to do a little self-evaluation for yourself on that matter.  I'll just say that it's never too late to come back to where you need to be champ, we can use a good brotha like you.  You can be an asset to the cause, but first you have to realize that you need to start making changes within brotha.................if I can call you that brotha

At some point the "system" is just holding me down excuse has to be let go of... for you I see that's not going to be anytime soon..

 Please show me where I said or used the "system" as an excuse. 

THIS... but I'm Asian.

I have called this guy Deuce King out multiple times for making some ridiculously homophobic remarks on here, so it's not really a surprise. Homosexuality is NOT something hurting black families.

Bless your heart champ, you have the zeal but no knowledge.  Is there anything else you like to tell US about our community??  Your statement is laughable at best, this is no different from when white people try to tell black people what racism is and isn't.  Like I said before, we're happy to have you apart of the conversation, but if your going to partake in such a matter, at least sit back, take notes, and ask questions instead of making statements on matters you know NOTHING about.  I say you know nothing about because you have no personal stake or "skin" in the game so to speak. 

You don't need to be black to know that.
This clown continues to show his ignorance. 

Being on the DL with a family is a much bigger problem and it's people like Deuce King who force people into that lifestyle.

Dam champ, I didn't know I had that much power to make a person hide or shelter themselves from actually being true to themselves and others.  This is news to me.  Maybe with this new found power I can get these same individuals to convert back or something else along those lines.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Like I said before, we're happy to have you apart of the conversation, but if your going to partake in such a matter, at least sit back, take notes, and ask questions instead of making statements on matters you know NOTHING about.  I say you know nothing about because you have no personal stake or "skin" in the game so to speak. 

You don't need to be black to know that.
This clown continues to show his ignorance. 

Being on the DL with a family is a much bigger problem and it's people like Deuce King who force people into that lifestyle.

Dam champ, I didn't know I had that much power to make a person hide or shelter themselves from actually being true to themselves and others.  This is news to me.  Maybe with this new found power I can get these same individuals to convert back or something else along those lines.

I have no personal stake? I'm a human. I care about other humans. When I see a number like SEVENTY TWO PERCENT illegitimacy rate, I see something wrong. This translates into my community because I personally don't want to see a bunch of scumbags out on the street with no guidance like I'm seeing these days. Are YOU the 72% ? LOL at "I'm stating facts." You haven't stated one fact in this entire thread.

And I didn't say YOU have the power, I said PEOPLE LIKE YOU. Learn to read better. So tell me, what's the reason for being on the downlow? It's the devil, huh?
Orrr maybe you should accept the fact that many gay blacks would be shunned by their families and communities if they were out, which is a shame.

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Is there anything else you like to tell US about our community??  Your statement is laughable at best, this is no different from when white people try to tell black people what racism is and isn't.  Like I said before, we're happy to have you apart of the conversation, but if your going to partake in such a matter, at least sit back, take notes, and ask questions instead of making statements on matters you know NOTHING about.  I say you know nothing about because you have no personal stake or "skin" in the game so to speak. 
Fine, I can't comment because I'm Asian, so why don't you try listening to the other blacks in this thread telling you that you're a moron.
I have no personal stake? I'm a human. I care about other humans. When I see a number like SEVENTY TWO PERCENT illegitimacy rate, I see something wrong. This translates into my community because I personally don't want to see a bunch of scumbags out on the street with no guidance like I'm seeing these days. Are YOU the 72% ? LOL at "I'm stating facts." You haven't stated one fact in this entire thread.

Yeah sure you do
.  If you care so much like you say you do, try listening at first, give a suggestion, ask a question and continue from there.  Just don't dismiss the claims of those that are actually involved moreso than you are.  That's where you went wrong champ, I'm just trying to get you back on track, you can thank me later when you want to.  To answer your question, no I'm not apart of the 72%.

And I didn't say YOU have the power, I said PEOPLE LIKE YOU. Learn to read better. So tell me, what's the reason for being on the downlow? It's the devil, huh?
Orrr maybe you should accept the fact that many gay blacks would be shunned by their families and communities if they were out, which is a shame.

You said people like me FORCE people into that lifestyle did you not??  Force by definition requires power of some sort, or are you to incompetent to even understand what you are trying to convey.  Like I said earlier, if they desire to be true to themselves they wouldn't have to hide who they really are.  If they were to be shunned by their families, then of course that's a problem for a family that wants to be intact and stay together.

Fine, I can't comment

Sounds like a plan to me champ.  See how it works, you make an error, I correct you, you then admit your mistake and we continue from there.  Keep up the good work, this is what I want to see from you from this point on out. 

why don't you try listening to the other blacks in this thread telling you that you're a moron.

Who and where are these individuals at?? 
Its not one reason its a collection of everything.

-A Large percentage of black males are locked up or in and out of jail
-Have kids from 2 0r 3 baby moms
-Homosexuality as much as people don't want to admit it is an issue
-dating outside of the race
I have a few questions.

-Has feminism ruined black women's mentality?

-An extremely high percentage of women are having children without a true commitment from their partners as mentioned in the article... Why? Why would you knowingly enter into the hardest situation/lifestyle you as a woman can be in as a single mother? Let alone deal with pregnancy without the man there consistently? Do women understand the concept of marriage or is it just a status symbol to them?

-Some of todays black women seem to have unreasonably high standards and expectations. Will they ever realize that they won't get what they want? Will they ever realize that they will most likely end up with whatever the guy that they settle for chooses to give them? I mean think about it. The reason why they're always complaining is because no one will ever give them what they want. And who would want to? They're extremely outnumbered by women who are better suited for companionship. And in a world where we're asked to initiate every step, ask for a number, a date, a kiss, sex, eventually her hand in marriage why on earth would an overbearing, demanding and annoying woman be our choice for such a commitment?

-Knowing all the ailments and deplorable attitudes that hurt black women's standing with men why is a black man who dates a white woman branded as a self hating person? A black man who's got his stuff together can't make the decision to date who he wants to date? So because this dude who's most likely successful is fed up with dealing with a certain type of woman and chooses the next, he hates himself? Does he truly hate himself or do people hate the fact that he'll do whatever he wants to do to find happiness?
Originally Posted by Slicknick951

Its not one reason its a collection of everything.

-A Large percentage of black males are locked up or in and out of jail
-Have kids from 2 0r 3 baby moms
-Homosexuality as much as people don't want to admit it is an issue
-dating outside of the race

You see that an dee 51o, someone else that agrees with me.  See what happens when you just sit back and observe, versus sticking your foot in your mouth like you did earlier.  There's nothing wrong with continuing to learn champ.  You still can thank me later


Maybe im missing something, but how is homosexuality a problem to the ilegitimacy rate among black families?
We're already talking about women (and men) who have made a choice to sleep together, but not properly raise their kids.
Where do gays fit into this picture?

We need to stop searching for scapegoats and start looking for solutions.

Also feminism does not equate having overly high expectations.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Maybe im missing something, but how is homosexuality a problem to the ilegitimacy rate among black families?
We're already talking about women (and men) who have made a choice to sleep together, but not properly raise their kids.
Where do gays fit into this picture?

We need to stop searching for scapegoats and start looking for solutions.

Also feminism does not equate having overly high expectations.

Slicknick951 wrote:
Its not one reason its a collection of everything.

-A Large percentage of black males are locked up or in and out of jail
-Have kids from 2 0r 3 baby moms
-Homosexuality as much as people don't want to admit it is an issue
-dating outside of the race

First statement is false. Its been documented and proven that the actual rates/percentages when it comes to blacks and the prison system is miscued. When they tally the rates of blacks they include ppl who are not only serving time but any and all blacks who have ever served time or been in the system.

Also the so called illegitimacy rates are off as well. A good % of this doesnt account for ppl who are couple co parent etc... co-habitate w/o being married. But in the eyes of the majorities in america if you dont have papers and a ring then it isnt considered a real family etc... Also when they do these studies they dont include families that are divorced. and no longer are in the same home. So that alone sway the legitimacy of these studies/stats/facts.

As far as comments ppl said, for the most part they are all apart of the problems facing blacks today. From the system, hidden racism, racial inequalities, institutionalized racism, negative images and portrayals in media/music. Archaic views and depictions of blacks, lack of resources, lack of knowledge from a education and historic aspect, outside influences from other races. Homosexuality, misogynistic attitudes, women trying to be men, and men out being women. Its a collection of all these issues and more.
at so many black males going in on black women and trying to blame the plight of black America on them. We don;'t even graduate high school at 50 percent rate, not to mention an inability to avoid incarceration. If you think black women are looking to be lead, maybe we should step up to the plate more and be that example and lead us somewhere, other than to continue to be the bane of American society. This so called "system," apparently it's gender specific because black women aren't having nearly the same troubles with academia, the law, or even corporate America.
And brothas don't mess with Tyler Perry because his stuff is geared towards women, and they find that offensive, same with Steve Harvey. Don't believe that "he's embarrassing us, he's being a stereotype," garbage otherwise dudes wouldn't Stan rappers, comedians, and overall culture that is nothing but the promotion of negative stereotypes and ideals, most of which are anti conducive to any type of real world success.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Excuses for black women won't change a thing.. and pointing to homosexuals as stated before as a reason black women can't find a good man is a sad excuse

I'm convinced you can't comprehend, read, and or both.  Which makes you pathetic and sad as a black man from one to another, if you even consider yourself that.  I'm not making excuses, I'm stating facts.  Also, I never stated homosexuality as a reason why a black women couldn't find a good man, I said homosexuality is one reason why black women can't find a good black man.   
WHERE?Show me the fact about homosexuals
As I said before the issue is one that involves us all..therefore solutions and comments should be provided from all angles
Solutions and comments is one thing, complete write-offs of one's opinion is another.  That what you and your buddy tried to do.  I'm not faulting you though, you simply don't know any better.
No solutions and Comments to idiotic posts like yours are completely appropriate.. you sir a bad example of a problem solver and a good representation of what's wrong with the black community..It's easy to write people off who consistently drop deuces on their own folks..
show me numbers that homosexuality a leading reason why..

If and when the U.S. Census Bureau does a study and provides the total number of black men that I identify themselves as gay, I will be sure to provide that information to you.  In the meantime, if you have been following this thread since I posted 3 people (who are black by the way
)  have already agreed with my point about homosexuality and the ill's of having a black man wearing a dress on television.  You can use that as a basis for now.  Now you might not agree with that or try to dismiss it yourself, because maybe your not in touch with the black community like you think you are or the way you need to be.  I'll leave you to do a little self-evaluation for yourself on that matter.  I'll just say that it's never too late to come back to where you need to be champ, we can use a good brotha like you.  You can be an asset to the cause, but first you have to realize that you need to start making changes within brotha.................if I can call you that brotha
Great cop out.. I love people like you.. who think that since 2 of my "brothas" on niketalk agree with me I must be right and now i feel good.. Hope you slept well knowing you got that support.. As far as you judging how in touch with my blackness I am you're resorting right back to where I had to scold you like the child you were 4 pages ago.. Telling people how black they are or are not and who's opinion matters is part of the problem..but since MLK made you the judge of who's black enough.. When can I come back to the hood? lol thanks for providing support to my argument homay

At some point the "system" is just holding me down excuse has to be let go of... for you I see that's not going to be anytime soon..

 Please show me where I said or used the "system" as an excuse. 
So you've never talked about how the system holds black folks back, and how black women can't find a lover because they're not afforded that choice by society?  Stop providing excuses for the women in your life chief..I can be the daddy you never had if you need it.. It's cool though one day you'll have the chance to break the trend.. Just promise me you won't be a part of this horrible trend in the future.. being loyal to the race and fight the power..
THIS... but I'm Asian.

I have called this guy Deuce King out multiple times for making some ridiculously homophobic remarks on here, so it's not really a surprise. Homosexuality is NOT something hurting black families.

Bless your heart champ, you have the zeal but no knowledge.  Is there anything else you like to tell US about our community??  Your statement is laughable at best, this is no different from when white people try to tell black people what racism is and isn't.  Like I said before, we're happy to have you apart of the conversation, but if your going to partake in such a matter, at least sit back, take notes, and ask questions instead of making statements on matters you know NOTHING about.  I say you know nothing about because you have no personal stake or "skin" in the game so to speak. 

You don't need to be black to know that.
This clown continues to show his ignorance. 

Being on the DL with a family is a much bigger problem and it's people like Deuce King who force people into that lifestyle.

Dam champ, I didn't know I had that much power to make a person hide or shelter themselves from actually being true to themselves and others.  This is news to me.  Maybe with this new found power I can get these same individuals to convert back or something else along those lines.

In the end I'm convinced you're a pretty naive dude.. Who has a lot of hate toward homosexuals built up..It's been documented and I'm not the only one who has shed light about you past posts... Like I mentioned in an earlier post you're statements are certainly not the consensus here as you clearly haven't read the amount of responses that are similar to mine which outnumber those who agree with you.. I pity folks like you who don't have perspective and lack a drive to find solutions for real life problems.. along with the one's you create in the your mind..  Personally I think it's hilarious that people like you still exist on that side of the isle.. You're the same dude that said discrimination vs gays is not comparable to that vs blacks.. Which I still find hilarious.. this is why the change Obama promised will never come.. you've been lied to hunnie

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by youngdoc

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Homosexuality at #2

I'm not black, so I can't comment much on this thread, but I just wanted to say that you're a joke.
Idk about that. Homosexuality is pretty rampant out here in the A. Straight females heavily outweigh straight males and it's one of the reasons many dudes out here are more likely to get it in than settle down. Theoretically there will always be a woman there when the dude is ready to settle down because the numbers are such in our favor. But I've only lived here for 3+ years so I may be mistaken.
You know you live in the gay black capitol of the country, right? And I HIGHLY doubt straight black females heavily outweigh straight black males. I live in San Francisco, and even with one of the largest homosexual communities in the U.S., there are far more heterosexual males than homosexuals.
They easily do. Combine the higher number of black females in college with the much higher number of black males incarcerated with the large homosexual male population and you get the scenario. Everybody I know that lives out here or has spent significant time out here mentions it.
Originally Posted by freelythinkingmind

def dont have time to read this. why no cliffs?

You want some cliffs? Here: there are problems in our community, but instead of fixing them we argue amongst ourselves about things that really don't matter. Instead if working together we just fight each other until frustration sets in. Welcome to our community.
I can't believe homosexuals are being blamed for the low quality of relationships/family structure of ANY race....you guys are reaching.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by freelythinkingmind

def dont have time to read this. why no cliffs?

You want some cliffs? Here: there are problems in our community, but instead of fixing them we argue amongst ourselves about things that really don't matter. Instead if working together we just fight each other until frustration sets in. Welcome to our community.

I am not bashing or attacking homosexuality. Im just simply stating that it, just like other factors (ie: men in jail or dead before 25, not graduating highschool/college) helps to disproportion the numbers of quality black educated hetero men for black women. Obviously, homosexuality HAS to factor in. Because if they are homosexual, then they CANNOT be a viable options for the black women, eliminating them from the dating pool, however big or small the percentage. Thats all I am trying to say. Not disrespecting homosexuality nor am I blaming it. Just saying that its one of many reasons as to why its hard for black women to find black men. Its truly a numbers game people.
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